In Memoriam | Tahir Elçi (1966-2015)
Mavi Boncuk |Tahir Elçi (1966, Cizre – November 28, 2015, Diyarbakır) was a Kurdish lawyer and the chairman of Diyarbakır Bar Association. He was killed in the Sur district of Diyarbakir in the...
View ArticleBook | Elveda Güzel Vatanım by Ahmet Ümit
Devletin derinlikleri, toprağın derinliklerinden daha karanlıktır. 1926 yılının o hüzünlü sonbaharı. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu yıkılmış, genç cumhuriyet ayaklarının üzerinde durmaya çalışıyor. O büyük...
View ArticleDavid Talbot-Rice Archive
Mavi Boncuk |David Talbot-Rice[1] Archive [2]All images currently available from the David Talbot-Rice Archive can be reached here.Images are made available under a Creative Commons licence permitting...
View ArticleRecommended | Dictionary of Art Historians
Mavi Boncuk | DICTIONARY OF ART HISTORIANS A Biographical Dictionary of Historic Scholars, Museum Professionals and Academic Historians of ArtSample Item: Der Nersessian, Sirarpie [Véronique]...
View ArticleNomination letter by Eleftherios K. Venizelos
Letter from the Turkish Embassy in Athens to E. Venizelos forwarding M. Kemal"s congratulations on the restoration of his health. 1928 September 18 SOURCEMavi Boncuk |Three page nomination letter [1]...
View ArticleTurkish Airlines firms-up order for 20 New Aircraft
Turkish Airlines firms-up order for 20 additional A321neo aircraftMavi Boncuk |Turkish Airlines, Turkey’s flagship airline, has firmed-up a commitment for the purchase of 20 additional A321neo...
View ArticleDer letzte Mentsch
Award-winning documentarian Pierre-Henri Salfati’s foray into feature narrative filmmaking is a thoughtfully rendered story of friendship and healing, with nuanced performances including a turn by...
View ArticleBook | Turquerie: An Eighteenth-Century European Fantasy
Pictured. Madame de Pompadour portrayed as a Turkish lady in 1747 by Charles André van Loo. Turquerie was the Orientalist fashion in Western Europe from the 16th to 18th centuries for imitating aspects...
View ArticleIstanbul's Outside by Suzy Hansen
Mavi Boncuk | Outside by Suzy Hansen[1] PDF LinkSee also: London Review of BooksVol. 37 No. 9 · 7 May 2015 pages 38-39 Diary by Suzy Hansen"Istanbul lately has the feeling of a crime scene. The Gezi...
Mavi Boncuk |HOW WILL THE TURKEY-RUSSIA CRISIS AFFECT ANKARA'S NATO TIES?PolicyWatch 2530December 9, 2015By Soner Cagaptay and James F. JeffreyRead this article on the website:...
View ArticleBook | Intersections in Turkish Literature
Mavi Boncuk | Intersections in Turkish Literature: Essays in Honor of James Stewart-RobinsonWalter G. Andrews, James Stewart-RobinsonUniversity of Michigan Press, 2001 - History - 155 pages ISBN 10:...
View ArticleBook | History of Islam in German Thought: From Leibniz to Nietzsche
"Almond discusses eight key German thinkers, beginning with Leibniz's plan to invade Egypt (1671) and ending with Nietzsche's praise of Islam in The Antichrist (1888). Each chapter title encapsulates...
View ArticleWord Origin | Karanlık, kara
Shame on the Turkish publisher Metis for omitting the name of the translator on the cover.Turkish translator Siren İdemen won the 2015 Talat Sait Halman Literary Translation Prize on Tuesday, becoming...
View ArticleItalo Selvelli (1863-1918)
Mavi Boncuk | Italo Selvelli (10 November 1863 – 11 May 1918) was an Italian composer, pianist and orchestra director, who lived and worked in Istanbul during the last decades of the Ottoman...
View ArticleNobel Ceremony for Prof. Aziz Sancar
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2015 Tomas Lindahl, Paul Modrich, Aziz Sancar.Mavi Boncuk |Prof Aziz SancarBorn: 1946, Savur, TurkeyAffiliation at the time of the award: University of North Carolina,...
View ArticleWord Origin | Siper, çukur, barikat, varil, hendek, kündekâri
Mavi Boncuk |Siper: [ Mesud b. Ahmed, Süheyl ü Nevbahar terc., 1354]Bilinde silāḥ u siper götürürfromPersian sipar/ispar سپر/إسپر kalkan oldPersian spar a.a.Çukur: CumanTR: [ Codex Cumanicus, 1303];...
View ArticleWord origin | Hödük, ebleh, ahmak, gabi, salak, saloz, budala, abdal
Generally stupid and/or idiot EN [1][2] with subtle variations. So be careful when using these versions in Turkish.Mavi Boncuk | Hödük:"kabalık" [ Deşişî Mehmed Ef., Et-Tuhfetu's-Seniyye, 1580]Türkīde...
View ArticleAryan Connections of The Hittites
Mavi Boncuk | The Hittites were the people who ruled the central Anatolian kingdom of Hatti from c. 1900 - 800 BCE. They formed the earliest known Anatolian civilization and employed an advanced system...
View ArticleWord origin | Pespaye, paçoz, palavra
Mavi Boncuk |Pespaye: [ Evliya Çelebi, Seyahatname, 1683] bizcileyin pespāye ve ednā [düşük rütbeli ve alt seviyede] bir Pencpirimden [Venedik komutanından] Girid cezīresüŋ recā eylemişsüzPersian past...
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