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Shawkat Mystery | Seif Eddine Shawkat [Seyfettin Șevket] (1913-1967)

Mavi Boncuk |

Ágnes Maksay[1] • Romania • 2021 • 62 min

ProducerÁgnes Maksay
CinematographerFilep Farkas - director of photography László Loránd - second unit camera
EditorFilep Farkas
MusicGherasim Emil
Production CompanySC VIDEO PONTES SRL
SoundWahl Frigyes
DirectorÁgnes Maksay

The incredible destiny of Turkish Hungarian Seif Eddine Shawkat born in Cluj, Transylvania, in the early 20th century, who directed films, wrote books and was a citizen of the world
Seif Eddine Shawkat was born in Cluj-Napoca in 1913 as the first born son of Ahmed D. Dzselaleddin, the Secretary of the Turkish Senate, and Hungarian actress Incze Gabriella. Shawkat directed more than 40 films in Romania, Egypt, Turkey, Lebanon, and Syria. Before 1945, Sefket`s name became known because of his novel, „Madonna from Kalotaszeg”, from which a successful Hungarian film was soon directed by Rodriguez Endre. We follow Shawkat's life in Budapest, Egypt and Lebanon.

[1] Ágnes Maksay is a documentary filmmaker and TV journalist born in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, in 1965. She graduated from the Babeş-Bolyai University with a degree in Philosophy, History and Psychology. In 1990 she became the Transylvanian correspondent for the Danube Television in Budapest. In 1994 she co-founded Video Pontes, a production company specialized in documentary and TV production. Since then she has directed nearly 50 films, most of them historical documentaries that deal with Transylvanian topics.

Seif Eddine Shawkat  [Seyfettin Șevket](born June 6, 1913 in Kolozsvár, Transylvania, Austria-Hungary – died November 22, 1967 in Beirut) was a Hungarian and Turkish writer, screenwriter, director and director.

Son of the

Turkish Consul of (Cluj) [*]Kolozsvár, Ahmed D. Celaleddin, young Széfeddin Tibor Sefket spent his teenage years in his hometown. Following his paternal line, he was the descendant of Pasha Fazıl Mustafa Köprülü (1637 – 1691), Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire and Grand Vizier Hassan Tiryaki, the Pasha of Buda (? – died November 27, 1610 in Buda). 

[*] Now there is a Turkish Honorary Consulate in Cluj, Romania

His mother, Gabriella Incze, was a Hungarian actress from Kolozsvár. His brother, Muzzafer József Șefket, was one of the top sports car drivers in Romania. Considered a miracle child, he published his first poetry at the age of five, in 1919. Through his family descent, he was sultanable by right and more. While becoming from the second half of the 1930s one of the best known Transylvanian writers of the Hungarian language in Hungary and in Transylvania, the latter having become an integral part of Romania since 1920, Seif Eddine Shawkat continued his university studies in Gödöllő and in Budapest at the Faculty of Law. Between the two wars, he was part of the editorial staff of the Hungarian-language newspaper Ellenzék in Cluj and he was one of the closest collaborators of the Hungarian Theater in Cluj. 

In 1945 he was the secretary of the Turkish Embassy in Budapest. In 1947, he settled in Egypt where he became a renowned director and director. In his films debuted Omar Shariff and Dalida. The most famous Egyptian actresses and actors of the time (Mariam Fakhr Eddine, Sanaa Gamil, Samia Gamal, Hoda Soltane, Magda al-Sabahi, Souad Hosni, Leila Mourad, Mona Zaki, Farid Shawki) played leading roles in his cinematographic works. 

He was one of the closest collaborators and friends of Naguib Mahfouz, Salah Abou Seif and Youssef Chahine.

Since his youth, Tibor Sefket (Shawkat) Széffedin beï (bey) used various pseudonyms in his literary publications in the Hungarian language in the literary journals of Kolozsvár, Romania. He kept this habit throughout his artistic activity. Consequently, it is not excluded that he is, under various pseudonyms, one of the most prolific directors of cinema in the Arab world.

