Classic Busses Return to Istanbul
Mavi Boncuk | Classic Renault-Scemia, Bussing and Leyland fleets which served Istanbulites for generations are returning to the historic peninsula of Istanbul, Turkey’s largest city. pictured Leyland,...
View ArticleWord Origin | Tepsi, Karavana
Word Origin | Tepsi, KaravanaSee : Tencere Tava Mavi Boncik Posting also.Mavi Boncuk |Tepsi: dep tsi (Middle Chinese) "tray"[1] from Chinese dep tsí sini, büyük ve düz tabak TR; large flat plate EN....
View ArticleIn Memoriam | Kayahan ( 1949-2015)
Kayahan died of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome at age 66 on April 3, 2015 in a hospital in Istanbul, he was delivered on March 23 and was in intensive care unit from March 25 on. He was struggling...
View ArticleDHKP-C FILES
Mavi Boncuk | DHKP-C FILESREVOLUTIONARY PEOPLE'S LIBERATION PARTY/FRONT (DHKP/C)Road to DHKP-C | Charting Revolutionary LeftA Clean Bill for the New Leadership of DHKP/C
View ArticleBenjamin de Tudela (1130-1173)
We know nothing about the personal history of Benjamin MiTudelo, better known as Benjamin of Tudela. He left Tudela, Spain between 1159 and 1163, and he returned in 1172. The two things we do know are...
View ArticleE Book Portal for Manuscripts
Türkiye Yazma Eserler Kurumu Başkanlığı Mavi BoncukE book web portal for manuscripts
View ArticleBook | 1909 Adana massacres: Three Reports
Mavi Boncuk |1909 Adana massacres: Three Reports | 1909 Adana Katliamı: Üç Rapor[*] by Ari Şekeryan [1]Turkish: Translated by: Ari Şekeryan 144 pages, 16cmx24cm ISBN: 978-605-5753-47-4 Introduction by...
View ArticleWord Origin | Ekose, Tartan
Special posting for Tartan Day 2015 Mavi Boncuk |Ekose: İskoç tipi tartan kumaş TR; from FR écossais Tartan[1] EN Mentioned in Cumhuriyet newspaper, 1931] kare ve ekose yünlüden, çizgili kumaştan[1]...
View ArticleUCLA | A Conference on the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
LINK to EVENT SITEMavi Boncuk |Genocide and Global History: A Conference on the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide April 10-April 11, 2015 Organized by the UCLA Richard Hovannisian Endowed...
View ArticleArticle | The Mideast's Next Dilemma
Ferguson sometimes champions counterfactual history, also known as "speculative" or "hypothetical" history, and edited a collection of essays, titled Virtual History: Alternatives and Counterfactuals...
View ArticleArticle | The Fragile Thaw in U.S.-Turkish Relations
Mavi Boncuk |Article | The Fragile Thaw in U.S.-Turkish RelationsPolicyWatch 2402April 7, 2015By Soner CagaptayRead this article on WI website: Cagaptay is the Beyer...
View ArticleWord Origin | Latest Additions to Compendium
Word Origin | Mavi Boncuk is following words that came into use during recent news or just being curious about their multilingual origins.Mavi Boncuk |Word Origin | Latest Additions to Compendium...
View ArticleProfile | Engin Ardıç
Recent infantile salvos that border between blatant name calling and Tourette syndrome between Sabah writer Engin Ardıç and Prof. İlber Ortaylı[1] kept the press busy. Some even remembered a Leman...
View ArticleThe Americaniztion of Bertha as Betty Carp
Mavi Boncuk |The Best Known American in Turkey: Betty Carp [*] | Excerpt on Betty Carp in Allen Dulles: Master of Spies | Louis Mazzari (Boğaziçi University), “A Palazzo on the Bosphorus: The American...
Mavi Boncuk | LINKOSMANLI'DAN GÜNÜMÜZE GİZLİ DEVLET | Suat ParlarİÇİNDEKİLER1. BÖLÜM: OSMANLI’DA GİZLİ DEVLETİstibdat ve Burjuva Demokratik Devrim 7Osmanlı'da Siyasi İstihbarat 12Abdulhamit'in...
View ArticleBakur Incident
Mavi Boncuk |The Cinema General Directorate of the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism has sent an official letter to the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts reminding that as per Item 15 of...
View ArticleFilm | North / Bakur
Mavi Boncuk |NORTH | BAKUR | Director: Çayan Demirel, Ertuğrul Mavioğlu / Cinematograpy: Koray Kesik / Editor: Burak Dal / Producer: Ayşe Çetinbaş / Production Co.: Surela Film Productions / World...
View ArticleBakur Incident Part 2
Why not make this application.BAKUR FILESMavi Boncuk |Zorunlu Kayıt –Tescil Başvurusu Nasıl Yapılır?Başvuruda bulunmak isteyenler kayıt tescil başvuru formları ve sunulması gereken diğer belgeleri...
View ArticleTHY to SFO
THY to SFO[1]Mavi Boncuk |Turkish Airlines officials launched service at SFO on April 13, 2015, with flights operating five days per week to Istanbul using a Boeing 777 aircraft. The flag carrier of...
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