Gallipoli 1915 | Mehmed Esad Pasha (1862-1952)
"...One of the highest-ranking Turkish commanders of Gallipoli Campaign, Esat Pasha’s life has not been studied as an independent research topic. [*]..." SOURCE: One of the Commanders of the Gallipoli...
View Article1915 Gallipoli | M.Kemal in War Ministry Magazine
December 1915 | M. Kemal (Ataturk) on the cover of War Magazine. [uncredited]. One of two[1] images in the 'Harp Mecmuasi'.Mavi Boncuk |Harp Mecmuası On beş günde bir çıkar asker ve muharebeden bahs...
View ArticleGallipoli 1915 | Naval Warfare or Naval Assault
Gallipoli 1915 | Naval Warfare or Naval Assault/Raid/Bombardment or yet a Naval Operation.Mavi Boncuk |Naval warfare is combat in and on seas, oceans, or any other major bodies of water such as large...
View ArticleWord Origin | Üstüpü
Mavi Boncuk |Üstüpü: stuff EN[1], étoffe FR (paçavra, bez), stop EN (1. tıkaç, 2. durdurmak ) oldLatin stuppa/stuppare from GR stúpi στούπι kalafatta[2] gemi tahtaları arasına sıkıştırılıp ziftlenen...
View ArticleGallipoli 1915 | Wounded Return to Egypt
Mavi Boncuk | Crammed full with wounded from the Gallipoli landing, the S.S. Ionian[1] made for 17th General Hospital in Alexandria, Egypt. The wharf at Alexandria, showing ambulances waiting to take...
View ArticleGallipoli 1915 | From the Trenches to 10 Downing Street
Mavi Boncuk |I bet you did not know that Clement Attlee[1], a 32-year old captain of the British army[2], later on a leader of the Labor party of Great Britain. In 1945 he defeated Churchill[3], who...
View ArticleGallipoli 1915 | Russians in Gallipoli
Lord Kitchener gave an order to prepare for landing. It was supposed, that as soon as the landing troops consolidated a bridgehead on the Gallipoli coast, the Russian troops would land on the coast of...
View ArticleGallipoli 1915 | Arab Nationhood and Gallipoli
he Cairo Conference and the Forty Thieves. T.E. Lawrence stands behind and to the right of Churchill. Gertrude Bell is second left.Mavi Boncuk | So whatever you think about the idea that Australia was...
View ArticleGallipoli 1915 | Anzacs at Sea
Mavi Boncuk | On 4 August 1914 the British Empire declared war on Imperial Germany and Austro-Hungary, and Australia immediately began to contribute to the Empire’s war effort. The First World War was...
View ArticleGallipoli 1915 | HMS Ark Royal and Sea Planes
Mavi Boncuk | HMS Ark Royal was the first ship in history designed and built (Blyth Shipbuilding Company, Blyth, Northumberland) as a seaplane carrier. She was purchased by the Royal Navy in 1914...
View ArticleGallipoli, Greece
Mavi Boncuk |‘General view of Gallipoli – Greece’. Postcard from the period of French occupation, 1919-22 A large steam powered flour mill owned by a local Hellene. The factory building and chimney...
View ArticleGallipoli 1915 | Australian Recruitment Posters
With few dissenters when the war trumpets sounded in Britain in August 1914, the echoes carried to the corners of the Empire. The call brought forth an extraordinary display of solidarity. In New...
View ArticleGallipoli 1915 | War Poetry
The beaches at Cape Helles, Gallipoli. Mavi Boncuk |To the generations born before the internet, Sir Alan Patrick Herbert CH was an English humorist, novelist, playwright and law reform activist. He...
View ArticlePoetry Challenge | The Last Army of Islam
This is the second Poetry Challenge. Translate this poem and e mail it it to mailmaviboncuk (at) gmail (dot) com no later than April 10th, 2015 to begin a two week correspondence to help finalize a...
View ArticleGallipoli 1915 | Whose Admiral was Admiral Limpus...
The diary kept by the wife of Admiral Limpus[1] during Turkish posting 1912-1914 [2] must be worthwhile. Archive Link to National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, LondonAdmiral Limpus[1] was also absent...
View ArticleTowards a New Historiography of Turkish Cinema
Mavi Boncuk | Towards a New Historiography of Turkish Cinema by Murat Akser[1] LINKNew Cinema, New Media: Reinventing Turkish Cinema, Edited by Murat Akser and Deniz Bayrakdar[2];Chapter...
View Article1917 | The frontiers of Language and Nationality in Europe
An alumni of Robert College, Leon Dominian (Levon Dumanyan) was a Member of The King–Crane Commission.[1] Article EURASIAN WATERWAYS IN TURKEYBy LEON DOMINIANTHE AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY Mavi...
View Article1915 Map of Armenians in Turkish Armenia
1915 Map of Armenians in Turkish Armenia (after Supan based on Cuinet, Selena and Seylitz[1]) Mavi Boncuk | The Peoples of Northern and Central Asiatic Turkey by Leon DominianBulletin of the American...
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