(In Hungarian Széfeddin Sefket bej, Széfeddin Seffket, Széfeddin Sefket bey, Szeffedin Sefket bey, Szefy Sefket bey, Séfeddin Sevket Tibor, Seffedin Sevket, Sefket Széfi, Sefket Széfy, Sefket Széyfeddik ;

Turkish Seyfettin Șevket ;

Arabic سيفالدينشوكت, Seif el Din Khaw khat, Seif el Dine Shawkat, Eddine Shawkat Seif, Eddine Chawkat Seif, Seif-Eddine Shawkat, Seif-Ed-Din Shawkat, Seif Abdel-Rahmane, Seif Eddina, Seif El Din, Seif Abdel Rahman, Seif el Din, Seif Eddine Chawkat, Sayf ad-Din Shawqat, Saifeddine Shawkat)

Mahmud Celaleddin Pasha (1839 - 1899), Turkish statesman and composer, one of the ancestors of Seif Eddine Shawkat


in Hungarian

 Félholdtól a kopjafákig (Du croissant jusqu'aux kopjafas). (Poésies) Vasárnap kiadás, Arad, 1934. (hu)

•  A hét vár országa (Le pays des sept citadelles). Reportages, récits, articles. Stádium sajtóvállalat R.T. Préface de József Nyirő (en). Budapest, 236 p., 1941. (hu)

•  Kalotaszegi Madonna (Madone de Kalotaszeg). Roman. Griff Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1944. (hu)

Ses publications dans la presse littéraire de langue hongroise[modifier | modifier le code]

•  Széfeddin Sefket bey, Török ifjú magyar versei. (poésie) In : Ellenzék, le 24/ 12/ 1919, p. 6.

• Széfeddin Sefket bey, Láz vers; Ihlet: bálványosi Satzger Pálné úrnőnek. (poésie) In : Ifjú Erdély, 1931.

• Széfeddin Sefket bey, Keleti mozaik (poésie). In : Ellenzék,le 25/ 12/ 1931, p. 8.

• Szeffedin Sefket bey, Séta a behavazott határban. (poésie) In : Ifjú Erdély, 1931.

• Szeffedin Sefket bey, Őszi elégia. (poésie) In : Ifjú Erdély, 1931.

• Szeffedin Sefket bey, Finálé; Esti - vallomás. (poésie) In : Ifjú Erdély, 1932.

•  Széfeddin Sefket bey, Pál fordulás. Keleti enteriőr (poésie). In : Ellenzék, le 24 / 06/ 1932, p. 8.

• Széfeddin Sefket bey, Jajkiáltás a Metropolisból (poésie). In : Ellenzék, le 18 / 09/ 1932, p. 6.

• Széfeddin Sefket bey, Pontusi levél (poésie). In : Ellenzék, le 25 /12/ 1932.

• Széfeddin Sefket bey, Versek, (poésie) In : Ellenzék, le 28 /05/ 1933.

• Szeffedin Sefket bey, Májusi dal; Anyám. (poésie) In : Ifjú Erdély, 1931.

• Szefy Sefket bey, Prológus. (poésie) In : Ifjú Erdély, 1930.

• Szefy Sefket bey, Öreg-malom; Erdélyi fenyők. (poésie) In : Ifjú Erdély, 1930.

• Széfeddin Sefket Bey, Elrezdülő kép. (poésie) In  : Hitel. Félhavi szemle, 1935.

• Széfi Sefket, Karácsony ének. (poésie) In : Jóbarát, 1930/ 1931,

• Széyfeddik Sefket, Maturánsok. Téli puszták vándora. (poésie) In : Jóbarát, 1930/ 1931, 1 - 10, p. 117 (Vers)

• Széfy Sefket, Minálunk ilyen a tavasz. (poésie) In : Jóbarát, 1930/ 1931,

• Széfy Sefket, Tavasz szimfónia zsong az erdőn. (poésie) In : Jóbarát, 1930/ 1931

• Széfeddin Sefket bey, Tisztelegtem Adynál. (poésie) In : Ellenzék. 1934. márc. 6. p. 5.

•  Széfeddin Sefket bey, Komáromi János. (poésie) In : Ellenzék. 16 / 12 / 1934., p. 6.

• Egressy Levente, Pusztuló árpádkori műemlékek a Székelyföldön. In : Székelység, septembre 1938.

• Széfeddin Sefket bey, Emberi apróságok Reményik Sándor portréjához. In : Új Magyarság, numéro 245.


Széfeddin Sefket bey, A két irodalmi díjjal koszorúzott Gulyás Pálnál, Debrecen „Hádesében“. In : Új Magyarság, 6 / 02 / 1944.

In Hungarian Anthologies

• Sas Péter, Kőrössi P. József, Mesélő képeslapok. Erdélyi városok. Noran könyvkiadó, 339 pages, Budapest, 2005.

