2012 | Nuri Bilge Ceylan's personal Top Ten List
Mavi Boncuk |Nuri Bilge Ceylan's personal Top Ten List for Sight&Sound PollOnce a decade Sight & Sound asks critics and directors to select the Greatest Films of All Time. Every ten years, the...
View ArticleProfile | Neyyire Neyir (1902-1943) and Her Muhsin Ertugrul Films
Mavi Boncuk |Neyyire Neyir (née Münire Eyüp, 1902 – 13 February 1943), also known by her real name Münire Eyüp Ertuğrul, was a Turkish stage and movie actress as well as an art writer. She is...
View ArticleResults of Turkish Elections Behavior Model | Update 7
Mavi Boncuk | General elections are scheduled to take place on 14 May 2023. President Erdoğan had previously signalled that the election will be held early on 14 May 2023, a reference to the 1950...
View ArticleScreening | Das Fest der schwarzen Tulpe by Marie Luise Droop and Muhsin...
Screening | Das Fest der schwarzen Tulpe by Marie Luise Droop and Muhsin Ertugrulat Fondation Jérôme Seydoux-Pathé[*] | 73 avenue des Gobelins - 75013 Paris In parallel with the Dumas on screen...
View ArticleTurkish Cinema | A Version by Google's Bard
Turkish Cinema | A Version by Google's BardMavi Boncuk |Turkish cinema has a long and rich history, dating back to the early 20th century. The first Turkish film, Ayastefanos'taki Rus Abidesinin...
View ArticleAngora and Van Cats | Turkish Cat Breeds
"Angora cat" from The Royal Natural History (1894), illustrated by Gustav MützelMavi Boncuk | Angora and Van Cats [1] | Turkish Cat BreedsTurkish VanCurious, Turkish Vans want to be with their owner...
View ArticleIn Memoriam | Turan Erol ( 1927 - 2023)
State artist, painter and academician Turan Erol passed away at the age of 96.. Turan Erol’s wife, Türken Erol, passed away a few hours before her husband in the hospital where she was treated.Mavi...
View ArticleBook | Silent Teachers Turkish Books and Oriental Learning in Early Modern...
Mavi Boncuk | Silent TeachersTurkish Books and Oriental Learning in Early Modern Europe, 1544–1669By Nil Ö. Palabıyık[1]Copyright 2023 | 1st EditionISBN 9780367359782274 Pages 20 B/W...
View ArticleProfile | Aristea Kalinea
The film Mürebbiye is the first film in Turkish cinema history that was censured from a political and moral point of view.Mavi Boncuk |Film : Mürebbiye - 1919.Directed by : Ahmet FehimWritten by :...
View ArticleProfile | Mualla Eyüboğlu Anhegger ( 1919-2009) and Robert Anhegger (1911-2001)
Mavi Boncuk |Mualla Eyüboğlu Anhegger (March 13, 1919[1] – August 16, 2009) was one of the first female Turkish architects.[2] She is known for her restoration work on the Topkapı Palace harem room and...
View ArticleWWI Propaganda Postcards | Dead and Wounded
DRAFT Mavi Boncuk | 1912 postcard representing the kings of Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece and Montenegro on horses and their armies conquering Turkey." German military instructor Fon Der Goltz Pasha in...
View ArticleJustice and Development Party | Art and Culture 2023 Election Platform
Mavi Boncuk |Culture and Art• Our country, which has a deep-rooted historical and cultural heritage, is in the Turkish Century.It will become a country that is frequently mentioned in the world in the...
View Article2023 Election Polling
Mavi Boncuk | Recent opinion polls in Turkey point to a neck-and-neck race and even possible power change in the coming up elections. Turkish voters will cast their votes on 14 May to decide on their...
View ArticleWord Origins | Sac
Mavi Boncuk | Sac - Saç: i. (Eski Türk. sāç) sheet metal [1]1. Birkaç milimetre kalınlığındaki ince demir levha: Sağlığında kılmadığın namâzı / Kızgın saç üstünde kılsan gerektir (Âşık Ömer).2. Bu...
View ArticleCintemani | Redux
Mavi Boncuk | Cintemani (pronounced chin-teh-ma-nee), also called çintemani, çintamani, benek, pars benek, üç top (three balls) and pelenk in Persian, as in the saying "Cemşit-i abad, kaley-i pelenk...
View ArticleThree TRT C0-Productions in Cannes 2023
Mavi Boncuk | Turkish Radio and Televisin (TRT')s success in the field of international cinema continues. 3 films signed by TRT will compete at the 76th Cannes Film Festival. Nuri Bilge Ceylan's TRT...
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