New Book | Dervishes and Islam in Bosnia
Mavi Boncuk | Dervishes and Islam in BosniaSufi Dimensions to the Formation of Bosnian Muslim SocietyInes Aščerić-Todd[1], American University of Sharjah, United Arab EmiratesIn Dervishes and Islam in...
View ArticleArticle | Futuwwa in 13th Century Rum and Armania by Rachel Goshgarian
“Futuwwa in 13th-century Rum and Armenia: Reform Movements and the Managing of Multiple Allegiances in Medieval Anatolian Urban Centers on the Periphery of the Seljuk Sultanate,” forthcoming in Andrew...
View ArticleThe Turkish History | 1701 Sir Paul Rycaut's edition
Mavi Boncuk | Richard Knolles[1] The Turkish History, Comprehending the Origin of that Nation, and the Growth of the Othoman Empire, with the Lives and Conquests of Their Several Kings and Emperors...
View ArticleBook | Frontiers of the Ottoman Imagination
The popularity of the text can be inferred from the numerous reprints it went through. This chronicle, composed of 1200 folio pages, was first published in 1603, and reprinted with additional...
View ArticleAdol(ph)f Feller Collection
Title:Constantinople, Pointe du Seraïl | Date Stamp: 3.2.1903 | Adolf Feller, 1879-1931, (receiver) Empfänger, Sébah & Joaillier. Mavi Boncuk |This incredible collection of more than 54,000...
View ArticleArmenia, Vision of a Republic : the independence lobby in America, 1918-1927
Mavi Boncuk |Armenia, vision of a republic : the independence lobby in America, 1918-1927 / Gregory L. Aftandilian [1].LINK to Hatti Trust | LINK to PDFPublished: Charlestown, MA : Charles River Books,...
View Article1903 | Le réseau ferré de l'Asie Mineure
Johann Georg von Siemens was one of the founders of the largest German bank institutions, the Deutsche Bank. He was a member of the family which has given the German electrical industry international...
View ArticleBook | Les cimetières dans la ville
Mavi Boncuk |Vatin Nicolas[1] et Yerasimov Stéphane[2], Les cimetières dans la ville. Statut, choix et organisation des lieux d’inhumation dans Istanbul intra muros, Istanbul, Institut français...
View ArticleVaria Turcica Publications List
Mavi Boncuk |Varia Turcica, réalisée en Turquie.The complete list of all the volumes.(many volumes are out of print)I- Bernard LORY, Le sort de l'héritage ottoman en Bulgarie. L'exemple des villes...
View ArticleHow Old is Vatan Partisi
Mavi Boncuk | İşçi Partisi[1] is now Vatan Partisi...again. Workers party old logo Çoban Yıldızı | Morning star (actually the planet Venus) placed centrally into the new logo surrounded by two wheat...
View ArticlePaspati French- Gypsy Lexicon
Dr. A. Paspati [1] has made one notable contribution to our knowledge of the language with the introduction to his Gypsy-French Dictionary.Mavi Boncuk A. Paspati PostMavi Boncuk | Paspati French-...
View ArticleProfile | Charles Ambroise Bernard (1808-1844)
(Click image to read in full size)Mavi Boncuk | Charles Ambroise Bernard was born in Germany in 1808. He studied philosophy at the Prague University. Aiter he had been educated in medicine and...
View ArticleBook | Science between Europe and Asia
Mavi Boncuk |Science between Europe and AsiaHistorical Studies on the Transmission, Adoption and Adaptation of KnowledgeEditors: Günergun, Feza, Raina, Dhruv (Eds.)Hardcover ISBN 978-90-481-9967-9 |...
View ArticleCivil Societyand State In Turkey: A Gramscian Perspective
Mavi Boncuk | Civil Society and State In Turkey: A Gramscian[1] PerspectiveAsst. Prof. Hasret Dikici Bilgin [2]PDF Link[1] Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) was an Italian Marxist theoretician and...
View ArticleTime to Reconsider a new Distribution of MPs
Mavi Boncuk | A single-member district or single-member constituency is an electoral district that returns one officeholder to a body with multiple members such as a legislature. This is also sometimes...
View ArticleBurhan Doğançay's Aubusson Carpets
Shadow Casting Ribbones, 1983 ( Aubusson wool tapestry, Collection of Erol Aksoy, Istanbul) Mavi Boncuk | Aubusson[1] is well known for its tapestry and carpets, which have been famous throughout the...
View ArticleWord Origin | Dosya, Evrak, Arşiv, Docent, Doctor
A fragment of an Athenian inscription dated about 425 BC which contains part of a list of archons[3], in this case six of them from the 520s BC See also: Mavi Boncuk posting on Dosya, Doküman, Evrak,...
View ArticleWord Origin | Ağabey, Abla, Teyze, Amca, Yenge, Dede, Nine
Mavi Boncuk | ağabeyağabey [ Kamus-ı Türki, 1900]→ ağa, beyNot: Abi yazımı ilk kez 2009 basımında TDK sözlüğüne girmiştir.Benzer sözcükler: abi, abilik, abisi, ağabeylik, ağbiablaBTü: aba "ana...
View ArticleCaber Kalesi | Süleyman Şah Türbesi
“...Geldikleri yola gitmediler, vilâyet-i Haleb'e geldiler. Caber Kalesi'nin önüne vardılar ve (…) Fırat ırmağı önlerine geldi, geçmek istediler. Süleyman Şah Gazi'ye eyittiler, 'Hânım, biz bu suyu...
View ArticleWord Origin | Trafalgar
In the middle ages, mainly because they were world leaders in science and technology, Arabs donated hundreds of words to European languages: alchemy, alkali, alcove, admiral, alcohol, and so on. Spain...
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