Librettos in Hungarian

•  Kolozsvári dáridó. Livret d'opérette, Szeged, 1941. (hu)

• Beleznai boszorkány. Livret d'opérette, 1944. (hu)

• Dolhai Attila, Rózsalevél. Texte de Széfeddin Sefket Bey. Musique de Buday Dénes.

• Ehrlinger József, Mámorunk csak illat. Angol vals. Texte de Széfeddin Sefket Bey. Musique de :--. Kolozsvár-Cluj. 1937. Minerva R.-T. 2 lev. 35 cm.



•  Kalotaszegi Madonna, 1943. Directed by : Endre Rodriguez. Written by Gábor Orsy, Sefket Szeffedin

In the mountains of Kalotaszegi, a young and talented artist lives in seclusion ... that is, until he meets the love of his life, who inspires his painting, which results in the young artist being discovered and his mentor securing a scholarship for him to study in Rome.  Nevertheless, he's ready to give all that up for his love until a misunderstanding has him missing an important meeting with the girl and him leaving for Italy.  Upon returning to Hungary draped in glory and fame, he discovers that the girl he loved more than anything in life is going to be marrying his mentor.  His most impressive work, however, the "Kalotaszegi Madonna", will have a tremendous effect on the lives of all involved.

• Egyiptomi történet, 1963. Directed by : Seif Eddine Shawkat.

Two little boys, Juhasz Laci and Jozsi, leave home to move the world slowly. They get into an educational institution from which they get used to it. However, instead of the Hungarian sea urchin, an oceanjarora is transported from camels, which unloads them in Egypt.

• Nasseh, El, 1949. Directed by : Seif Eddine Shawkat.

• Felfel, 1950. Directed by : Seif Eddine Shawkat.

• Ibn el halal, 1951. Directed by : Seif Eddine Shawkat.

• Shamshum wa Liblib, 1952. Directed by : Seif Eddine Shawkat.

Two men compete to marry a beautiful girl.

 Hayat... al hub, Al, 1954. Directed by : Seif Eddine Shawkat.

• Amani el omer, 1955. Directed by : Seif Eddine Shawkat.

• Assafir el janna, 1956. Directed by :Seif Eddine Shawkat.

• Ismail Yassine fi janainit al haiwanat, 1957. Metteur en scène : Seif Eddine Shawkat.

•  Hub el samet, El, 1959. Directed by : Seif Eddine Shawkat.

• Hub fi hub, 1960. Directed by :Seif Eddine Shawkat.

• Emraa wa shaitan, 1961. Directed by : Seif Eddine Shawkat.

•  Morahekan, El, 1964. Directed by : Seif Eddine Shawkat.

• Maqlab min al-Mexique, Directed by : Seif Eddine Shawkat. 1972.

• Millionnairah al-Nachchalah, 1978. Directed by : Seif Eddine Shawkat.


• Hasna al badia, 1964. Directed by : Seif Eddine Shawkat.

• Itab, 1966. Directed by : Seif Eddine Shawkat.

Film Turkish/Lebanese

•  Habis Ruhlar, 1968. Directed by : Seif Eddine Shawkat.

Özcan Tekgül, Ehab Nafee', Ali Sen, Sami Hazinses, Toron Karacaoglu, Ergun Köknar       

A hustler hanging around in a luxury hotel steals a bag full of stolen jewelery from a gang, he leave the city but the gang are after him, on the road he finds a small motel where he hides the bag and work for the old guy who own the hotel and sleeps with his young wife, she tries to convince him to get rid of the old man but he falls in love with the old man's young and innocent daughter. Includes one of the hottest sexy belly dancing scenes in the history of the movies!

Film Turkish

•  Karaoglan - Samara seyhin kizi. Directed by : Seif Eddine Shawkat. Scénario : Suat Yalaz, 1969.

Kuzey Vargin , Samira Tewfik , Altan Günbay , Aynur Akarsu , Mehmet Ali Akpinar , Hasan Ceylan , Nagwa Fouad , Imad Hamdi

The feature film adapted for the big screen of the comic book adventure of Suat Yalaz's Asian Tiger KARAOĞLAN, "SHEYHİN KIZI SAMARA". Although actor Kuzey Vargın is in the role of Karaoğlan, this Arabic version of the film does not use KEBİR, which is Karaoğlan's familiar name from his books published in France and Arab countries, especially Algeria. Instead, the name KARİM KHAN (KERİM KAAN) was preferred. The subtitles of the movie are also in English. Unfortunately, the Turkish version of this movie has lost movie status. It should not be forgotten that some of the films that we thought were lost were not actually lost, and that the copies they had could not be reached, or it was very difficult to reach them, due to the different names given to those films in other countries.

