Word origin | Mankafa, Mankurt, Moruk
Mavi Boncuk |Mankafa: [ Mercimek Ahmed, Kâbusname terc., 1432] Tatarıŋ çün nazar idesin başı mank ve yüzi yassı ve gözleri kiçicük ve burnı etli ve dudak ve dişleri çirkīn olur. mank kafa "aptal" [...
View ArticleA Pastırma by any Other Name Would Smell as Sweet
Mavi Boncuk |Pastirma[1], pastırma, pastourma, bastirma or basturma is a highly seasoned, air-dried cured beef of Anatolian origin, which is now part of the cuisines of the former Ottoman countries.The...
View ArticleAyaspaşa
Mavi Boncuk |From "Grand Champ des Morts" urbanized by ottoman and Republican elites. Ayaspaşa, sometimes also spelled Ayazpaşa, is a neighbourhood of Beyoğlu district in Istanbul, Turkey. It is near...
View ArticlePierre de Gigord Collection from Getty Research Institute
Mavi Boncuk |Pierre de Gigord Collection of Photographs of the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey, 1850-1958 Spanning roughly one hundred years, the collection of over 6,000 photographic images...
View ArticleÇetin Altan | A Selection (in Turkish)
(s: 267-268) ‘Mason olduğum doğru mu, diye bir soruysa masonum; doğrudur, evet.’(...) Bu açıklama Altan’ın masonluğu geçmişi üzerindeki bilgilerinin yüzeysel olduğunu, buna karşılık ileri bir kurum...
View ArticleMort d'Altan of Mainstream Secular Intelligentsia | Çetin Altan (1927-2015)
Mavi Boncuk | Çetin Altan (22 Haziran 1927 - 22 Ekim 2015)Çetin Altan | Literary Works:Novel: Büyük Gözaltı (1972) - 1973 Orhan Kemal Roman Armağanı; Bir Avuç Gökyüzü (1974); Viski (1975), Küçük Bahçe...
View ArticleBook | Kiraze by Solmaz Kamuran
See Mavi Boncuk : Jewish Kieras | Esperanza Malchi, Esther Handali and Kiera EstherMavi Boncuk |Kiraze Paperback – November 15, 2015by Solmaz Kamuran[1]Paperback: 350 pages | Publisher: Garnet...
View ArticleURAP | Top 20 Turkish Universities (Foundation and State Based)
Mavi Boncuk |URAP | Top 20 Turkish Universities (Foundation Based)650 - 6991İHSAN DOĞRAMACI BİLKENT ÜNİVERSİTESİ600 - 6492SABANCI ÜNİVERSİTESİ3KOÇ ÜNİVERSİTESİ550 - 5994BAŞKENT ÜNİVERSİTESİ500 -...
View ArticleUSA Voting for Turkish General Elections
PICTURED | WASHINGTON VOTES BEING BUNDLED FOR THE THY FLIGHT TO TURKEY.Mavi Boncuk |United States Voting for November 1, 2015 General Elections ( During 17-25 October, 2015) Washington 2947 Boston 2464...
View ArticleMort d'Altan | The Last Chevalier of Mainstream Laique Intelligentsia
Çetin Altan was taken to the Medicine Faculty's hospital of Fatih University at Maltepe, Istanbul in September 2015, where he was treated after diagnosis of multiple health problems such as chronic...
View ArticleBook | The City in Turkish Cinema
Mavi Boncuk |The City in Turkish CinemaÖzge Özdüzen, Hakkı BaşgüneyLibra /Culture StudiesPaperback: 158 pages | Libra Kitap (2014)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 6054326899 | ISBN-13: 978-6054326891This book...
View ArticleWomen in the Ottoman Empire - Bibliography, Part I: Unpublished Theses
Mavi Boncuk | Women in the Ottoman Empire - Bibliography, Part I: Unpublished Theses Nicole van Os Universiteit Leiden, School of Middle Eastern StudiesName AuthorTitle ThesisAçıl, Berat Sırrî Râhile...
View ArticleWord Origin | Yediemin, Kayyum, Kamet, El, Devlet
Mavi Boncuk |Yediemin: AR yadd يدّ el + AR amīn أمين güvenli; safe hand[1] EN.Trustee EN.[2]Kayyum: kayyum [ Kıpçak Türkçesi Sözlüğü, 1500]~ Ar ḳayyūm قيّوم [#ḳwm] ebedi, kalıcı, Allahın bir sıfatı....
View ArticleKhazars Ashkenazim and Togarmah
When the word 'Judaism' was born, there was no longer a Hebrew-Israelite State. The people who embraced the creed of Judaism were already a mixture of many nations, races, and strains, and this...
View ArticleNimrod Nemrut Nemrud
Mavi Boncuk |Nimrod (Hebrew: נִמְרוֹד) according to the Bible was the son of Cush, grandson of Ham and a "mighty hunter before the Lord" who built cities at Akkad, Erech (Uruk), and Babel. According to...
View ArticleTEDA Translations of Turkish Literature
Mavi Boncuk |TEDA is a subvention Project for the publication of Turkish cultural, artistic and literary works in foreign languages. TEDA in essence, is a translation and publication project of Turkish...
View ArticleEU Six Pack | Election Cartoons
Mavi Boncuk |Hodja On the Roof Nasreddin Hodja's old house had a leaking roof. One day the Hodja decided to fix it. He borrowed a ladder and with great difficulty climbed up to the roof. Just as he was...
View ArticleMemories of Grand Rue de Pera
Once called the Grand Rue de Pera but renamed İstiklal (Independence) in the early years of the Republic, Beyoğlu's premier boulevard is a perfect metaphor for 21st-century Turkey, being an exciting...
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