Celâli Revolts
Mavi Boncuk |Jelālī Revolts, Jelālī also spelled Celâli, rebellions in Anatolia against the Ottoman Empire in the 16th and 17th centuries. The first revolt occurred in 1519 near Tokat under the...
View ArticleProfile | Nahit Hanim
“ Bir sevgilim vardır, pek muteber; İsmini söyleyemem,Edebiyat tarihçisi bulsun.”" Hiçbirine bağlanmadımOna bağlandığım kadarSade kadın değil, insanNe kibarlık budalasıNe malda mülkte gözü varHür...
View ArticleWord Origin | Kolonya
Mavi Boncuk |Kolonya: fromFR eau de cologne[1] "Köln suyu", Köln kentinde 1709'dan itibaren Johann Maria Farina ve varisleri tarafından üretilen alkollü esans; Cologne Almanya'da bir kent, Köln[2] from...
View ArticleWord origin | Mama sta muni kosta kapaki
Mavi Boncuk |“Kapak olsun” sözünün ne mânâya geldiğini bilseniz bir daha kullanmazsınız!Mama sta muni kosta kapakiMary Koukoules, 2002’te Paris’te ölen çok önemli bir Yunan folklor tarihçisinin, Elias...
View ArticleWord origin | Gazete, Kasa, Kese
Mavi Boncuk |Gazete:gazette[1] fromFR gazette parayla satılan haber bülteni from Venetiano gazéta [IT gazzetta] 1. "kesecik", Venedik devletinde bozuk para birimi, metelik, 2. Venetiano gaza kese,...
View ArticleRecommended | Konya sözlüğü ve grameri
Mavi Boncuk |Konya sözlüğü ve grameriSOURCEKonya sözlüğü, lehçesi, grameri kendi tesbitlerimdir. Ayrıca tıklayın Konya Beddualarıİsimlerabdal = çingene (Anadolu lehçesi)ağşam = akşam (Türkmen: ağşam....
View ArticleTobacco | Herzog Company in Kavala
Mavi Boncuk | In the late nineteenth century the city of Kavala, a town by the sea in northern Greece,was developed to one of the most important tobacco processing centers in the Balkan area. Powerful...
View ArticleApril 24, 2020 | Coronavirus Ranking of Turkey
April 24, 2020 | Coronavirus Ranking of Turkey (click image to see full size)While governments across the globe struggle to increase their testing capabilities after realizing how widespread the...
View ArticleOttoman Feminist Writing
Mavi Boncuk |Facts and Fantasies: Images of Istanbul Women in the 1920s Hardcover – March 1, 2015by D. Fatma Ture [1]Hardcover: 405 pagesPublisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing; Unabridged edition...
View ArticleWord Origin | Virus, Mikrop, Parazit, Bakteri
Mavi Boncuk |Mikrop: microbe[1]EN fromFR microbe mikroorganizma oldGR mikrobíos μικροβίος "küçük canlı"→ mikro+, biyo+Oldest source:[ Tıngır & Sinapian, Istılahat Lugati (1892) ]Virus: virus[2] EN...
View ArticleSea Peoples and Luwians
Although the Sea People vanished from the political records, they left a legacy second to none in world history. In Palestine, where many clans from both Greece and western Anatolia sought refuge, the...
View ArticleBertelsmann Stiftung | Turkey Country Report 2020
Mavi Boncuk |SEE: Turkey Country Report 2020https://www.bti-project.org/en/reports/country-report-TUR.htmlDOWNLOAD PDF Mavi Boncuk |SEE: Turkey Country Report...
View ArticleEU Watch | MAM Targets Canan
Mavi Boncuk | One of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s top aides filed a criminal complaint against the main opposition party’s Istanbul provincial chairwoman, Canan Kaftancıoğlu, for allegedly...
View ArticleAsian roots in Spain and Portugal
A number of studies have focused on ascertaining the genetic impact of historical North African population movements into Iberia on the genetic composition of modern Spanish and Portuguese populations....
View ArticleCucuteni-Trypillia Populations
Mavi Boncuk | The Cucuteni-Trypillian deliberately burned their settlements regularlyIn the middle era the Cucuteni-Trypillian culture spread over a wide area from Eastern Transylvania in the west to...
View ArticleIn Memoriam | Özer Kızıltan (1963-2020)
Özer Kızıltan, one of the most prominent directors of the Turkish cinema, lost his life. Kızıltan, who had been receiving cancer for a while, was 57 years old.Mavi Boncuk | Özer Kiziltan (b. April 17,...
View ArticleVoting Record for Death Sentences | Deniz Gezmiş, Yusuf Aslan and Hüseyin İnan
Mavi Boncuk | Mavi Boncuk |Their trial began on 16 July 1971, after the coup d'état of 12 March. Deniz Gezmiş, Yusuf Aslan and Hüseyin İnan were sentenced to death on 9 October for violating the...
View ArticleArticle | The Demographic Development of the First Farmers in Anatolia
image sourceMavi Boncuk | The causes, effects, and mechanisms of the transition from foraging to farming in western Eurasia are key issues in understanding the development of our species, especially in...
View ArticleWord origins | Maske
Mavi Boncuk |Maske : from IT masca 1. cadı, 2. maske mask EN[1] 3. maskot[3]Oldest source: maska [ Meninski, Thesaurus (1680) ](Fr. masque [mask]) [Sondaki “e” bir benzeşme ile eklenmiş olmalıdır]1....
View ArticleArticle | Local Adaptations of The Alphabet Among The Non-Greek Peoples of...
Mavi Boncuk |LOCAL ADAPTATIONS OF THE ALPHABETAMONG THE NON-GREEK PEOPLES OF ANATOLIAIgnasi-Xavier Adiego[1]SummaryThis chapter examines the various alphabets developed in Anatolia during the first...
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