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Henry Franklin-Bouillon (1870 - 1937)

Mavi Boncuk | Henry Franklin-Bouillon (3 September 1870 - 12 September 1937) was a French politician.

Franklin-Bouillon was born in Jersey. He began as a member of the Radical-Socialist Party, but belonged to its furthest right-wing: he advocated that the Radical-Socialists join with Poincaré's alliance of centre-right and right-wing parties to oppose communism and socialism and support punitive military policy towards Germany. In 1927 these stances prompted him to lead two-dozen like-minded deputies to quit the Radical-Socialist Party, forming a mid-sized centre-right parliamentary party of Independent Radicals, named the Social and Radical Left group.

He met Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in Ankara[1] in 1921 and they became close friends. In 1922 he travelled through the devastated areas by the retreating Greek army and after visiting the burned town of Manisa, he declared that out of 11,000 houses in the city of Magnesia (Manisa) only 1,000 remained.[2]

Franklin-Bouillon died aged 67 in Paris.

[1] L'accord d'Ankara (ou l’accord Franklin-Bouillon ou l’accord franco-turc d'Ankara ; en turc : Ankara Anlaşması) fut signé le 20 octobre 1921
Treaty of Ankara, also called Franklin-Bouillon Agreement, (Oct. 20, 1921), pact between the government of France and the Grand National Assembly of Turkey at Ankara, signed by the French diplomat Henri Franklin-Bouillon and Yusuf Kemal Bey, the Turkish nationalist foreign minister. It formalized the de facto recognition by France of the Grand National Assembly, rather than the government of the Ottoman sultan Mehmed VI, as the sovereign power in Turkey.
The Turkish government in Ankara had refused to ratify the Treaty of Sèvres (Aug. 10, 1920), which had been signed by the sultan and which had awarded parts of western Turkey to Greece; reaction to the treaty brought about a Turkish nationalist revival. After defeats by Turkish nationalists in southeastern Anatolia (Cilicia) in 1920–21, the French decided to withdraw southward and strengthen their forces in Syria and Lebanon. Under the terms of the Treaty of Ankara, the French agreed to evacuate Cilicia. A “special administrative regime” was established in Hatay (Alexandretta), and the Turkish-Syrian boundary was fixed.

Je me plais à espérer que l’accord conclu entre le Gouvernement de la Grande Assemblée nationale de Turquie et le Gouvernement de la République Française en vue de réaliser une paix définitive et durable aura pour conséquence de rétablir et de consolider les relations étroites qui ont existé dans le passé entre les deux nations, le Gouvernement de la République Française s’efforçant de résoudre dans un esprit de cordiale entente toutes les questions ayant à trait à l’indépendance et à la souveraineté de la Turquie.”
“En outre le Gouvernement Turc est prêt à examiner avec la plus grande bienveillance les autres demandes qui pourraient être formulées par des groupes français relativement à la concession des mines, voies ferrées, port et fleuves, à condition que les dites demandes soient conformes aux intérêts réciproques de la Turquie et de la France.D’autre part la Turquie désire profiter de la collaboration des professeurs spécialistes français dans ses écoles professionnelles.”
“Youssouf Kemal Bey Ministre des Affaires Etrangères du Gouvernement de la Grande Assemblée nationale de Turquie est autorisé à entrer en pourparlers avec le Délégué du Gouvernement de la République Française afin de régler un certain nombre de questions intéressant les deux pays.A ce titre il a pouvoir de signer ad référendum un accord précisant les conditions de ce règlement.”
Henry Franklin-Bouillon
The agreement assisted the Turkish nationalist cause by revealing differences between France and Great Britain, which continued to recognize the sultan’s government in Istanbul, and by releasing Turkish nationalist forces from the southeastern front for fighting on the western front against the Greeks.

[2] "Turks halt embarkation of all Smyrna refugees; Quit the neutral zone" (PDF)Rome Daily Sentinel. Retrieved 24 May 2014visiting the areas devastated by the Greeks. He declared that out of 11.000 houses in the city of Magnesia only 1.000 remained

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