Films Syrian

• Aamaliyyat al-saaa al-sadisa, 1971. Directed by : Seif Eddine Shawkat.

•  Zikra laylat hob, 1973. Directed by : Seif Eddine Shawkat.

• Hasna' wa arbaa uyoon, 1975. Directed by : Seif Eddine Shawkat.

• Muhimma rasmiyya, 1975. Directed by :Seif Eddine Shawkat.

• Al-qadimoon min al-bihar, 1977. Directed by : Seif Eddine Shawkat.

Films Syrian/Lebanese

• Gharam fi Stambul, 1967. Directed by : Seif Eddine Shawkat.

Films Indian

• Rajul bala kalb, 1960. Directed by : Seif Eddine Shawkat.

Films/ Others in Arabic

•  Khatioun, Al, 1975. Directed by : Seif Eddine Shawkat.

زوجة لخمسة رجال Zawga Le Khamssat Regal 1970 / L'épouse de cinq hommes. Directed by : Shawkat Eddine Seif.

A female psychopath becomes known as the run-away bride as she marries five different men, only to leave them before they sleep together. Will they ever know what her secret is?

•  تمثيل Silent Love. Directed by : Shawkat Eddine Seif. 1958.


• Fagr Yom gedid, 1964. Directed by :Youssef Chahine. Avec : Youssef Chahine, Sanaa Gamil et Seif Eddine Shawkat. 1964.

• Ikhtiyar, al. Directed by :Youssef Chahine. Scénario de Naguib Mahfouz. Avec : Ezzat El Alaili, Seif El Dine et Seif Eddine Shawkat. 1970.

Mysterious murder occurs in Cairo, the body was founded two months later. In the Pocket a picture of the victim "Mahmoud". The victim is a twin brother to the Highly famous writer "Sayed" whom he didn't get along with. The Police investigations came to the fact that twins are alive. Then whom body was that?. That's the Question of the revealing story to answer.

• Al Nass Wal Nil. Russian film Film Directed by : Youssef Chahine. Avec : Vladimir Ivasov, Imad Hamdi, Szalah Zulfikár, Igor Vladimirov, Seif-Eddine Shawkat, Juri Kamerni. 1964, 1968, 1972. 


• Wa kan el hob, 1974. Directed by : Helmy Rafla. Scénario : Ali El Zorkani, Faisal Nada et Seif Eddine Shawkat.

•  Rajulan Wa Mra'a , 1978.

• Khatioun, Al , 1975.

•  Muhimma rasmiyya , 1975.


• Magyar irodalmi lexikon, III., Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1965, p. 51. (hu)

• Sbârcea, George, Szép város Kolozsvár... Les Editions Kriterion, Bucarest, 1980, pp. 91-97. (hu)

• Georges Sadoul, The Cinema in the Arab Countries, Unesco, Paris, 1966. (en)

• Ella Schochat, Egypt : Cinema and Revolution. In : Critical Arts, vol. 2, numéro 4 [1] [archive]. (en)




IV. Nemzetközi Vámbéry Konferencia

T. Nyiri Mária

Seyfettin Sevket (Cluj-Napoca / Cluj 1913 - Egypt in the 1970s)


In February 1995, I met the famous Turkish cultural historian Metin And among friends Tombak ' with the owner of the art magazine, Atilla Eksinozluqil and Sadika Dikna Erden Hanim.

Atilla Bey visited Budapest in the summer of 1994 and at an antique shop in Buda saw and bought the Madonna of Kalotaszeg movie poster, according to the poster, the screenwriter was Seyfeddin Sevket. When we met, immediately he showed me and asked who this Turkish gentleman was ... I didn't know or even heard about it. The movie was made when I was born, but I gave my word, that if I go home, I'll look into the thing, and if in the summer, next time I come to istanbul to research by then I can tell him who the Turkish-Hungarian was writer who interested Atilla Bey ...

But I couldn't tell who it was either Seyfeddin Sevket bey, because in the Hungarian literary lexicon only the following can be read: ,, Séfeddin Sevket Tibor bey (Cluj-Napoca, 1913 -) writer, journalist.

