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Recommended |Nevin Halici Foundation Publications

Mavi Boncuk | 

Recommended |Nevin Halici Foundation Publications (Fair Use PDF)

Nevin Halıcı is a Turkish cookbook writer, food journalist, lecturer, food researcher and cultural anthropologist. She is a leading authority on Anatolian Food Cultures and is highly acclaimed for her books on Sufi, Selçuk and Ottoman cuisines.

Born 1941 in Konya, Turkey, Nevin Halıcı is the daughter of Sabri and Hanım Halıcı. Her siblings are Ömer Halıcı, Nuriye Halıcı, Feyzi Halıcı, Mehdi Halıcı, Nermin Halıcı and Hasan Halıcı.

She attended primary school in Konya, 1952, followed by the Konya İnstitute for Girls, 1960. Between 1970-1975, she studied Home Economics and Nutrition at Gazi University in Ankara. She obtained the “Cookery Certificate” diploma from the City and Guilds of London Institute in 1986.

She completed her MA titled -Research on the Past and Contemporary Winter Foods Prepared in Konya- at Selçuk University in Konya, 1991 and her Ph D titled - Research on Black Sea Regional Dishes- at Gazi University in Ankara, 1997. She is the first person in Turkey to earn a doctorate degree in Culinary Arts.

In addition to her numerous cookery volumes, Halıcı has widely traveled through Anatolia meticulously archiving her research for the studies of future generations.

She has written countless papers and articles on Turkish and Anatolian food systems published both nationally and internationally.

Halıcı has also acted as consultant and designed the menu concepts of many official state functions as well as international congresses and symposiums...

She started teaching culinary education in Ankara in 1975 and continued her vocation in various schools in İzmir and Konya until retiring in 1999.

She has served as the President of the Konya Culture and Tourism Association between 2012-2016. She is a member of the founding committee of the Nevin Halıcı Food Culture Foundation established in 2021.


• Exhibition: Periods of Turkısh Cuisine / Menus

İzmir, 1983

• Menus of First International Food Congress

İstanbul, 1986

• Exhibition: Konya’s Home Dishes

Konya, 1986

• Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery: Pekmez in Anatolian Kitchen

Oxford - UK, 1987

Taste Proceedings, Prospect Books Ltd. 1988, pp 100-102

• Exhibition: Külünçe (Soldier Pastries)

Ankara, 1987

• Menus of Second International Food Congress

Istanbul, Konya, 1987

• Exhibition: Gaziantep Home Dishes,

Second International Food Congress Gaziantep, 1987

• Exhibition: Poppy Seed Dishes,

Second International Food Congress

İstanbul, 1987

• Menu from Turkey: ‘The Flavours of Spain, Turkey, Tunisia, Morocco and Greece’ '

San Francisco, 1988

• Demonstration: Veiled Pilaf

San Francisco, 1988

• Conference on Islamic Culture:

“Aragon Lives its History”

Teruel - Spain, 1988

• Menus for Third International Food Congress

İstanbul, 1990

• Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery: White Foods in Anatolian Feasts

Oxford, UK, 1990

Feasting and Fasting Proceedings, Prospect Books Ltd. 1990, pp 104-105

• Menus of Fourth International Food Congress

İstanbul, 1992

• Menus of Fifth International Food Congress

İstanbul, 1994

• Exhibition: Wedding Party Dishes of Konya

Konya, 1994

• Menus for “The Islamic Values Symposium”

Ankara, 1995


• Geleneksel Konya Yemekleri, 1979

(Traditional Konya Dishes)

• Ege Bölgesi Yemekleri, 1981

(Dishes of the Aegean Region)

• Akdeniz Bölgesi Yemekleri, 1983

(Dishes of the Mediterranean Region)

• Türk Mutfağı, 1985, 1990, 2009, 2019, 2021

(Turkish Cuisine)

• Nevin Halıcı’s Turkish Cookbook - London, 1989

• Das Türkische Kochbuch Nevin Halıcı -Munich, 1990

• Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi Yemekleri, 1991

(Dishes of the Southeastern Anatolia Region)

• Siniden Tepsiye Klasik Türk Mutfağı, 1999

(Classical Turkish Kitchen from Tray to Tray)

• Konya’da Kışlık Yiyecekler Üzerine Bir Araştırma, 2000

(Research on Konya’s Winter Dishes)

• Karadeniz Bölgesi Yemekleri, 2001

(Dishes of the Black Sea Region)

• Sufi Cuisine, Londra: Saqi Books, 2005

• Mevlevi Mutfağı, İstanbul: Metro Kültür Yayınları, 2008

(Sufi Cuisine)

• Konya Yemek Kültürü ve Konya,

Yemekleri, 2011

(Food Culture and Dishes of Konya)

• Açıklamalı Mutfak ve Yemek Terimleri Sözlüğü, 2013

(Dictionary of Kitchen and Culinary Terms)

• Konya Mutfağı, 2014

(Konya’s Kitchen)

• Geçmişin İzleriyle Sille Mutfağı, 2015

(Sille Kitchen with Traces from the Past)

• Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi Mutfak Kültürü ve Yemekleri, 2015

(Food Culture and Dishes Southeastern Anatolia)

• Selçuklu Dönemi Mutfağı, 2015(

The Selçuk Era Kitchen)

• Zaman İçinde 1, 2015

(Within Time)

• Zaman İçinde 2, 2015

(Within Time)

• Zaman İçinde 3, 2016

(Within Time)

• Zaman İçinde 4, 2016

(Within Time)

• Ali Eşref Dede’nin Yemek Risalesi, 2017

(Grandfather Ali Eşref’s Booklet of Dishes)

• Yemek ve Mutfak Alan Araştırmaları İçin El Kitabı, 2020

(Manual for Food and Kitchen Research)

• Orta Asya Ve Göç Yolu Dönemi Mutfağı, 2021

(The Kitchen at the Era of Migration from Central Asia)


• Sufi Cuisine, 2005

Gourmand Awards, UK: Best Book in a Foreign Language

• Açıklamalı Yemek ve Mutfak Terimleri Sözlüğü, 2013

World Books Awards, Istanbul: Best Gastronomy Book of the Year

• Ali Eşref Dede’nin Yemek Risalesi, 2017

Ateş Baz-ı Veli Gastronomy Awards: Best Food Book of the Year

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