2000–2012 Forest Gain and Loss
Global Forest ChangePublished by Hansen, Potapov, Moore, Hancher et al.Mavi Boncuk | Results from time-series analysis of 654,178 Landsat images in characterizing forest extent and change,...
View ArticleLe Petit Prince | " un dictateur turc "
Mavi Boncuk | Diktatör= dediği dedik...J'ai de sérieuses raisons de croire que la planète d?où venait le petit prince est l?astéroïde B 612. Cet astéroïde n?a été aperçu qu?une fois au télescope, en...
View ArticleMusic of Emre Araci
Mavi Boncuk |War and Peace: Crimea 1853-56Performed by the London Academy of Ottoman Court Music, directed by Emre Araci[1] and produced by Ates Orga (Kalan Records).European Music at the Ottoman...
View ArticleGilbert Hovey Grosvenor of Istanbul
Elsie May and Gilbert H. Grosvenor, three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing front holding their son, Melville Bell.[1] Forms part of: Gilbert H. Grosvenor Collection of Photographs of the...
View ArticleWord Origin | Diaspora
Mavi Boncuk | diaspora (n.) 1876, from Gk. diaspora "dispersion," from diaspeirein "to scatter about, disperse," from dia- "about, across" (see dia-) + speirein "to scatter" (see sprout). The Greek...
View ArticleRecommended | 5+1
Mavi Boncuk |The man behind this treasure trove is Nick Danforth a doctoral candidate in Turkish history at Georgetown University. He writes about Middle Eastern history, politics, and maps at he...
View ArticleKadikoy's Raki | Elif and Ağa
Mavi Boncuk | Elif and Ağa raki was manufactured by Constantin Georgiadis in Kadıköy Söğütlüçeşme no.20. Elif rakı was a “Düziko” [1]whereas Ağa Rakısı contained anise/ anason The art of distillation...
View ArticleUSS Olympia and White Army
USS Olympia[1] at the Georgian city of Batumi, on the Black Sea coast. Most white émigrés left Russia from 1917 to 1920 (estimates vary between 900,000 and 2 million), although some managed to leave...
View ArticleF. Huber maps (1887-1895)
Pictured 1895 Galata Quay[1] Huber map.Mavi Boncuk | Between the years 1887-1891 F. Huber prepared 1/1.000 scale Galata, Taksim and Pangaltı maps. 1890 map of Galata and Pera region drawn by R....
View Article1912 | Hennebique System for Deutsche Orient Bank
Mavi Boncuk |Deutsche Orient Bank (DOB), Eminonu, Constantinople (İstanbul) (1912). The whole building was made of reinforced concrete and the walls were covered with marble slabs on the ground floor...
View Article1845 | Map of the Ottoman Empire
Mavi Boncuk | General view of the Noël & Vivien map of the Ottoman Empire, 1845 (revised version)39"x27" printable version in PDFTitle: Map of the Ottoman Empire and its domains in Europe, Asia and...
View Article1950 | Sokoni Vakum Oyl Kompani Kadikoy
Mobil, previously known as the Socony-Vacuum Oil Company, was a major American oil company which merged with Exxon in 1999 to form ExxonMobil. After WW1, their shares of the „Turkish Petroleum Company“...
View ArticleHarty Stores
Groceries Economic Cooperative Society, Ltd. Galata. Harty's Stores, Importers, 27 Tepe Bachi, Pera. Mavi Boncuk |Fred Louis Harty was the owner of a Harty Stores, a specialty food store that provided...
View ArticleWord Origin | Hanut, çarşı, mağaza, dükkân, arasta
Mavi Boncuk |Hanut:First recorded in 1680 Franciscus Meninski, Thesaurus Linguarum Orientalium [1680],facsimile Simurg 2000. Hulki Aktunç, Büyük Argo Sözlüğü [1990], Afa Y. 1990.χanūt/χanūd dükkân,...
View ArticleEdoardo De Nari (1874-1954)
Edoardo De Nari, one of the Italian architects working in İstanbul in the final days of the Ottoman era and the first twenty-five years of the Republic, is a forgotten player of this transition period...
View ArticleWord Origin | Cezve, Ibrik
Mavi Boncuk | ibrik:from Arabic ibrīḳ/ewer إبريق sürahi/water carafe ~ old Persian *ābrīk "su döken" āb su/water + rēχtan akıtmak, dökmek/pour stem of verb ریختن (rikhtan, “to pour”) modern Persian...
View ArticlePoetry | Sait Sitki Taranci's Abbas
Another Mavi Boncuk translation.Mavi Boncuk |December 2012 translation by MAMHaydi Abbas, vakit tamam;Akşam diyordun işte oldu akşam.Kur bakalım çilingir soframızı;Dinsin artık bu kalp ağrısı.Şu ağacın...
View ArticleToponymical Changes in the Eastern Provinces
Mavi Boncuk | Source The Making of Modern Turkey: Nation and State in Eastern Anatolia, 1913-1950 By Ugur Ümit Üngör Chart from Şerafettin Zeyrek Turkiye'de Halkevleri ve Halkodalari 2006
View ArticleFrom Naum Theatre to Flower Passage
1200 seat Naum Theatre.Mavi Boncuk |The land of the Flower Passage was originally occupied by the famous Naum Theatre. Mihail Naum, the owner and administrator of the Naum Theatre, bought the building...
View ArticleProfile | Joseph Niego (1863–1945)
Mavi Boncuk | Joseph Niego (1863–1945) also known as Yosef Niego was born in Andrinople/Edirne, Turkey into a rabbinical Behmoiras family though he did not embrace a rabbinical career.Joseph Niego was...
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