1910 | Tatavla Şikago Bakkaliye Mağazası
Mavi Boncuk | Το κατάστημα "Σικάγο"του Μ. Σαμουηλίδη στα Ταταύλα στα M. Samuelides'in Tatavla'daki “Şikago Bakkaliye Mağazası” Dükkan ismi Rumca,Osmanlıca,Fransızca ve Ermenice yazılı tabela ve...
Istanbul Encyclopedia is an unfinished cultural encyclopedia published by Reşad Ekrem Koçu between 1944-1973.The Istanbul Encyclopedia, which set out to create the "log" of Istanbul but remained...
View ArticleThe Story of Samsun Atatürk Honor Monument
Mavi Boncuk | See also: Mavi Boncuk Articlehttps://maviboncuk.blogspot.com/2020/02/heinrich-krippel-foreign-sculptors-of.htmlThe Story of Samsun Atatürk Honor MonumentSamsun Honor Monument, the symbol...
View ArticleFodla Bread
Fodla was made from high-strength (whole-wheat) flour. It is thinner than pide and rectangular in shape. It is recorded that the Soup Kitchen of the Fatih Mosque Complex handed out fodla with food for...
View ArticleTatavla Festival | Αποκριές στα Ταταύλα | Baklahorani | Μπακλαχοράνι |
In times past, for the local Greek-Orthodox communities in Istanbul, the three weeks preceding Great Lent was a time of carnival as they donned masks and costumes and celebrated with their neighbors...
View ArticleWord Origins | Yortu, Lent, Festival, Karnaval, Bayram
In times past, for the local Greek-Orthodox communities in Istanbul, the three weeks preceding Great Lent was a time of carnival as they donned masks and costumes and celebrated with their neighbors...
View Article1914 | N.B.Brod & Fils Draperie and Fatih-Harbiye Tramway
Mavi Boncuk | N.B.Brod & Fils Draperie advertising panel in Armenian, Greek and Ottoman script. Karaköy - Yüksekkaldırım / 1914No 12 Harbiye-Fatih streetcar in view. In those years, the Company was...
View Article1914 | Ottoman Aviation
Mavi Boncuk | SOURCEThe history of Turkish aviation started just 10 years after the Wright Brothers first flew the plane with a controllable motor in 1903. In 1912, the Ottoman Empire sent students to...
View ArticleNaşit Özcan, and the company he kept
Mavi Boncuk | Amelya ÖzcanAmelya Hanim ( b. ... - d. February 3, 1967, Istanbul)Amelya Hanım, the daughter of the canto player Küçük Verjin[1] and the wife of the theater actor Naşit Özcan, became...
View ArticleWord Origins | Satranç, dama, tavla
Mavi Boncuk |SATRANÇ: (ﺳﻄﺮﻧﺞ) i. (Ar. saṭrenc < Fars. şetreng) İki kişi ile, altmış dört kareli bir tahta veya yüzey üzerinde şah, vezir, kale, fil, at, piyon isimlerini alan, farklıbiçim ve...
View ArticleWord Origins | Medeni, Medeniyet
Mavi Boncuk | medeni/medina: (ﻣﺪﻳﻨﻪ) i. (fromAR medіne) city EN[1] Şehir, kasaba, belde: “Medînetü’n-nebî – Medînetü’r-resul: Peygamber şehri, Medîne.” Hayâl-i yârdan olmaz tehî medîne-i dil / Bu şehr...
View ArticleRoman Roads in Asia Minor
from DAVID H. FRENCH VOL. 4 THE ROADS Fasc. 4.1 NOTES ON THE ITINERARIA British Institute at Ankara Electronic Monograph 10 2016Mavi Boncuk | Roman Roads in Asia Minor SOURCEFirst Roman roads started...
View ArticleWord origins | Ucube
Mavi Boncuk | UCÛBE: freak, weird EN [1][2] (ﺍﻋﺠﻮﺑﻪ) i. (FromAR ‘aceb “şaşmak”tan u‘cūbe) uˁcūba(t) اعجوبة “acayiplik, çok tuhaf şey, mucize” sözcüğünden alıntıdır. Bu sözcük Arapça ˁacīb “tuhaf”...
View ArticleNicolas Andriomenos Redux
Nicolas Andriomenos was a famous Ottoman Greek ( Rum ) photographer in Istanbul. His photographs were unique. Today there are many collectors who collect those photographs from the studio of Nicolas...
View ArticleEU Watch | MAM Ramps Up
Mavi Boncuk |Upon the invitation of CHP Leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, IYI Party Chairman Meral Akşener, Felicity Party Chairman Temel Karamollaoğlu, Democrat Party Chairman Gültekin Uysal, DEVA Party...
View ArticleBerlinale 2022 | Meltem Kaptan, Silver Bear for best leading performance
Mavi Boncuk | Silver Bear for best leading performance Meltem Kaptan[1] (Rabiye Kurnaz Vs George W Bush) Silver Bear for best screenplay Laila Stieler (Rabiye Kurnaz Vs George W Bush)Rabiye Kurnaz...
View ArticleKemal Tahir's Mike Hammer
Mavi Boncuk |Mike Hammer[1] stories, written by Kemal Tahir[2] under the name of F. M. İkinci, are published by Çağlayan Publications. These are the four books published between September 1954 and May...
View ArticleFatma İrfan Serhan (1915-1992)
«Bu mektuplarda salt sevdamız olsaydı, onları yayınlamaz, kimselere göstermezdim. Ama onlarda bugün hâlâ «kan ter içinde» yükseltilmeye savaşılan özgürlük, bağımsızlık ve kardeşlik yapısının...
View ArticleKemal Tahir (March 13, 1910 – April 21, 1973)
Mavi Boncuk | KEMAL TAHİR (March 13, 1910 – April 21, 1973)After having a lung operation in 1970, Tahir worked on vernacularizing Marxist terminology and creating a national left ideology, which would...
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