Yazar ve tarihçi Reşat Ekrem Koçu öldü
Mavi Boncuk | Yazar ve tarihçi Reşat Ekrem Koçu öldü Yazar ve tarihçi Reşat Ekrem Koçu, dün gece Göztepe’deki evinde bir kalb krizi sonunda vefat etmiştir.1905 yılında İstanbul’da doğan ve yazar Ekrem...
View ArticleThe Mystery of Rudolf Freiherr von Sebottendorf
Island of Mu, Masons[1]Solar Cults, Asian Sufis, Nazis, Death on the Bosphorus...interesting roads cross in the "the Stange Case of Rudolf von Sebottendorf"[2]. Let's not forget the German Secret...
View ArticleTurkish Cinema Newsletter | 2020 Update
Mavi Boncuk | Mavi Boncuk | Turkish Cinema Newsletteris now part of Mavi Boncuk.Go to Mavi Boncuk and search for Film and Turkish Cinema for the latest articles.Feature Film Catalog 2020Documentaries...
View ArticleStruma Again | "The British government's behavior was shameful. "
Mavi Boncuk |Chaim Barlas, the Istanbul - based head of the "Committee for the Rescue of the Jews in Nazi - occupied Europe," organized under the auspices of the Jewish Agency for Palestine....
View ArticleIvan Bunin | Istanbul
Saray boş, çeşmesi susmuş, Kadim ağaçlar kırık ve kuru . . . İstanbul, İstanbul! Son büyük göçün Son ölü kampı. Ivan BUNIN "Stambul," 1905In April 1903 Bunin departed for Constantinople (today...
View ArticleCortijos | Kortejos of Izmir Salonika and Sarajevo Redux
Mavi Boncuk| See also: Birol Üzmez’in gözündenİzmir’in son avluları… " The fact that the tradition of family houses, which had an important place in the social life of Izmir for a long time, was...
View ArticleIzmir Project | Jewish Cultural Center and Museum
Izmir is home to a complex of adjacent ancient Synagogues constructed in a unique Sephardic architectural style, dating from the 16th century. Of 34 Synagogues built in Izmir, just 13 remained, 9 of...
View ArticleThe Great Fire of 1660
Mavi Boncuk | "On 24 July 1660, a great conflagration broke out in Istanbul. An Ottoman writer conveys the horror of the event: “[t]housands of homes and households burned with fire. And in accordance...
View ArticleDeath of Ubice | Ubykh
“Ubıh dili ayakta ölecek. Dağılmıyor. Tevfik bu dili bizim için konuşuyor, tanıklar var, yakın zamanlara kadar bu dili konuştuğu yaşlılar vardı. Sözgelimi Latincenin Roman dillerini doğurarak dağılmış...
View Article3 Turkish Martyrdoms in Czechia
Galician Front (1916-1917)Approximately 35 thousand Turkishsoldiers were sent to the Galician Campaign, mostly those who took part in the Dardanelles War. Yakup Şevki Pasha, who also took active duties...
View ArticleIstanbul and Cinema | Yalçın Lüleci
Mavi Boncuk | SOURCEISTANBUL AND CINEMA Yalçın LüleciMarmara Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Radyo Tv Sinema Bölümü. Throughout the world, the film industry is centered around a large city known for...
View ArticleThe Levant Company
Mavi Boncuk |Company trading in the East. Established following the drawing up of a 5-year charter between Queen Elizabeth I (q.v.) and Sultan Murad III. Also known as the Turkey Company. Merged with...
View ArticleArticle | The Coffeehouses in Istanbul
Mavi Boncuk | The Cofeehouse That Looks for Its Past Popular literature about the coffee houses in Istanbul are mostly in Turkish and it is part of the nostalgia trend in recent years. There are many...
View ArticleLamec Saad and a Map of Smyrna
Mavi Boncuk | Lamec Saad (1852-1931). In the second half of the 19th century there were serious massacres of the Maronite population in Lebanon. Many children became orphans - including Lamec Saad....
View ArticleWord Origins | Külâh
Inherited from Ottoman Turkish كلاه (külah), from Persian کلاه (kolâh).külahıma anlat (tell it to Sweeney) [1]Mavi Boncuk |KÜLÂH(ﻛﻼﻩ) i. (Fars. kulāh) [Kelime Türkçe’den Bulgarca ve Sırpça’ya da...
View ArticleDiscovering Saint Pierre Han | Part 1 Architecture
Mavi Boncuk |Saint Pierre Han (Sen Piyer Han) is a historic building in the Galata neighborhood of Istanbul, Turkey. It’s located a block uphill from Bankalar Street at the corner of Eski Banka Street...
View ArticleDiscovering Saint Pierre Han | Part 2 François-Emmanuel Guignard, Comte de...
Mavi Boncuk | Saint Pierre Han (Sen Piyer Han) is a historic building in the Galata neighborhood of Istanbul, Turkey. It’s located a block uphill from Bankalar Street at the corner of Eski Banka Street...
View ArticleDiscovering Saint Pierre Han | Part 3
Mavi Boncuk |Saint Pierre Han (Sen Piyer Han) is a historic building in the Galata neighborhood of Istanbul, Turkey. It’s located a block uphill from Bankalar Street at the corner of Eski Banka Street...
View ArticleDiscovering Saint Pierre Han | Part 4 Muhteşem Kot
Mavi Boncuk | Among the highlights of the inn's memory is that it hosts the Bank-ı Osmani-i Şahane, which was established in 1863 as one of the official banks of the Ottoman state. Signs of these names...
View ArticleOrientalism | Portrait of the Countess of Vergennes in Turkish Attire
Portrait of the Countess of Vergennes in Turkish Attire Antoine de Favray [1]Second half of the 18th CenturyMavi Boncuk | After being appointed to various posts in Portugal and Spain, the French...
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