In Memoriam | Zaha Hadid (1950-2016)
Dame Zaha Mohammad Hadid, DBE (Arabic: زها حديد Zahā Ḥadīd; 31 October 1950 – 31 March 2016) was an Iraqi-born British architect. She became the first woman to receive the Pritzker Architecture Prize...
View ArticleDiyarbakır Fortress and Hevsel Gardens Cultural Landscape
Mavi Boncuk | Diyarbakır Fortress and Hevsel Gardens Cultural Landscape | UNESCO Site Located on an escarpment of the Upper Tigris River Basin that is part of the so-called Fertile Crescent, the...
View ArticleIn Memoriam | Ülkü Erakalın (1934-2016)
Mavi Boncuk | Ülkü Erakalin (b. July 9, 1934 Istanbul, Turkey - April 6, 2016 Istanbul, Turkey). He was a prolific film director and writer.Books: Fotoğraflar Siyah-Beyaz, Anılar Renkli | Arıtan...
View ArticleVladimir Ivanovich Dal ( 1801-1872)
Dal's portrait by Vasily PerovMavi Boncuk |Vladimir Ivanovich Dal (alternatively transliterated as Dahl; Russian: Влади́мир Ива́нович Даль; November 10, 1801 – September 22, 1872) was one of the...
View ArticleRecommended | Kamil Pasha Turkey
MUSLIM NATIONALISM AND THE NEW TURKSPrinceton University Press, November 2012(Hardcover) 2014(Paperback)Mavi Boncuk |Blog LINKKamil Pasha Turkey, and the thoughts and fiction of Jenny White I am an...
View ArticleOnly Blockbusters Left Alive| Kapali Gişe
Mavi Boncuk |Only Blockbusters Left Alive: Monopolizing Film Distribution In Turkey | Kapali Gişe: Türkiye’de Tekelleşen Film Dağitimi| Realized by: Şenay Aydemir, Evrim Kaya, Fırat Yücel, Kaan Müjdeci...
View ArticleLife on Mars Cinemas
Demand for movies is rising in Turkey, where cinema ticket revenue jumped 23 percent last year, according to state statistics office data. The number of theaters nationwide increased 3.2 percent, the...
View ArticleMeninski (1623–1698)
Mavi Boncuk |A portrait of the author of 'Thesaurus Linguarum Orientalium' by Antoni Oleszczyński (1794-1879), Polish engraver.Francisci à Mesgnien Meninski (first name spelled also Franciscus,...
View ArticleWord Origin | Beden, Korse, Gövde, Cüsse, Ceset, Cesim, Cenaze, Mevta, Leş
Mavi Boncuk |Beden: gövde TR corps EN [1], torso EN [2] [ Aşık Paşa, Garib-name, 1330] maˁlūm oldu bu beden birin birin/eytdük ol cevherlerüŋ yérlü yérin"... kale burcu üzerindeki siperlik" [ Meninski,...
View ArticleThe Lustful Turk
The Lustful Turk uses the contemporary conventions of the novel of sensibility and Gothic romance and its exotic Oriental themes are influenced by the life, adventures and writings of Lord Byron. It...
View ArticleIIFF 2016 | 35th Film Festival Awards
The 35th Istanbul Film Festival presented its awards to the winners at a ceremony held at the Haliç Congress Centre on Friday evening, 15 April 2016.Please click here to download the awards list.Cem...
View ArticleWord hunter | Karma Proje
Mavi Boncuk |Word hunter | Karma Proje TR for Mixed Use project EN[1][2]. [1] Mixed-use development is—in a broad sense—any urban, suburban or village development, or even a single building, that...
View ArticleIn Memoriam | Attila Özdemiroğlu (1943-2016)
Turkish composer and arranger Atilla Özdemiroğlu, who had been receiving cancer treatment for some time, passed away at the age of 73 on Wednesday.The prominent musician played in several music groups...
View ArticleWord Origin | Kemer, Kuşak, Uçkur
Mavi Boncuk |Kemer: 1. belt EN[1]; 2. Arch[2] (in architecture), arc[3] EN"giysi kemeri" [ Codex Cumanicus, 1303] corigia [kuşak] - Persian: χamar - TR: kur"... yapı kemeri" [ Aşık Paşa, Garib-name,...
View ArticleSOTHEBY'S | The enthronement of Sultan Osman II
A painting of the enthronement of Ottoman Sultan Osman II has been bought for 521,000 pounds ($745,900) by the Turkish government, according to a statement from the auctioneers.The scene shows Osman's...
View ArticleMap | Das Byzantinische Reich bis in das XIte. Jahrhundert
Mavi Boncuk| SOURCE [1] partial map detail[1] The David Rumsey Historical Map Collection focuses on 18th and 19th century North and South American cartographic materials. The collection includes...
View ArticleEncapsulated Turkish Coffee Machine
Mavi Boncuk | Turkey’s Selamlique[1] brand producing traditional tastes of Turkish coffees in different flavors marked a new co-operation with leading technology brand Arçelik.The disposable Selamlique...
View ArticleOsman Gazi Köprüsü | The Osman Gazi Bridge
The last section of the İzmit Bay Bridge was installed on April 21. The three-kilometer bridge will cut the 70-minute drive around İzmit Gulf to just six minutes and is part of a large highway project...
View ArticleStatement by the President on Armenian Remembrance Day
Mavi Boncuk |The White HouseOffice of the Press SecretaryApril 22, 2016Statement by the President on Armenian Remembrance DayToday we solemnly reflect on the first mass atrocity of the 20th century—the...
View ArticleSmyrna | Grand Hotel Huck
Mavi Boncuk | “Hotel des Deux Auguste” Era Grand Hotel Huck.READ: “Hotel Huck Smyrna: Outstanding Hotel of the Glorious Port-City” written by Ali Özkan and translated from the Turkish by Görkem Daskan,...
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