1865 | Confectionery by Pascal Sébah
Mavi Boncuk |Pascal Sébah (1823-1886)ConfectioneryAP10177Photograph 62 from the album AP10115Around 1865Albumen printH. 360; L. 490 mm (assembly)H. 262; L. 343 mm (proof)RegistrationsTitle inscribed...
View ArticleAşil Samancı
Mavi Boncuk | Aşil Samancı | Achilles Samancı, the son of painter and decorator Yakob Samancı, first worked as a painter with his father and learned photography at the Abdullah Brothers' workshop. He...
View ArticleOrientalism | Antoine Favray (1706-1798)
Mavi Boncuk |Antoine Favray (born on September 8, 1706 in Bagnolet and died on February 9, 1798 in Malta), is a French painter, commander of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. He is known for his...
View ArticleWord Origin | Kırtâsiye
The 1910s were the most painful years of the Ottoman history as the war years, and during this decade, Hacı Kağıtçı Mehmed Sadık Efendi often came to mind for the stationery needs of the institutions....
View ArticleQuais de Smyrne | Smyna Port
In the middle of the XVII century, the Sublime Porte (the Ottoman government) put into an effect a policy of promoting Izmir as the exclusive port of the Western Anatolia to trade with the...
View ArticleMaviyemiş | Blueberry
Mavi Boncuk |Blueberry: (Vaccinium myrtillus) maviyemiş. Other local varietals were called likapa, yaban mersini,Trabzon üzümü, çalı çiçeği, çoban üzümü, ligarba, morsivit, ayı üzümü.Blueberries are...
View ArticleÉdouard Balladur (1929 - )
Mavi Boncuk |Édouard Balladur (born 2 May 1929) is a French politician who served as Prime Minister of France under François Mitterrand from 29 March 1993 to 10 May 1995. He unsuccessfully ran for...
View Article2012 | Mavi Boncuk Solutions For Taksim
Mavi Boncuk | Mavi Boncuk Solutions For TaksimFrom Date: Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 1:46 PMSubject: Taksim TarlabasiSubmitted to Taksim Platform 17 months ago. (in 2012)...No responce or recognitionMavi...
View ArticleWord origins | Tarla, Bostan, Bahçe, Bağçe, Bağ, Arazi, Arsa
Word origins | Tarla, Bostan, Bahçe, Bağçe, Bağ, AraziMavi Boncuk |16 Temmuz sabahı Kazan'da yakalanan Batmaz savcılıktaki ifadesinde “Arsa bakmaya gittim” diyen Hava Kuvvetleri imamı Adil Öksüz gibi,...
View ArticleProfile | Dr. Ahmet Tetik (1958 - ) and Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa | Umûr-ı Şarkıyye...
Mavi Boncuk | Dr. Ahmet Tetik (1958 - )After graduating from Atatürk University Faculty of Letters in 1981, he joined the Turkish Armed Forces. He worked as a literature teacher at Kuleli Military...
View ArticleGeorge Horton (1859–1942) | Ambitions of a Philhellene
Mavi Boncuk | Turkish historian Biray Kolluoğlu Kırlı, in an article published by the Oxford University Press, has written that "George Horton['s] anti-Turkish bias is crudely explicit". This view is...
View ArticleTastes of Mavi Boncuk | Kashk, Kurut-Keş
The ancient form of the dish was a porridge of grains fermented with whey and dried in the sun. The long shelf-life and nutritional value of kashk made it a useful item for peasants during the winter...
View ArticleAleppo Bazaar in Pera | Patroclos Michail Campanakis
Mavi Boncuk | The architect of the building, which was built by M. Hacar from Aleppo, is unknown (Arch. Patrokli Kampanaki[1] Efendi was mentioned.). The Neo-Renaissance style building was damaged in...
View ArticleRecommended | Nezih Erdoğan filmculture site
Mavi Boncuk | Recommended | Nezih Erdoğan[1] filmculture[1] NEZİH ERDOĞAN nezih.erdogan@gmail.comhttp://www.neziherdogan.net EDUCATION 1988 1985-1986 1981 Ph.D. in Film and Television, Anadolu...
View ArticleMausoleum for Yılmaz Güney
Mavi Boncuk |Mausoleum for Yılmaz GüneyOrganizing the Competition: Fatoş GüneyJurors :Principal Jury Members: Cengiz Bektaş, Abidin Dino, Zühtü Müdridoğlu, Şaban Ormanlar, Yavuz ÖnenAdvisor Jury...
View ArticleWord Origin | Yangin
Mavi Boncuk |Yangın: fromTR yan- +gIn → yan; fire EN[1]. Oldest Source: "ateş, hararet" [ Hızır Paşa, Müntehab-ı Şifa c. 1410]1. Bir şeyin yanmasından ileri gelen ve etrâfa yayılıp zarara yol açan...
View ArticleWord Origin | Dolap, Gardrop, Berjer, Komodin, Koltuk
Mavi Boncuk | See also: Word origin | Sedir, Sedye, Somye, SemerDolap: طولاب fromPE. dōlāb’dan; eski metinlerde asıl şekliyle dōlāb – dūlāb olarak da kullanılmıştır)1. İçine eşyâ, giyecek ve öteberi...
View ArticleTurkish Flora | Anzarūt, Kitre
Mavi Boncuk | Anzarūt , greek σαρκοκολλα, is a gum-resin[1] from a thorn-bush which cannot be identified with certainty; known from antiquity, it is used for medical purposes. Synonyms are: anzarūṭ,...
View ArticleTurkish Flora | Nigella sativa
Mavi Boncuk |Bread seems to be a cross-cultural use for nigella seeds—aside from naan, it's also used to top flatbreads in Turkey and elsewhere in the Middle East, and in Eastern Europe is sprinkled on...
View ArticleRecommended | Nurhan Atasoy Archives
Mavi Boncuk |Turkish Cultural Foundation, shares the archive of Nurhan Atasoy with researchers. The Turkish Art Turkish Art Visual Archive, was created by Atasoy photographing Turkish works, starting...
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