Ottoman Political Parties
Mavi Boncuk |Ottoman Political PartiesFEDAİLER CEMİYETİ 1859, İstanbulLeader: Süleymaniyeli Şeyh AhmetGeneral Secretary: Didon Arif Bey,Members:Hüseyin Daim Paşa, Binbaşı Rasim Bey, Cafer Dem Paşa,...
View ArticleTake This Empfängt and...
Dear AngelaThe Chancellor of Germany does not think that this meeting is between equals. First Press Release from German Embassy in Ankara used the Turkish word 'kabul' and later corrected it to...
View ArticleIn Memoriam | Ayşe Nana (1936-2014)
Ayse Nana shook Istanbul in the end of the 50's by adding striptease to her dance. Sema Yildiz and Inci Birol were legendary throughout the Middle East and were the stars of the 60's and 70's. Sema...
View ArticleRakkas Culture and Rabbit Boys
Mavi Boncuk | The male dancers had more freedom when Compared with rakkase. They could be either Muslim or non-Muslim. Historians say that there were two different types of rakkas: kocek and tavsan...
View ArticleTurkish Tobacco and Cigarettes in US
Mavi Boncuk | The popularity of Turkish and Egyptian cigarettes had peaked by World War One. However, before volume leaders Murad, Helmar and Fatima gave way to the newer 'American Blend' cigarette, a...
View ArticleThe Orient Express Goes Down...Yet
SNCF, which has owned the brand since 1977, has ambitious plans for the Orient Express name[1] – not least of which is the return of trains to Istanbul. A new Orient Express company will be launched in...
View Article1900 | Baker Magazasi
See Mavi Boncuk Article G and A BakerMavi Boncuk | Beyoğlu'nda Doğru Yol'da Fransız Sefarethanesi karşısında Meşhur Baker'in Yeni Mağazası Oda döşetmek istiyorsanız Baker Mağazaları’na yeni varit olan...
View ArticleArticle | Orhan Pamuk’s Istanbul
Mr. Pamuk in the Balat neighborhood of Istanbul. Ayman Oghanna for The New York TimesMavi Boncuk |TRAVELOrhan Pamuk’s IstanbulBy JOSHUA HAMMER JAN. 31, 2014On a windswept afternoon in mid-December, the...
View ArticleFirst Queen for Greece | Amalia of Oldenburg
Mavi Boncuk |Amalia of Oldenburg (Greek: Αμαλία; 21 December 1818 – 20 May 1875) was queen consort of Greece from 1836 to 1862 as the spouse of King Otto (1815–1867).As the daughter of Duke Paul...
View ArticleArticle | The call of Jamal al-Din al-Afghani
Mavi Boncuk | The call of Jamal al-Din al-Afghani for Muslim solidarity influenced Egypt's nationalist movement, Turkey's Tanzimat reforms, as well as Iran's constitutional and Islamic...
View ArticleOpium Poppies | Tears of Aphrodite
Mavi Boncuk |According to one tradition, opium[1] poppies sprung from the tears of Aphrodite[2] when she mourned for her beloved Adonis. The ancient Greeks believed that the wood anemone was a gift...
View ArticleVenetian Exodus
Mavi Boncuk |At first they were merely salt-boilers and fishermen, and were dependent on the mainland for the materials of life. There was no seaport in the neighbourhood to send its vessels for the...
View ArticleWord Origin | Müdür, İdare, Daire
Mavi Boncuk |Müdür: from Arabic mudīr مدير çeviretr, one who menages (run, turn thins around)EN from İdare: from Arabic idāra إدارة çevirme, döndürme TR, to run,manage (turn around) EN. Daire: TR,...
View ArticleFete du Tapis Sacre | Sürre Alayı
The women in the Ottoman harem were responsible every year for sewing and embroidering the silk cloth (kiswa) [1] that would cover the Kaaba. Traditionally its color was black and the embroidery on it...
View ArticleOrientalism | Steafano Ussi (1822-1901)
Mavi Boncuk |Sürre Alayı | Carovana nei pressi del Cairo, 1874 Stefano Ussi [1]Oil on Canvas Size 17.7 x 32.3 in. /45 x 82 cm.[1] Stefano Ussi (b Florence, 3 Sept 1822; d Florence, 11 July 1901)....
View ArticleWord Origin | Gypsy Loan Words in Turkish
Romany [1] Gypsy Loan Words in Turkish and more.Mavi Boncuk |dikiz: to look1889 bakış, özellikle belli etmeden bakma (argo) A. Fikri, Lugat-ı Garibe [1889], ed. Arslan, 2004.~ Çing dikés bak! < Çing...
View ArticleKöçek and Gypsy Dances
Mavi Boncuk | Roma adopted the hosts’ music and arts, often becoming so proficient in them, that they were predominantly hired to play and dance at celebrations and weddings. In doing so, many of the...
View ArticleMongol DNA IN Turks
Mavi Boncuk |The genetic atlas of human mixing events was published on Thursday in the journal Science by a team led by Simon Myers of Oxford University, Garrett Hellenthal of University College London...
View ArticleSyncretic Alevism and Catharism
Ishikism (Turkish: Işıkçılık or Işık Aleviliği), also known as Chinarism or Ishik Alevism, refers to the movement among some Alevis who have developed an alternative understanding of Alevism and its...
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