Article | The Stone Age Plague and Its Persistence in Eurasia
In a nearly 5,000-year-old tomb in Sweden, researchers have discovered the oldest-known strain of the notorious bacterium Yersinia pestis — the microbe responsible for humanity's perhaps most-feared...
View ArticleWord Origins | Ölüm, Vefat, Yetim, Öksüz
Mavi Boncuk |Ölüm: oldTR öl- +Im → öl- death EN[1]Oldest source: ölüm "aynı anlamda" [ Irk Bitig (900 yılından önce) : sub içipän yaş yipän ölümdä ozmiş [su içip ot yeyip ölümden kurtulmuş] ]1. Bir...
View ArticleFom Trocadero to S/S Bandirma
The cabin of the BANDIRMA, in which Ataturk travelled to Samsun, was preserved and is in the Navy Museum at Istanbul. In 2000-2001 a replica of BANDIRMA was built by Taşkınlar Shipbuilding Co, and...
View ArticleArticles | Ayşe Hür on May 19,1919 (Turkish Posting)
Ayşe Hür'ün değişik zamanlarda 19 Mayıs ve çevresindeki konulara dair yazdıklarını aşağıda Hakan Akçura toparladı.Mavi Boncuk |"MİLLİ MÜCADELE" 19 MAYIS 1919'DA MI BAŞLADI? 30 Ekim 1918’de Mondros...
View ArticleDağ Başını Duman Almış Youth Anthem
Mavi Boncuk |With the Law No. 3466 dated June 20, 1938, "May 19" was officialized as the Festival of Youth and Sports[*]. The march "Dağ Başını Duman Almış" was announced as the Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı...
View ArticleWashington Times | Turkish government's strategy turns the tide of COVID-19
Mavi Boncuk |Turkish government's strategy turns the tide of COVID-19By Fahrettin Altun - Tuesday, May 19, 2020ANALYSIS/OPINION:The Turkish government provides free universal health care, and made...
View ArticleAgreement of Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne
Mavi Boncuk | Agreement of Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne [1]Map of the agreement, signed by Balfour in August 1917. The dotted green line in the Aegean Sea notes the Italian Islands of the Aegean, already...
View ArticleWord Origin | Katar, Kervan Karavan
Mavi Boncuk |Camels with a howdah[*], by Émile Rouergue, 1855[*]A howdah, or houdah (Hindi: हौदा haudā), derived from the Arabic هودج (hawdaj), that means "bed carried by a camel", also known as hathi...
View ArticleSmyrna Fig Merchants
Mavi Boncuk |Rise of an Armenian Merchant in Turbulent Times: Unionist Ties, CommercialNetworks, and Smyrna Fig Market during the World War I YearsDr. Ümit Eser Necmettin Erbakan University, History...
View ArticleArticle | Rexx, Kadıköy (Turkish Posting)
Mavi Boncuk |Kadıköy’ün değil Türkiye’nin en eski salonuydu | Burçak Evren LINK|SOURCE31 Mart 2020Kapanan kaç sinema salonun ardından yazdım, bilemiyorum… Belki de bu yazı, üzerine yazdıklarımın...
View ArticleWord Origins | Parfüm, Kolonya (Faruki, Leda PeReJa)
Mavi Boncuk |Parfüm: From FR parfum[1] güzel koku, rayiha fromIT perfumo [mod. profumo] perfumare [mod. profumare] içinden tütmek, rayiha vermek IT Lat per+1 fumare tütmek → fümeOldest source:...
View ArticleThe Star and the Crescent: Anthology of Modern Turkish Poetry
Mavi Boncuk |The Star and the Crescent: Anthology of Modern Turkish Poetry Board bookby Derek Patmore (Author)[1]HardcoverPublisher: Constable and Co Limited (1945)ASIN: B0087WU1JIAn anthology chosen...
View ArticleProfile | Pierre Trémaux
Mavi Boncuk | Pierre Trémaux - Turkish Stèles 1830 Pierre Trémaux (b. 20 July, 1818 Charrecey, France – d. 12 March, 1895 Tournus, France) was a French architect, Orientalist photographer, and author...
View ArticleCompagnie des eaux de Scutari-Kadi-Küi, | Üsküdar-Kadıköy Su Şirketi
Mavi Boncuk | Compagnie des eaux de Scutari-Kadi-Küi,ELMALI BENDİİstanbul’un Anadolu yakasına su sağlayan I. Elmalı Barajı.Müellif:KAZIM ÇEÇENİstanbul’da Anadolu yakasının su ihtiyacı Osmanlılar...
View ArticleBook | Flavours of Istanbul: A Selection from Original 19th Century Ottoman
Mavi Boncuk | Flavours of Istanbul: A Selection from Original 19th Century Ottoman Recipes Paperback – January 1, 2007by Ozge Samanci [1] (Author) with Sharon Croxford[2]A selection from original 19th...
View ArticleAerticle | From Hungary Water to Turkish Cologne
Mavi Boncuk | SOURCEFrom Hungary Water to Turkish Cologne: Turkish Cologne Culture Spreading All Over The WorldDeniz Renkveren, .tr magazineTurkish cologne is becoming more and more popular due its...
View ArticleOttoman Cookery by Turabi Efendi | Translation of Melceü't Tabbahin
Yahni kebab-u mâst bâ hergiz meyâyed piş-i mâEy Tal-i bed baht-ı mâ hep şürba hep şürb önüme asla yahni, kebab ve bozca aş gelmez.Ey kötü talih bizim bahtımıza hep çorba hep çorbamı gelecekMavi Boncuk...
View ArticleBook Review | Osmanlı Kudüs’ü Kent Kimliği, Nüfuz ve Meşruiyet (1703-1789) |...
Mavi Boncuk |Osmanlı Kudüs’ü Kent Kimliği, Nüfuz ve Meşruiyet (1703-1789)Alaattin Dolu[1]Yıl 2020Yayınevi Küre YayınlarıKitap İncelemesi Review: Elif Günal 15 Nisan 2020Alaattin Dolu tarafından kaleme...
View Article1832 | A grammar of the Turkish language by Davids, Arthur Lumley
Best known for his work in his Grammar of the Turkish Language, published in 1832, and dedicated to Mahmud II, the Sultan of Turkey. It was the first book to cover the topic in Europe since 1709. In...
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