Word Origin | Simit
Simit (Istanbul) vs. Gevrek (Izmir)Simit + braided +dipped in cold molasses mixture +rolled in toasted sesame + baked.Gevrek + flat +boiled in hot molasses mixture +rolled in toasted sesame + baked. [...
View ArticleAyla Albayrak Article | Urban Warfare Escalates in Turkey’s Kurdish-Majority...
A Turkish court sentenced Wall Street Journal reporter Ayla Albayrak to two years and one month in prison Tuesday, declaring her guilty of engaging in terrorist propaganda in support of a banned...
View ArticlePaper | Turkish Loanstructures and Loanwords in Modern Greek in Asia Minor
Turkish Loanstructures and Loanwords in Modern Greek in Asia Minor Sevim Yilmaz Onder Assoc. Prof Sevim Yılmaz Önder, Yıldız Technical University, Turkish Language and Literature Mavi Boncuk |Turkish...
View ArticleBook | Protecting Çatalhöyük
Mavi Boncuk |Protecting Çatalhöyük: Memoir of an Archaeological Site Guard by Sadrettin Dural They are essential to every major archaeological excavation but rarely acknowledged by the visiting...
View ArticleWord origin | Rant. Kira
Mavi Boncuk |Rant : from FR rente. Rent [1] or income based oninterest on a loan. "kira veya faiz geliri, getiri" OLat rendita Sources on historic userant "sabit getirili borçlanma tahvili" [ c (1935)...
View ArticleMurder Statistics
Four times more males lose their life to murder. However similar to global statistics more females are being murdered by someone close to them.Mavi Boncuk |Turkey (2011)Total murders : Male victim 1483...
View ArticleWord origin | Çay, Kahve, Cezve
Tea : Turkish çay is popular throughout Turkey and the Turkish diaspora. Turkish tea culture also extends to Northern Cyprus and some Balkan countries. Mavi Boncuk |Çay: from Persian çāy چاى ; tea[1]...
View ArticleWord origin | Kurgan, Yatir
tumba yatak from IT tombo. Turkish kid's language for going to bed (down). A nearly 3,500-year-old burial site was discovered in Istanbul's Beşiktaş district during excavation work for a new metro...
View Article2017 | Antalya Film Forum Awards
Mavi Boncuk | SOURCEThe Antalya Film Festival has announced winners of its industry forum dedicated to supporting a new generation of Turkish directors which saw Nisan Dag’s relationship drama “When...
View Article2017 | AIFF Awards
Mavi Boncuk | SOURCEChinese director-producer Vivian Qu’s sexual assault-themed drama “Angels Wear White” was the top winner at the 54th Antalya Film Festival in Turkey where it scooped prizes for best...
View ArticleBook | Artists Between Europe and the Ottoman Empire, 1774–1839
Mavi Boncuk |Mediterranean EncountersArtists Between Europe and the Ottoman Empire, 1774–1839Elisabeth A. FraserIn this volume, Elisabeth Fraser shows that artists and the works they created in the...
View Article1920 | Ouspensky in Constantinople
Piotr Demianovich Ouspensky (March 4, 1878–October 2, 1947) was a Russian philosopher who rejected the science and psychology of his time under the strong suspicion that there had to exist a superior...
View ArticleThe Smyrna Cassaba Railway
The advert taken from Indicateur Commercial of 1898-99 by the Smyrna-Cassaba Railway Company, detailing the service offered including the neighbourhood stations, as referred above.Mavi Boncuk | See...
View ArticleThe Jacobins in Constantinople
Forget Gezi uprising and Buyukada meetings...Roll the dates back to look into the Jacobin[1] heritage of Turkish Left and the red color[2] for revolution.Mavi Boncuk | "The effects of the French...
View ArticleA Map of Moda
Mavi Boncuk | Section of a larger map showing the Moda peninsula from 1922, done by ‘Société Anonyme Ottomane d’études et d’entreprises urbaines’.(Click image for full map)
View ArticleClub de Constantinople Redux
Mavi Boncuk | [page 254] "One only needs to cast a glance at the Young Turks who are the leaders of fashion in the "Club de Constantinople"—after the English and French members are absent—with German...
View ArticleWord origin | Hodri
Mavi Boncuk | Hodri: An expression for inviting to fight.[ Cumhuriyet - gazete, 1935] sürmezse ne âlâ, sürerse bunu yapacağımıza emin olsun! Hodri meydan! ünl hayde bre teşvik ünlemi (Rumeli ağzı)...
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