He attended school in Gödöllő and then graduated in Budapest. Cluj-Napoca but was deported from Transylvania for his newspaper articles. Levente Egressy and Baróthy worked for the New Hungarians Under the pseudonym Gábor. Name before the war in Kalotaszegi Madonna romantic film made it known. 1947- he left Hungary in first it is United States of America States then He settled in Egypt. In Cairo soon extremely popular screenwriter, He became a director now called Seif el Din Chaw Khat. He participated Egyptian history Egyptian-Hungarian film production shooting as co-director.


Félholdtól a kopjafáig (versek, Arad, 1934.)

Héttorony országa (útirajz, Budapest, 1941.)

Kolozsvári dáridó (operettlibrettó, Szeged, 1941.)

Kalotaszegi madonna (film, 1943.)

Kalotaszegi Madonna (regény, 1943.)

Beleznai boszorkány (operettlibrettó, 1944.)

From the Crescent to the Head Tree (poems, Arad, 1934)

Country of the Seven Towers (roadmap, Budapest, 1941)

Darius of Cluj-Napoca (operetta libretto, Szeged, 1941)

The Madonna of Kalotaszeg (film, 1943)

Madonna of Kalotaszeg (novel, 1943)

Witch of Belezna (operetta libretto, 1944)

" I didn't know Seyfeddin for more than that From Sevket, since he left Hungary. I inquired In the town of Gödöllő [*]from old artists, but he does not know no one anymore, they don't remember it.

Remseyek, one of the great artists of the Hungarian Art Nouveau family, does not remember that he had ever worked there. The according to data of the lexicon he studied there, I thought it is still art today center in Gödöllő left some traces. But not. But the song of the movie Madonna of Kalotaszeg, "Rose leaf, the wind catches me, maybe I'll never see you ..." the paint and the beautiful voice of János Sárdy will be almost everything will be on the radio’s wish shows this week.

[*] Gödöllő - Hungarian Art Nouveau - Jenő Remsey Between 1904 and 1920, the Gödöllő artists' colony was the Art Nouveau in Hungary Center for Industrial and Fine Arts (26 km from Budapest). His field of activity included traditional fine arts leather and textile articles, glass and mosaic windows, design and construction of furniture, furniture, complete interiors, as well as making book illustrations. The artists' colony Jenő Remsey was a significant member. For the work of the artists' colony the ethical and aesthetic ideals formulated by Tolstoy are also great effect I were. The main sources of the visual world used by the Gödöllő artists' colony Hungarian folk art preserving medieval traditions and folk life, as well as Hungarian national mythology and folk tales, they were folk ballads.

Then, from April to July 1999, I worked as a scholarship holder In Cluj-Napoca, researching the Turkish memories of the city already I asked young poets and writers from Cluj-Napoca: do they still know about Seyfeddin Sevket? They knew, but still that! The intellectual eighties spent time with him benefit his young years. Who so, who so, but in the memory of all of them there is still a well-remembered youth in Cluj-Napoca two sons of Sevket, the poet Seyfeddin Sevket and the sportsman Muzaffer Sevket.

" Heaven and earth are the two boys. Their mother, Incze Gabriella, az according to old men Cluj-Napoca she was the most beautiful woman attractive actress when took Ahmed Celaleddin bey, Consul General of Turkey in Cluj - Napoca. Marriage is not was happy history has torn apart the family. The fall of Ottoman the empire after Ahmed Celaleddin bey lost hisd job it was no longer necessary to serve the as well fallen Austro-Hungarian since it was annexed to the Kingdom of Romania, established on the ruins of a monarchy Cluj-Napoca.

Ahmet bey with a Hungarian prisoner in Siberia, Together with Valentiny Antal from making Turkish slippers he started life again. Mr Valentiny was later from Cluj he became director of the university’s central library. But how what happened to the former consul general in Cluj-Napoca, no one can tell. Mr Valentiny learned Turkish in from Turkish prisoners, and there he learned the ins and outs of making slippers, there he acquired the knowledge necessary for his later subsistence. Returning to Cluj-Napoca, the two Turks found each other "workshop was opened, the change of empire had to make a living from something even after, and their work paid off. The beautiful Turkish slippers from Szamos have become popular in the coastal city, its makers also prospered. Mrs. Gabriella however, she died at a very young age: at Christmas, she burned inexorably in the fire caused by the spark that bounced off the Christmas tree. And her two his remained as orphans. Their father took care of them as he could.

