In Memoriam | Nabi Şensoy (1945 - 2018)
Ambassador (Ret.) Nabi Sensoy, passed away at age of 73 in Izmir, Turkey. Pictured Ambassador Şensoy and Mrs Şensoy attending the Turkish Republic Day Ball in 2008 in Washington DC.Mavi Boncuk |Nabi...
View ArticleWord Origins | Ejderha, Canavar, Öcü, Gulyabani, Dev,
Mavi Boncuk |Ejderha: dragon EN[1]fromPE ajdahāk/ajdahā أژدهاك/أژدها İran mitolojisinde efsanevi yılan-kral, dragon oldPE aji-dahāk yılan-kral, Dahak from Avesta aji-dahāka aji yılan IE...
View ArticleTurkish Cinema Newsletter | UPDATES
Mavi Boncuk | Years 2013 and 2014 UpdatedTurkish Cinema Newsletter is now part of Mavi Boncuk. Go to Mavi Boncuk and search for Film and Turkish Cinema for the latest articles.Festivals and companies...
View ArticleIstanbul Hilton Redux
Mavi Boncuk | Istanbul Hilton under construction. My father M.A.Munir Sr. was the account executive for Turkish State Employee retirement Funds | Emekli Sandığı that paid 100% of the construction...
View ArticleOldest Love Letter | Istanbul Archaeological Museum
Mavi Boncuk | Love letter Istanbul Archaeological Museum[1]A Sumerian letter.A number of these songs have actually been found in Nippur and elsewhere, but the contents of most of them are fragmentary...
View ArticleBerlinale 2018 | The Pigeon, The Pillar of Salt and Araf (World Premieres)
Mavi Boncuk |Generation 14plus |Güvercin / The Pigeon by Banu SıvacıTurkey 2018 | Turkish | 76 min · Colour | World premiere | Video Maverdi. Won’t you talk to them? Why are you not going over there?...
View ArticleHistoric Alsancak Power Plant
Mavi Boncuk | Construction 1926-8 by the Belgian Company'Traction & Electricité'.The electric tramway[2] was also operated by the Belgian company: Société Générale de Tramways, de Transports et...
View ArticleWord Origins | Şoför
Mavi Boncuk | Şoför: chauffeur[1] driver[2][ Mehmed Bahaeddin (Toven), Yeni Türkçe Lugat, 1924] şoför: Otomobil sevk ve idare eden. Buhar kazanının ateşini yakan. ~ Fr chauffeur 1. buharlı gemi veya...
View ArticleCinéfondation Atelier | Black Box by Turkey’s Aslı Özge
Mavi Boncuk | A total of 15 feature-film projects hailing from 15 countries have been selected for the 14th edition of the Cinéfondation Atelier, which is set to unspool as part of the 71st Cannes Film...
View ArticleTurkish Forests
Mavi Boncuk | Nearly all the forests in Turkey are state-owned and administrated by the General Directorate of Forestry.Privately owned forested lands constitute less than 1 percent of the total...
View ArticleIn Memoriam | Prof. Dr. Muhibbe Darga ( 1921-2018)
Pictured Muhibbe Darga and Nihal Ongunsu copying inscriptions at Karatepe. Mavi Boncuk |Prof. Dr. Muhibbe Darga (b. 13 June 1921, İstanbul - d. 6 March 2018, İstanbul) Academic / archaeologistProf....
View ArticleWord Origin | Slang Expressions From Angut to Yosma
Angut, Dallama, Dangalak, Denyo, Deyyus, Dümbük, Dürzü, Gavat, Hödük, İbne, Kahpe, Kaltak, Kodoş/godoş:, Köftehor, Lavuk, Pezevenk, Orospu, Puşt, Zibidi, Yavşak, YosmaMavi Boncuk |Angut: ETü: [...
View ArticleBalkan Unity
\\Mavi Boncuk |Having received assurances that coveted territories denied them in the Second Balkan War would be returned, Bulgaria joined the Central Powers. Its added weight proved decisive to the...
View ArticleWord Origins | Pusu, hücum, saldırı, gaza
Mavi Boncuk |Pusu: Ambush EN[1] oldTR: [ Kaşgarî, Divan-i Lugati't-Türk, 1073] busuġ: al-kamīn [pusu] TartarTR: [ Hoca Sa'deddin Ef., Tacü't-Tevârih, 1574] pusu yérde oldTR busuġ tuzak < ETü bus-...
View ArticleWord Origin | Lök
Mavi Boncuk | Lök devesi gibi çökmek. "Lök gibi oturmak." A Turkish putdown expression. Someone that hardly moves. Lök: from FA lōk لوكbir tür kılsız yük devesi, bir cins deve" [ Ebu Hayyan, Kitabü-l...
View ArticleThe 'Turkish Terror' in Sweden
Mavi Boncuk | The 'Turkish Terror' in Sweden ... | Luna Turcica Eller Turkeske Måne..., Jönköping 1694. Author Erland Dryselius (1641-1708)[1] , parish priest of Jönköping town, wrote several learned...
View ArticlebOOK | Orientalism and Musical Mission: Palestine and the West
Mavi Boncuk |Orientalism and Musical Mission: Palestine and the West by Rachel Beckles Willson[1]Hardcover: 380 pagesPublisher: Cambridge University Press (June 10, 2013)Language: EnglishISBN-10:...
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