1919 | U.S. Military Mission to Eastern Anatolia
OTAP Archive: Other: Scholarly ResourcesAmericans Investigating Anatolia by Brian JohnsonKEYWORDS: Turkey, Transcaucasia, Ottoman Empire, Democratic Republic of Armenia, American Committee for Near...
View ArticleM. Nalbandian ne dit pas la vérité
Mavi Boncuk |M. Nalbandian ne dit pas la véritéSOURCELundi 8 septembre 2014, par Maxime GauinLa tribune publiée dans Le Figaro par le ministre arménien des Affaires étrangères, E. Nalbandian, confirme...
View ArticleBook | Dispossession and Displacement: Forced Migration in the Middle East...
Mavi Boncuk |Dispossession and Displacement: Forced Migration in the Middle East and North AfricaDawn Chatty[1], Bill Finlayson[2] (eds) This volume explores the extent to which forced migration has...
View ArticleWork Related Deaths in Turkey
Mavi Boncuk | ILO statistics. Turkey is 4th worst in Fatal Accidents yet 7th best in Work Related Mortality. The results are clear. Target fatalities.Click image to see ranking in full size
View ArticleBook Review | Beyond Celts, Germans and Scythians
Mavi Boncuk |Peter S. WELLS, Beyond Celts, Germans and Scythians. Archaeology and Identity in Iron Age Europe. London: Duckworth, 2001. ISBN 0715630369.Review by Brigitta HoffmannUniversity...
View ArticleAsya Tipi Üretim Tarzı by Sencer Divitçioğlu
Mavi Boncuk |Prepared by CEM ANGIN 04/04/2014SENCER DİVİTÇİOĞLU ASYA ÜRETİM TARZI VE OSMANLI TOPLUMUMarksist Üretim Tarzı KavramıYayınevi: Yapı Kredi Yayınları - Sayfa Sayısı: 219 Baskı: YKY ’de 1....
View ArticleIn Memoriam | Sencer Divitçioğlu (1927-2014)
Mavi Boncuk | In Memoriam | Sencer Divitçioğlu (b. Istanbul, Feb. 14,1927-d. Istanbul, Maltepe Sep. 8, 2014)Sencer Divitcioglu AnlatiyorPublished by Yapi Kredi Yayinlari, 2012ISBN 10: 9750822609 / ISBN...
View ArticleCorinna Shattuck (1848-1910)
"CONSTANTINOPLE, Feb. 23 -- An angry mob made an attack, Jan. 1, on the American mission at Oorfa, an out-station of Aintab. Death or a worse fate might have overtaken the missionary there, Miss...
View ArticleArticle | Is Islamism compatible with democracy?
Mavi Boncuk | IS ISLAMISM COMPATIBLE WITH DEMOCRACY?By James Jeffrey and Soner CagaptayJames Jeffrey is the Philip Solondz Distinguished Visiting Fellow at The Washington Institute and former U.S....
View ArticleWord Origin | Tanri, Allah
Mavi Boncuk | Tanrı: ATü: teŋri "gök, gökyüzü, gök tanrısı" ETü: teŋri "a.a." [ Orhun Yazıtları, 735] üze kök teŋri asra yağız yér kılındukda [yukarıda mavi gök aşağıda kara yer yaratıldığında] from...
View ArticleKarl Marx | Eastern Question
When the Crimean War broke out in 1854, pitting Russia against the Ottoman Empire and its European allies, Karl Marx was working on Das Kapital in the British Museum Reading Room. Meanwhile, he eked...
View ArticleIIFF Turkish Films (1983-2001)
Mavi Boncuk |Istanbul International Film Festival.[1]Turkish Films from Festival Program Books ( 1983-2001) PDF 59.4 MB[1] The Istanbul Film Festival was first presented as a film week in the summer...
View ArticleKarl Marx | Asiatic Mode of Production
See: The Position of the Ottoman Empire in the 19th Century in the Eyes of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels by Murat YOLUN*AbstractKarl Marx and Friedrich Engels lived in an era when the Ottoman Empire...
View ArticleRecommended | A Pseudo-Ottoman Blog: Occasional Musings
“Ne harabi, ne harabatiyim, kökü mazide olan atiyim”. Yahya Kemal (1884-1958)Mavi Boncuk | A Pseudo-Ottoman Blog: Occasional Musings In the real world, the blogger known as Sitanbul[1] is an...
View ArticleWord Origin | Devlet Başa Kuzgun Leşe
Mavi Boncuk |Devlet Başa Kuzgun Leşe | State goes to the head (leader) crow goes to carrion.Devlet: Yusuf Has Hacip, Kutadgu Bilik [1069]ed. Reşit Rahmeti Arat, İstanbul 1979. Edip Ahmet Yüknekî,...
View ArticleGulen Ad | ISIS Cruelty Deserves Our Strongest Condemnation
Gulen Ad | As published in New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune ve L.A TimesMavi Boncuk |ISIS Cruelty Deserves Our Strongest CondemnationAs a practicing Muslim deeply...
View ArticleTestimony of John R. Bass | Ambassador-Designate to the Republic of Turkey
The Senate on Wednesday, moving at what can be called warp speed in the post-”nuclear option” world, confirmed seven more Obama nominees — including career Foreign Service officer John R. Bass as...
View ArticleHaruki Murakami's illustrated The Strange Library and "taxation in the...
Mavi Boncuk |Haruki Murakami's illustrated The Strange LibraryThe quest for knowledge takes an unexpected turn in Haruki Murakami’s The Strange Library, published for the first time in English this...
View ArticleEarly Cinema | Smyrna
Mavi Boncuk |Postcard view of the ‘Cinema Palace’ a 700 capacity cinema and in 1920 its owners were Said Bey and Pierre Depollo and it was in the location where later the ‘Tayyare Cinema’ would...
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