Muzaffer Sevket became an admirable bastard, an elite athlete, he loved scandals he caused, so he was a scandal hero. In his death I also apologize to him but in every grammar school in Cluj-Napoca failed[**]. He didn't know Allah either to graduate, though only now with the permission of the Minister. Even then of four subjects failed. But for him it is one it didn't bother me at all, by bike raced through the historic city historic main square with bell instead of tapping a metal spoon alarmed peaceful passers-by.

[**] Yearbook of the Reformed College of Cluj-Napoca 1942/1943 According to page 59, Muzaffer Sefket Bey József 1921. was born on June 16 in Istanbul, Turkey, his religion Roman Catholic, native Hungarian, father Ahmed D. bey Jelaleddin, Consul General, mother is Gabriella Íncze, address Cluj-Napoca Széchenyi tér 40. In the 1942-43 school year, he was a private student in the 5th grade of the college, with insufficient grades on four subjects.

Kayaked as a team leader in the flooded Samos, deterring coastal walkers. From the reception, he kicked the policeman on duty in the back and then the money won was brotherly halved with the injured party and so on next. But on the other hand, he achieved excellent sports results in figure skating, and was a brave motorcyclist - Ferenc László, employee of the Hungarian broadcast of the Cluj-Napoca radio archive according to his data.

His brother, Seyfeddin Sevket bey - the opposite.

While Muzeffer Bey was born in Istanbul in 1921, our poet is from Cluj-Napoca In 1913. He was an employee of the daily Opposition. His poems were published, his reports about his father's homeland, about renewed Turkey. His favorite personality has always been known for its cultural life of champagne To Cluj-Napoca. He also worked for the Hungarian Theater in Cluj-Napoca since he was actually at home in the world of color. Therefore, he was known to Hungarian and non-Hungarian artists in the city. He was a handsome man, dressed elegantly, and went to good places to have fun and eat, he lived in the metropolitan district of Cluj-Napoca, in a tastefully furnished apartment and worked a lot. Got it to the word, to the music, to the life, to the man, he estimated and worshiped the beautiful women. He had a favorite personality to good company, bohemians, and intellectuals alike. They are no longer in the Opposition between 1937 and 1940 and his writings. More than that before, though he didn't write it out name. That he was well versed in Turkish since the National Translation and Translation Certification Office According to his volume published for the 125th anniversary of Seyfeddin Sevket he was an employee of the translation agency. The Country of Seven Castles, published in Budapest in 1941 according to the cover text of the book, it is difficult to determine by genre work: travelogues, short story portraits and lyrical confessions join ... Seyfeddin Sefket bey book the real charm of this is the diversity with which: an all-encompassing intellect and oriental in color the full writer's readiness of a formal narrator offers a grateful opportunity to present ...

 One of Sayfedin Sefket bey 's ancestors was the great leader of Köprülü Mustafa, the other Tiryakl Hasan, i.e. Seljuk, is one of the most important Turkish his role-playing family is his - and a special game, or perhaps the very design of fate — yet from it became a Hungarian writer ... " George Sbárcea in his memoir Beautiful Cluj-Napoca ... (Bucharest, 1980. Kriterion Publishing House) devotes a chapter to the memory of the color-worker years spent with Seyfeddin Sevket.  

 SEYFEDDIN SEVKET TIBOR BEY Cluj-Napoca, June 6, 1913

Séfeddin Sevket - writer, journalist went to high school in Gödöllő, then he did law in Budapest. He lived in Cluj-Napoca, deported from Romania. He became an employee of New Hungary in Budapest. 1943- made in his novel The Madonna of Kalotaszeg he succeded. He emigrated to the United States in 1947 and then settled in Cairo down where popular screenwriter and filmmaker Seif away As Din Chaw Khat. In 1962, the history of Egypt e. co-author of a co-production film.

 Works: Félholdtól a kopjafáig, versek. Arad, 1934.

Héttorony országa. Budapest, 1941.

From crescent to headstone, poems. Arad, 1934.

Country of the Seven Towers. Budapest, 1941.

Darius of Cluj-Napoca, operetta libretto, Szeged, 1941.

Witch of Belezna, operetta libretto, Szeged, 1944.

(New Hungarian Literary Lexicon 3. 1995. 1793 p. Kovács J. Béla) 

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