1991 | Bill Bryson was 'Neither Here nor There" in Istanbul
Neither Here nor There: Travels in Europe is a 1991 humorous travelogue by American writer Bill Bryson. His take on istanbul is unbearably putdownish. he should try it again. However his attampts to...
View ArticleIstanbul’s Massive New Airport Will Eventually Be Bigger Than Manhattan
Mavi Boncuk | It can currently handle 90 million passengers a year.Once completed in 2027, the 29.5 square-mile airport will be larger than the island of Manhattan. With six runways, it will be able to...
View ArticleWord origin | Vatan Millet Sakarya
Yalçın Çetin Turkish Cartoonist (1934 İstanbul–14 Nisan 1977 İstanbul)Vatan Millet Sakarya,1974Mavi Boncuk |Vatan Millet SakaryaVatan: home, homeland EN das hous, die Heimat GE from AR waṭan وطن...
View ArticleSep 26,2019 | Marmara Earthquake
Sep 26,2019 | Marmara EarthquakeA powerful earthquake struck the Turkish metropolis Istanbul on Thursday, according to Turkey's Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD). AFAD said a...
View ArticleTurkish Bath | Rudas Bath or Rudas fürdő , Budapest
Mavi Boncuk |Rudas Bath or Rudas fürdő is a thermal and medicinal bath in Budapest, Hungary. It was first built in 1550, during the time of Ottoman rule. To date, it retains many of the key elements of...
View ArticlePoicy Forum | Erdogan's Empire: The Evolution of Turkish Foreign Policy
Mavi Boncuk |POLICYWATCH 3192Erdogan's Empire: The Evolution of Turkish Foreign PolicySoner Cagaptay, Amanda Sloat, Molly Montgomery, and Tomasz HoskinsSeptember 27, 2019A lively discussion of how...
View ArticleMarmara Earthquake | Creeping and Locked
Mavi Boncuk | Marmara Sea region in northwestern Turkey with the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) separating Eurasia from Anatolian.The offshore Marmara fault where a major earthquake is overdue is...
View ArticleArticle | Turkey will continue its efforts to shed light on the Khashoggi...
Mavi Boncuk |Turkey will continue its efforts to shed light on the Khashoggi murderBy Recep Tayyip ErdoganSEPTEMBER 29, 2019 Recep Tayyip Erdogan is president of Turkey.The murder of Post contributing...
View ArticleWord origin | Potin, Iskarpin, çizme, çarık, pabuç
Mavi Boncuk |Potin: Iskarpin Shoe EN[1] ankle boot EN [2] Boot (shoe) Skarpini GRfromFR bottine [dim..] küçük çizme, bot fromFR botte Oldest source: botin [ Ahmet Vefik Paşa, Lugat-ı Osmani...
View ArticleWord Origin | Mar, Mars and War
Mavi Boncuk | Mavi Boncuk |CONNECTIONS OR WHY THEY NAMED IT ANATOLIA FROM A NASA REPORT OPPORTUNITY UPDATE: 100-Meter Dash - sol 70, Apr 06, 2004Opportunity "dashed" away from the rim of its "Eagle...
View ArticleWord origin | Salam Sucuk, Sosis, Pastırma
"One of mankind’s earliest techniques for preserving meat, salting and drying is encountered in all the culinary cultures of the world today. But the process is slightly different in Turkey: as it...
View ArticleEU Foreign Affairs Council Goes Euw
Mavi Boncuk | Foreign Affairs Council, 14/10/2019The EU calls upon Turkey to cease the unilateral military action in north-east SyriaThe Council discussed Syria in light of the latest development in...
View ArticleThe full text of the joint US-Turkey statement
Turkey and the United States have agreed to a five-day ceasefire in Ankara's offensive against Kurdish-led forces in northeast Syria. The agreement between the two NATO allies on Thursday came after...
View ArticleWord origin | Mangal
Braziers are mentioned in the Bible. The Hebrew word for brazier is of Egyptian origin, suggesting that it was imported from Egypt. There are two references to it in the Bible. The first is found in...
View ArticleATC Statement Regarding the Situation in Syria
Mavi Boncuk |Statement Regarding the Situation in SyriaTurkish Coalition of America (17 October 2019)“The group [YPG] has deep ties to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, also known as the P.K.K. Both Turkey...
View ArticleSochi | Memorandum of Understanding Between Turkey and the Russian Federation
Mavi Boncuk |Memorandum of Understanding Between Turkey and the Russian Federation (Sochi, October 22, 2019)President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and President of the Russian...
View ArticleOED | Simit Makes the Grade
OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARYNew words list October 2019List of new and updated entriesIn addition to revised versions of Second Edition entries, these ranges contain the following entries:New words:...
View ArticleOsman Hamdi Painting Sells for 1,770,300 Euro
Mavi Boncuk |Osman Hamdi Bey (Istanbul 1842-1910) Dame turque de Constantinople, signed, dated 1881, oil on canvas, 120 x 60 cm realized price €1,770,3001,770,300 EURO FOR AN OSMAN HAMDI BEY...
View Article1064 | Johnson’s Letter to Turkish PM Ismet Inonu
Cover Credit: ERNEST HAMLIN BAKER Ismet Inonu | May 19, 1941"... Johnson kept the U.S. entirely impartial and refused to give preference to Turkey or any other party. Furthermore, Johnson sent another...
View Article1963 Memorandum of Conversation | Johnson and Inonu in DC
The Prime Minister and Foreign Minister were in Washington to attend the November 25 funeral of President Kennedy who had been assassinated in Dallas on November 22.Mavi Boncuk |396. Memorandum of...
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