Nuri Bilge Ceylan | Cannes Film Festival
One of the leading directors of Turkish cinema, Nuri Bilge Ceylan's new TRT production About Dry Grasses "Kuru Otlar Üstüne" was selected for the main competition section of the 76th Cannes Film...
View ArticleTurkish Cinema Newsletter is now part of Mavi Boncuk
Mavi Boncuk | Mavi Boncuk | Turkish Cinema Newsletteris now part of Mavi Boncuk.Go to Mavi Boncuk and search for Film and Turkish Cinema for the latest articles.Feature Film Catalog 2020Documentaries...
View ArticleThe Ten Best Turkish Films of All Time | Redux
Mavi Boncuk | The Ten Best Turkish Films of All Time "The Ten Best Turkish Films of All Time," selected by a poll organized among professionals of cinema by Ankara Cinema Association.World Premire...
View ArticleWord Origins | Çocuk
Mavi Boncuk |Çocuk: i. (Eski dönemlerden beri kullanılır; Orta Türkçe’de çocuk “domuz yavrusu” demekti.)1. Büyüyünceye kadar olan devresinde insana verilen isim, insan yavrusu: “Çocuk ve ana sağlığı.”...
View ArticleEU Watch | The Elections are Coming...The Elections are Coming
Mavi Boncuk | EU Watch | The Elections are Coming...The Elections are Coming.
View ArticleWord Origins | Mendil, Çarşaf
Mavi Boncuk | Mendil: i. handkerchief EN[1](GR. manteli) [Kelime Arapça ve Farsça’da da kullanılır]1. Ağız, burun ve ter silmek, el yüz kurulamak gibi işlere yarayan, pamuk, keten veya ipekten dört...
View ArticleWord Origins | Aday
Mavi Boncuk |Aday: candidate[1] contestant[2], contender[3] EN Türkiye Türkçesi ad sözcüğünden Yeni Türkçe +(g)Ay ekiyle türetilmiştir.Daha fazla bilgi için ad maddesine bakınız.Fransızca nominé...
View ArticleIn Memoriam | Cornell Fleischer (1950-2023)
It is with real grief that we announce the death of Cornell Fleischer, the Kanuni Süleyman Professor of Ottoman and Modern Turkish Studies in the Departments of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations...
View ArticleIn Memoriam | Robert Ousterhout (1950-2023)
Mavi Boncuk | In Memoriam | Robert Ousterhout (1950-2023)Robert G. Ousterhout was Professor Emeritus in the History of Art at the University of Pennsylvania. He was the author, most recently, of...
View ArticleMichael Rubin Omnibus | Hostility Supreme to Turkiye
Mavi Boncuk |What Happens If Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan Dies?By Michael RubinApril 26, 2023 If Erdogan Dies, It Will be Too Soon to Celebrate: Earlier today, during a televised interview, a sudden...
View ArticleWord Origins | Pert
Mavi Boncuk |Pert: perte totale[1] fromFR total loss[2] “tam hasar” deyiminden alıntıdır. LA perditum perdere “«boşa vermek», kaybetmek” “sigortacılıkta tam hasar” [Hürriyet - gazete, 1999]Sigorta...
View ArticleIn Memoriam | Duygu Sağıroğlu (1932-2023)
Duygu Sağıroğlu, the director of films such as "The Endless Road", "I Live As I Die", "My Lion Friend", "Vatan ve Namık Kemal" and "Three Friends", passed away at the age of 90. The news of Sağıroğlu's...
View ArticleEU Watch | MAM at the Finish Line
Mavi Boncuk |Leaders | The most important election this yearIf Turkey sacks its strongman, democrats everywhere should take heartAfter 20 years of increasingly autocratic rule, Recep Tayyip Erdogan...
View ArticleWord Origins | Kundura, Pabuç, Yemeni, Sandal
Mavi Boncuk | Kundura: shoe[1], clog[2], footware, pump[3], boot[4]chossure, shod[5]EN i. (İtal. condura < Yun. cothurne “Romalı artistlerin giydiği kayışlı çedik”) [Kelime Türkçe’den Arapça ve...
View ArticleThe awards of the 42nd Istanbul Film Festival
Mavi Boncuk |HI-RES FESTIVAL CATALOGThe awards of the 42nd Istanbul Film FestivalThe 42nd Istanbul Film Festival, which started on 7 April, concluded with the award ceremony held on 18 April at Soho...
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