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Fatma İrfan Serhan (1915-1992)


«Bu mektuplarda salt sevdamız olsaydı, onları yayınlamaz, kimselere göstermezdim. Ama onlarda bugün hâlâ «kan ter içinde» yükseltilmeye savaşılan özgürlük, bağımsızlık ve kardeşlik yapısının temelindeki, yıllar yılı yıkılmış yuvaların taşlarının ve harcındaki kanlı gözyaşlarının öyküleri var.»

Mavi Boncuk | 

Fatma İrfan Serhan

Roman Yazarı, Yazar
Doğum 19 Ocak 1915- İstanbul Ölüm - 18 Ağustos 1992
Eğitim: Ankara Gazi Eğitim Enstitüsü Edebiyat Bölümü, İstanbul Üniversitesi Gazetecilik Enstitüsü

Romancı Kemal Tahir’in ilk eşidir. Edirne Öğretmen Okulu, Ankara Gazi Eğitim Enstitüsü Edebiyat Bölümü mezunu. Ayrıca İstanbul Üniversitesi Gazetecilik Enstitüsünde okudu. İstanbul’da edebiyat öğretmenliği yaparken çeşitli gazetelerde çalıştı. Avustralya’ya giderek bir süre Sidney Macquarie Üniversitesinde görev aldı, Grolier Amerikan şirketinde yöneticilik yaptı. Türkiye’ye döndüğü 1960 yılından itibaren Cumhuriyet, Vatan ve Demokrat İzmir gazetelerinde köşe yazarlığı yaptı, köylü-lere okuma yazma kursları, ücretsiz İngilizce dersleri verdi.

İlk şiirleri öğrencilik yıllarında Kemal Tahir’in çıkardığı Geçit dergisinde (1933-34) yer aldı. Çocuklara yönelik radyo oyunları yazdı. 1962’de Vatan gazetesinde tefrika edilen Gavurdağlı ve 1991’de tamamladığı Panayır adlı romanları basılmadı.


ROMAN: Marziye (1978), Karagöl (1979), Panayır (1991).
YAYIMA HAZIRLAMA: Kemal Tahir’den Fatma İrfan’a Mektuplar (1979).
KAYNAK: TDE Ansiklopedisi (c. VII, 1990), Ömer Nida / Kadın Romancılarımız - Başlangıcından Günümüze (1991), Seyit Kemal Karaalioğlu / Resimli Türk Edebiyatçılar Sözlüğü (1982), Mehmet Aydın / Ne Yazıyor Bu Kadınlar (1995).

Fatma İrfan Serhan
 was born on 9 January 1915 in Sultanahmet, Istanbul. Her father, Okkas Lutfu Bey, was a lieutenant in Sultan’s ceremonial band unit. He died in the Palestine war on 11 September 1917. Her mother was a teacher and died in 1953, in Istanbul. Her brother, Seyfi Akersin, was born before her father left for Palestine in 1917. Due to her father’s death and the ongoing war, her education suffered. Her mother’s support and contributions to her education during her pre-school and primary school period helped her being accepted to Edirne Girls’ Teachers’ Training School in 1930. She graduated from this boarding school in 1935 and started her career as a teacher in Izmir in 1935. On 12 August 1937, she got married to Kemal Tahir with whom she met in 1929. On 1 October 1937 she started her education in the Department of Literature, Gazi Education Institution. She graduated from this school on 20 September 1939 and started to work as a teacher in Nigde. In 1938 her husband (Kemal Tahir) was convicted which resulted in her being called as “the wife of the communist” in the political atmosphere of the time, in Nigde, which was a small town then. There she was being threatened and verbally abused. As a result, she divorced her husband in June 1940 and married civil examiner Resat Bayramicli in the same year. Her son Nur Bayramicli was born in 1945 and her daughter Şima Bayramicli was born in 1946. She could not complete her education in the Faculty of Literature, Istanbul University where she studied during the Second World War and she divorced her second husband Resat Bayramicli on 26 December 1949 due to constant disagreements.

She married lawyer Sezai Yahaneci in 1954 and they moved to Izmir. She had her sons, Murat (1955), Levent (1956) and Bulent during this marriage. In these years, she started to write her first novel Giaour Mountain in Karakuyu village, Torbalı, Izmir where her husband had an olive oil atelier. She continued wrote poems since her young ages and she published her poems in various journals and newspapers. In 1960, she started to write a column entitled Reviewing the Day in Democrat Izmir newspaper. Following years, she wrote articles and columns in the newspapers such as Cumhuriyet and Vatan. In 1967 she went to Australia with her family for her children’s education. She worked in Australian Broadcasting Commission in the University of Macquarie for a period.

The interviews and essays that she wrote during this period, were published in various newspapers. In 1972 she returned to Turkey and continued to work as a columnist in newspapers and wrote literary pieces in her house in Bakirkoy, Istanbul. She received treatment in 1990, after being diagnosed with colon cancer. She died of cancer on 18 August 1992. She is buried in Bakırkoy-Yesilova Cemetery.

With her mother’s influence, she was interested in literature since her childhood years. In the late 1920s, she rented her mother’s family house in Dizdariye Neighbourhood, Cesme Street, No:2 to Nazım Hikmet which influenced her personal improvement in literature. In this house, she was introduced to Nazım Hikmet’s poems and witnessed gatherings of literature and politics with her guests (Dr. Hikmet Kıvılcımlı, Kemal Tahir, etc). She met Kemal Tahir in this house, in 1929. She highlights the impacts of Nazım Hikmet and Kemal Tahir on her views and understanding of literature through her career. In her tempestuous life, she wrote many novels, stories, columns, plays, poems, letters and essays. Some of her works are still waiting to be published.

Kemal Tahir’in 1933 - 1938 y ıllan arasında Fatma İrfan ’a yazdığı m ektuplardan oluşan bu derlemenin ünlü yazarım ızın edebi gelişimine ve kendi kuşağındaki Türk aydınlarının yaşam serü ­ venine ışık tutacak nitelikte olduğu kanısındayız. Kemal Tahir’in 25 yaşlarındayken el yazısıyla ve eski harflerle kalem e aldığı bu mektuplar, Fatma İrfan tarafından aslına tümüyle sadık kalınarak, ancak çok özel bazı bölümler çıkartılıp, mümkün olduğunca kronolojik bir sıraya konularak baskıya hazırlanmıştır. 

Asıl metinde gerek yıpranma, gerekse karalam alar nedeniyle okunamamış sözcükler ( ...) olarak belirtilmiştir. Ayrıca, mektuplarda adı geçen, özellikle edebi kişiler ve yapttlara ilişkin kısa açıklam alar dipnot halinde verilm iştir. (F .İ.S.) olarak belirtilm iş dipnotlar Fatma İrfan ’m gerekli gördüğü açıklamalardır. Kitabın sonunda, mektuplarda geçen ve günümüzde genç kuşakların anlam akta güçlük çekeceklerini düşündüğümüz, çoğu Osmanlıca sözcük ve deyimleri kapsayan, sayfa sırasına göre hazırlanmış bir sözlük bulunmaktadır. 

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