Book | A French Family in the Ottoman Empire: Life and Peregrinations...
FNAC Description from the back coverAlbert Chartier's memorial recounts the Chartier family's wanderings in the Ottoman Empire from 1858 to 1921. His father, Charles Chartier, a civil engineer, built...
View ArticleShawkat Mystery | Seif Eddine Shawkat [Seyfettin Șevket] (1913-1967)
Mavi Boncuk |SHAWKAT MISTERYÁgnes Maksay[1] • Romania • 2021 • 62 minOriginal Title:A SEFKET REJTÉLYEnglish Title:SHAWKAT MISTERYRomanian Title:UN PERSONAJ MISTERIOSProducer: Ágnes...
View ArticleBoğaziçi ve Saltanat Kayıkları (Turkish Posting)
Mavi Boncuk|18. yüzyılın ortalarında kayık ve kayıkçı sayısında büyük bir artış görülür. Bu da şehrin nüfusunun arttığını gösterir. Boğaziçinde bağ ve bahçeler yok edilerek açılan yerlere birçok inşaat...
View ArticleFetva Yokuşu. No:26, 34134 Fatih | Another Silhouette Fakery
Mavi Boncuk | Fetva Yokuşu. No:26, 34134 Fatih | Another Silhouette FakeryThe building, which was built for the "İlim Yayma Vakfı | Spreading Science Foundation" in the Demirtaş neighborhood of the...
View ArticleBook | Ottoman Odyssey
Mavi Boncuk |Ottoman Odyssey: Travels through a Lost Empire Kitap ISBN:9781784293710Alev Scott's odyssey began when she looked beyond Turkey's borders for contemporary traces of the Ottoman Empire....
View ArticleWord Origin | Serseri Mayın
President of the Presidency of Defense Industries, İsmail Demir, stated that the detection of drifting stray mines at sea was carried out successfully with the SAR-Synthetic Aperture Radars integrated...
View ArticleArticle | The Polish Nobility's Attitude to Turkey in the 17th and 18th...
Mavi Boncuk |The Polish Nobility's Attitude to Turkey in the 17th and 18th centuriesPiotr Kroll [1]source Map of the Ottoman Empire, lithograph by J. Koppmayer, from J.C. Wagner: Delineatio...
View ArticleArticle | A Turkish Horse, a Masurian Peasant
In Polish military history there were cavalrymen called 'elear'/elier/eliar [Polish, singular] and a dictionary of Polish Language (1807 edition) by Samuel Linde, in volume I on page 617, there is the...
View ArticleIn Memoriam | Balkan Naci İslimyeli ( 1947 - 2022)
The artist, who has directed more than 20 master's and doctoral theses, died on Thursday, April 14, leaving hundreds of works behind, as a result of the cancer treatment he was diagnosed with, while...
View ArticleAbraham-Isaac and-Jacob | Kaldırık otu
Mavi Boncuk | Hodangiller (Boraginaceae). Boraginaceae, the borage or forget-me-not family, includes about 2,000 species of shrubs, trees and herbs in 146 genera with a worldwide...
View ArticleWord Origins | Fıstık, Leblebi, Fındık
Mavi Boncuk |FISTIK: peanut, pistachio [1] yer fistigi, antep fistigi TR (ﻓﺴﺘﻖ) i. (fromAR fustuḳ fromPE pistek)1. Çamgillerden, çam fıstığı, Antep fıstığı ve yer fıstığı yemişlerini veren ağaçların...
View ArticleBook | Yenikapı 12. An Early Medieval Merchantman by Işıl Özsait-Kocabaş
Mavi Boncuk | "Özsait-Kocabaş, Işıl - Yenikapı 12. An Early Medieval Merchantman"Işıl Özsait-Kocabaş,Yenikapı 12.An Early Medieval Merchantman / Erken Ortaçağ Ticaret TeknesiExcavation, Documentation,...
View ArticleIn Memoriam | Agah Özgüç (1932-2022)
IN HIS OWN WORDS"In those years, I was excluded from the press, but then the importance of my work was understood. Giovanni and Nijat Özon supported me a lot... They call me too, but if you ask me,...
View ArticleWord Origins | Kut
“Türk Tanrısı, Türk milletinin adı sanı yok olmasın diye babam kağan ile anamı tahta oturttu. Ben de Tanrı irade ettiği için, Kut’um olduğu için kağan oldum. Öte yandaki milletleri nizama soktuk. Tanrı...
View ArticleWord Origins | Peynir
Mavi Boncuk | Peynir: i. (fromPE penіr’den) Sütün, bu işe mahsus bir maya ile mayalanıp katılaştırılması sûretiyle elde edilen ve birçok çeşidi bulunan meşhur yiyecek: “Beyaz peynir.” “Kaşar peyniri.”...
View ArticleWord Origins | Société Ottomane des Allumettes and Kibrit
Mavi Boncuk | Kibrit: (ﻛﺒﺮﻳﺖ) i. (fromAR kibrіt “kükürt”)Arapça kbrt kökünden gelen kibrīt كِبْرِيت “kükürt” sözcüğünden alıntıdır. Bu sözcük Aramice/Süryanice aynı anlama gelen kebrītā veya kubritā...
View ArticleWord Origins | Kraliçe, Kral, Reji, Racon
Mavi Boncuk |Kraliçe: queen EN[1]from Serbian králitsa “kral eşi veya kadın hükümdar” sözcüğünden alıntıdır. [Selanikli Mustafa Ef., Tarih-i Selanikî, 1600]Erdel kralı Yanoş oğlı ve kraliça oğlı, ki...
View ArticleMothers' Day for Ottoman Sultans
The word valide (والده) literally means 'mother' in Ottoman Turkish, from Arabic wālida. Map showing the ethnic origins of the mothers of the Ottoman sultans. The ethnic origins of most of them are...
View ArticleWord Origins | Sallapati, Laga luga, Asparagas
Mavi Boncuk |Sallapati: sıf. (salla-mak’tan; nasıl türetildiği belli değildir)1. Düşünmeden, aklına geldiği gibi hareket eden: Hâsılı oyun bozan, bir öyle sallapati sersemce deli (Ahmed Vefik Paşa)....
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