EU Watch | Pots and Pans
Mavi Boncuk |Residents in several neighborhoods of Turkey's largest city Istanbul banged pots and pans from their windows on Sunday in a traditional form of protest as President Tayyip Erdogan claimed...
View ArticleWord Origin | Şaibe, Mühür, Sultan,Turk Padişah, Kral, İmparator
Mavi Boncuk |Şaibe: [ Meninski, Thesaurus, 1680] şāyibet, şāyibe: Res impura & dubium, suspicio. [ Şemseddin Sami, Kamus-ı Türki, 1900] şāibe: Leke, noksan, nakıse, kusur. From AR şāˀiba(t) شائبة...
View ArticleArmenian and Greek Celebrities in Turkish Cinema
Mavi Boncuk |Hidden Armenian and Greek Celebrities in Turkish CinemaBy Uzay BulutSourceBeing a celebrity is often associated with having a certain lifestyle. Fame often brings fortune, privileges, and...
View ArticleIn Memoriam | Yüksel Arslan ( 1933-2017)
Mavi Boncuk | Yüksel Arslan[1] (b. 1933, Istanbul, Turkey- d. 2017 Paris, France) Image: Yüksel Arslan, “L’Homme XXVI: Hallucinations, Arture 385” [2] (detail), 1988. Handmade pigments and ink on...
View ArticleWord Origin | Derbi
Mavi Boncuk | Derbi: [ Cumhuriyet - gazete, 1931]Romanya'dan gelen hayvanlar arasında geçen sene Romanya'nın (Derbi) koşusunu kazanmış derby EN [1]önemli spor karşılaşması from Derby 1778'de 12. Derby...
View ArticleUS President Trump’s statement on Armenian Remembrance Day
Mavi Boncuk |Here is Trump’s statement on Armenian Remembrance Day, provided by the White House:“Today, we remember and honor the memory of those who suffered during the Meds Yeghern, one of the worst...
View ArticleTurkish President's Message to Patriarch Aram Ateşyan
Mavi Boncuk |Message Sent by H.E. Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of the Republic of Turkey, to the Religious Ceremony Held in the Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul on 24 April...
View ArticleEU Watch | Till the Cows Come Home...(Part 1)
NEGOTIATING FRAMEWORK (Luxembourg, 3 October 2005) Principles governing the negotiationsMavi Boncuk |MEPs want a temporary freeze on EU accession talks with Turkey. In a resolution voted on Thursday,...
View ArticleEU Watch | Till the Cows Come Home...(Part 2)
The Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe (PACE) has put Turkey under a political monitoring process Tuesday. The vote was 113 in favor, 45 against, and 12 abstentions.A report entitled “The...
View ArticleEU Watch | Sinjar Mon Amour
Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said Turkey is determined to prevent PKK terrorists from securing a base in northern Iraq's Sinjar region and indicated that Turkey plans to conduct a military...
View ArticleNBA Draft | The Turks
The NBA released the names of the early entry candidates for the NBA draft[1], and a record-setting 182 players -- including 137 from American colleges -- were on the list. The deadline to file with...
View ArticleArticle | How Democracies Die by Claire Berlinski
Mavi Boncuk |HOW DEMOCRACIES DIE (SOURCE)Guilty MenCLAIRE BERLINSKITurkish democracy didn’t die all at once in last week’s referndum; it’s been languishing for years. Why did so many in the West fail...
View ArticlePodcast | The Ottoman Erotic
Mavi Boncuk | LINK: The Ottoman Erotic Episode 289 with İrvin Cemil Schick hosted by Susanna Ferguson and Matthew...
View ArticlePenguen Duo | Erdil Yaşaroğlu and Selçuk Erdem
Mavi Boncuk |Weekly satirical magazine Penguen[1] Dergi is closing due to financial reasons. 4 issues left before saying goodbye. The founders promise to continue in digital media and formats.Penguen...
Top two albums by my class mates Mazhar and Bülent we shared the same student desk at Kadikoy Maarif Koleji (now Kadikoy Anadolu Lisesi)Mavi Boncuk |TOP TEN ALL TIME TURKISH POP POP ALBUMS1 ELE GÜNE...
View ArticleWord Origins | Lascar, Asker
Mavi Boncuk |Asker: Soldier EN[1] [ Dede Korkut Kitabı, 1400] Tekür daχı ˁaskerini cem edüp [ordusunu toplayıp] karşu çıkdılarfromAR ˁaskar عسكر ordu ≈Farsi laşkar لشكر ordu, leşker.çeri: oldTR: [...
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