Graphics for 2014 Presidential Elections
Quick comments. Offshore voting improved RTE votes. Offshore voting turnout was low to have a meaningful analysis. Especially Canada and USA seems like an anomaly. The 76% eligibility block in Europe...
View ArticleJoseph Stiglitz Considers Turkey Lucky
Nobel laureate in economics, Joseph Stiglitz[1] said Turkey could be considered lucky in not having an abundance of natural resources, while addressing officials and economists in Istanbul on...
View ArticleEuropes Best, Turkish Airline 1Q Results
Turkish Airlines, the country's national flag-carrier, started direct flights into Eritrea's capital Asmara on Tuesday, increasing its number of destinations on the African continent to 42. Turkish...
View ArticlePKK and German Connection | Monument(al) Errors
PKK and German Connection | Monument(al) Errors. German Secret Service always kept a close eye on Turkey and the activities of PKK. domestically and internationally. The German government faced an...
View Article2014 Adana Golden Boll Film Festival | National Slate
International Adana Golden Boll Film Festival | National SlateMavi Boncuk |The line-up of titles selected for the National Feature Film Competition of the eagerly anticipated 21st Golden Boll Film...
View Article1920 | "Kaç Kaç" Incident
PicturedFrench Armenian Legion Armenian Soldiers of French Army in CiliciaArmenian Volunteers SOURCEBefore the Y(E)zidi incident in Iraq, the Turks of Adana faced similar atrocities.Mavi Boncuk |"Kaç...
View ArticleCalotypes of Istanbul | John Shaw Smith (1811-1873)
Mavi Boncuk |John Shaw Smith (1811-1873) Irish photographer. He was an Irish landowner of independent means living in County Cork. His importance in photographic history derives from his trips to...
View ArticleMore Historic Istanbul Photos
Mavi Boncuk | Some early photographers of Istanbul.Alfred-Nicolas Normand is a French architect and photographer born in Paris on January 1, 1822 and died in Paris March 9, 1909.Ernest de Caranza was...
View ArticleNext PM for Turkey | Ahmet Davutoğlu
Minister of Foreign AffairsAhmet Davutoğlu is on the road to be the next PM for Turkey.The executive committee of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) will meet in announced a successor for the...
View ArticlePresidential Election | Detailed Canada and USA Voting Results
Mavi Boncuk | click image to view full size.
View ArticleILB Helios Signs Solar Deal for Turkey
Aug 1, 2014 - Chinese photovoltaic (PV) equipment maker Hareon Solar Technology Co Ltd (SHA:600401) said today it had clinched a deal to build 6,271 MWp of solar parks together with Swiss-based solar...
View ArticlePoetry | Secret Passion by BEHÇET NECATİGİL
Mavi Boncuk |SECRET PASSİON | GİZLİ SEVDA by BEHÇET NECATİGİLYou had a lover, rememberSeven eight years ago,I came across her yesterdayShe was happy to see me.Hani bir sevgilin vardıYedi sekiz sene...
View ArticlePoetry Challenge | Hancı (Innkeeper)
This is the first Poetry Challenge. Translate this poem and e mail it it to mailmaviboncuk (at) gmail (dot) com no later than September 30, 20144 to begin a two week correspondence to help finalize a...
View ArticleWord Origin | Çırak, Kalfa, Usta, Vekil, Reis, Patron
Mavi Boncuk |Çırak: novice[1], apprentice [2], pupil EN çérāğ etmek "(tarikat ve loncada) inisiye etmek, meratibin ilk basamağında görevlendirmek" [ TDK, Tarama Sözlüğü, 1500]çerāğ/çirāğ "hizmetçi,...
View ArticleIn Memoriam | Arda Uskan (1947 - 2014)
In Memoriam | Arda Uskan (b. Istanbul1947 -d. Aug 27, Istanbul 2014)From his last article'Artık biliyorsunuz, iki seksen yatmaktayım. Zihnim ise faal mi faal | You know I am all the way down. my mind...
View Article62nd Turkish Cabinet Announced
"THE succession was seamless. On August 10th Recep Tayyip Erdogan became Turkey’s first popularly elected president after sweeping 52% of the vote. On August 27th he stepped down from the leadership of...
View ArticleWord Origin | Katakulli, Dalavera
Mavi Boncuk | Katakulli :isim (kataku'lli) argo Fransızca fait accompli'denisim Yalan dolan, oyun, tuzak, düzen"Dün geceki arkadaşın tahmini gibi meçhul adam geldi, kız onu birkaç katakulli ile...
View ArticleTurkish Contractors in ENR Top 250 List
42 Turkish Contractors made the list (38 in 2013)and increased their combined revenue by 21.4% to $ 20,400.0 million.Mavi Boncuk |The ENR Top 250 International Contractors had $543.97 billion in...
View ArticleVenice | The Cut Review Weisberg Review"Fatih Akin’s drama about the Armenian genocide had all the makings of a majestic adventure picture, yet falters with its pedestrian script...
View ArticleVenice Indiewire Review | The Cut
Mavi Boncuk |Venice Review: Fatih Akin’s ‘The Cut’ Starring Tahar RahimREVIEWS BY Jessica KiangAUGUST 31, 2014When Turkish-German auteur Fatih Akin pulled “The Cut” from the Cannes slate citing...
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