Sarkis Karamanik, “Kadıköy Postcards”
Mavi Boncuk | KADIKÖY POSTCARDSSarkis Karamanikİstanbul Kadıköy High School Exhibition Area A İstanbul is an ever-changing huge metropolis in your daily life. It has been...
View ArticleIn Memoriam | Dr. George F. Bass (1932-2021)
Mavi Boncuk |Dr. George Bass[1], courtesy of the Institute of Nautical Archaeology(b. Columbia, South Carolina, December 9, 1932, | d. Bryan, Texas March 2, 2021)It is with great sadness that we...
View ArticleWord Origins | Kalem
Mavi Boncuk |Kalem: pencil EN; from AR ḳalam قلم [#ḳlm] kamıştan yapılmış yazı aracı, kalem Aramaic ḳalamā oldGR kálamos κάλαμος kamış, kamış kalem. Kurşun Kalem tr; lead pencil.The words for pencil...
View ArticleOrientalism | Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey (1804–1892)
Aphrodisias. Chapiteau | Rue sous le petit champ des morts | Bosphore | Fontaine près Galata | Grande Mosquée ? | Hyppodrôme | Pavillon prés du Sérail : Joseph Philibert Girault de Prangey 1842-1844...
View ArticleOrientalism | Sargent in Bursa
Artists like Jean-Léon Gérôme, John Frederick Lewis, and Frederick Arthur Bridgman sought a greater understanding of the indigenous cultures to varying degrees and returned again and again to...
View ArticleAlstom Durmazlar Tramways on T5 Eminönü–Alibeyköy Line
Mavi Boncuk | Alstom has installed its APS ground-level continuous power supply system to the 10.1km-long Eminonu-Alibeykoy tramway track in Turkey.The Eminonu-Alibeykoy tramway Line T5 will run from...
View ArticleWord Origins | Aktar, Bakkal, Kasap, Manav
Mavi Boncuk | attar/aktar: seller of medicinal herbs, herbalist[1] EN, [ Codex Cumanicus, 1303] speciarius [baharatçı, eczacı] - FA/TR: atar[ Filippo Argenti, Regola del Parlare Turco, 1533]actár...
View ArticlePatisserie Lebon | Charles Théophane Bourdon and Eduard Lebon
“chez Lebon, tout est bon” Mavi Boncuk |Passage Oriental / Pasaj MarkizThis arcade opened its doors in 1840 as Passage Oriental. It was home to Café Lebon, the first and the most famous pastry shop on...
View ArticleIn Memoriam | Kartal Tibet (1938 – 2021)
One of the most important names of Turkish cinema, director and screenwriter Kartal Tibet passed away at the age of 83.Mavi Boncuk | Kartal Tibet (27 March 1938 – 2 July 2021) was a Turkish actor and...
View ArticleThree Architectural Sisters of Kadikoy | Hal binası, Şehremaneti and İskele
Pictured Fire Department use during 1933Mavi Boncuk | Hal binasıHal binası was built by the Italian architect Umberto Ferrari between 1925 and 1927 with financing secured from from France as a central...
View ArticleBrothels in Istanbul | A Short History
"...There have been many studies on prostitution and procuring in different periods and places in the Ottoman Empire. Some studies by Edward J. Bristow[*] and Rıfat Bali[**] deal specifically with...
View ArticleBabi Ali Map (1830-1980)
click on map to enlarge.Mavi Boncuk | Babi Ali Map (1830-1980) | Orhan Kologlu, Rasit Yakali
View ArticleThe Photographers of Constantinople | Redux
The Photographers of ConstantinopleOttoman lands had always been a mysterious destination which 2 aroused interest in the West throughout all periods. Bringing the photography 3 knowledge he acquired...
View ArticleBook | Propaganda and War and the first portrait of Mustafa Kemal
Mavi Boncuk |PROPAGANDA AND WAR The Allied Front During the First World WarI. Dünya Savaşı’nda İttifak Cephesinde Savaş ve Propaganda | Ömer M. Koç KoleksiyonuPreface by Ömer M Koç with contributions...
View ArticleOttoman Photography | Carlo Naya (1816–1882)
Ottoman lands had always been a mysterious destination which aroused interest in the West throughout all periods. Bringing the photography knowledge he acquired in England to Istanbul, James Robertson...
View ArticleSedad Hakkı Eldem (1908-1998)
Born into a wealthy, upper class family, Sedad Hakkı Eldem was the third child of İsmail Hakkı and Azize. Due to the position of his diplomat father, Eldem spent most of his childhood and youth in...
View ArticleOttoman Photography | Viçen, Hovsep and Kevork Abdullah | Redux
Ottoman Photography | Viçen, Hovsep and Kevork Abdullah Mavi Boncuk | Viçen (1820–1902), Hovsep (1830–1908) and Kevork Abdullah (1839–1918) later named Abdullah Brothers, joined the studio opened in...
View ArticleAsen Balikci (1929-2019)
Mavi Boncuk | Asen Balikci (1929-2019)Balikci grew up in Istanbul. His parents belonged to the Greek Orthodox minority of the Bulgarians. The family's last name was Nikolow. Balikci's father came from...
View ArticleWord Origin | Poğaça
Mavi Boncuk |Poğaça | Poğaça: fromIT focaccia külde pişmiş küçük hamur işi oldLAT focacia[1] LAT focus ocak, ateş See: fokus, focus [2]Oldest source: foğaça [ (1600 yılından önce) ]: poğaça [...
View ArticlePhotography under the Ottoman Empire
Mavi Boncuk |Photography under the Ottoman EmpireEngin Özendes, Photography historian | Exhibition curatorSOURCE Réunion des musées nationaux – Grand Palais, 2016At the time of the invention of...
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