Word Origin | Ramazan, Kumanya, Kumpanya
Mavi Boncuk |Ramazan: Ramadan EN[ İrşadü'l-Mülûk ve's-Selâtîn, 1387]kim ramaḍān ayı kilginçe barçasın birge kılurfrom Arabic ramaḍān رمضان [#rmḍ faˁalān msd.] Pre islam monts of July-August. The...
View ArticleReading Ottoman Texts | A Primary
Mavi Boncuk |OSMANLICAYA İLK ADIM Eski Harfleri Okuma KılavuzuWriter: TURAN M. TÜRKMENOĞLU Publisher: MİLENYUM YAYINLARI Yayın Yeri: İSTANBUL ISBN NO: Yayın Yılı: 1999 LINK for PDF
View ArticleArticle | Translation Activities in the Ottoman Empire
Mavi Boncuk |Translation Activities in the Ottoman EmpireBerrín AksoyHacettepe University, Ankara, TurkeyIn the Ottomans, translation activities took place without much significance until the18th...
View ArticleWord Origin | Baş, Saç, Kaş, Göz, Kirpik, Ağız, Dudak, Diş, Dil, Kulak, Yanak
Word Origin | Baş, Saç, Kaş, Göz, Kirpik, Ağız, Dudak, Diş, Dil, Kulak, Yanak. Mostly with origins in old Turkish and its dialects. English expressions also trace back to old English.[1][2][3][4]Mavi...
View ArticleGot Milk! | Yamnaya Culture...Anatolians or Asian Nomads
The research by an international team is published in Nature journal. At the end of the Bronze Age, this genetic ability is still extremely rare Prof Eske Willerslev, University of Copenhagen The...
View ArticleArticle | Mysterious Indo-European Homeland
Mysterious Indo-European homeland may have been in the steppes of Ukraine and Russiaby By Michael Balter | 13 February 2015 LINK to source photo credit: Corded ware pottery at the Museum für Vor- und...
View ArticleArticle | How Europeans evolved white skin
The new studies sketch a portrait of early Europeans based on variations in DNA that are known to be linked to traits in modern humans.The authors' gene sequencing suggests that the individuals from...
View ArticleArticle | Europe's Languages Were Carried From the East, DNA Shows
LINK to sourceMavi Boncuk |Europe's Languages Were Carried From the East, DNA ShowsThe new settlers, revealed by a genetic analysis, may solve a mystery swirling around the origins of Indo-European...
View ArticleArticle | Upper Palaeolithic Siberian genome reveals dual ancestry of Native...
Mavi Boncuk |Upper Palaeolithic Siberian genome reveals dual ancestry of Native AmericansNature 505, 87–91 (02 January 2014) doi:10.1038/nature12736The origins of the First Americans remain...
View ArticleArticle | Turkey's Political Scene Post-Election (Part 1): The AKP-CHP Option...
Mavi Boncuk |TURKEY'S POLITICAL SCENE POST-ELECTION (PART 1): THE AKP-CHP OPTION PolicyWatch 2442June 22, 2015By Soner CagaptaySoner Cagaptay is the Beyer Family Fellow and director of the Turkish...
View ArticleThe Washington Institute | In Memoriam: Suleyman Demirel
Mavi Boncuk |In Memoriam: Suleyman Demirel Anna Borshchevskaya(Washington, D.C. – June 22) The Washington Institute for Near East Policy marks the passing of the visionary Turkish statesman Suleyman...
View ArticleWord origin | Iktidar, Koalisyon
Mavi Boncuk |Iktidar: rule EN [1]iktidar [ Sinan Paşa, Tazarrûname, 1482]from Arabiciḳtidār إقتدار kudretli olma, gücü yeter olmakadir1similar: iktidarsız, muktedir1 general: potency’ potential,...
View ArticleDNA Solution for Etruscan People
All that can be said based on this is that they seem broadly southern European and not particularly Tuscan.Mavi Boncuk | The long-running controversy about the origins of the Etruscan people appears to...
View ArticleRecommended | PeopleOfAr...an Armenian Blog
Mavi Boncuk | This blog is dedicated to Armenian culture, history and everything else Armenia related. PeopleOfAr is set on a journey of self education, sharing of knowledge and pursuit of hidden...
View ArticleWord origin | Hançer, Bıçak
Bursa Knife from "Bought, Borrowed & Stolen: Recipes and Knives from a Travelling Chef" Conran Octopus, 2011 (paperback June 2013) Allegra McEvedy MBE. Chef, writer & broadcaster Described by...
View ArticleReligious Radicalism after the Arab Uprising CSIS
Mavi Boncuk |Religious Radicalism after the Arab Uprising CSISMAVI BONCUK ARCHIVES LINKCSIS LINK
View ArticleWord Origin | Kestane, Kastanyet, Zil
Mavi Boncuk | Kestane: chestnut EN, Kastanie GER from Latin castanea. [ Codex Cumanicus, 1300]Kestane: Castana: castanea from Persian kastāne كستانه a.a. = oldGR kástana κάστανα' similar: at...
View ArticleArticle | Activities Regarding To Establish an Autonomous State In Western...
Thanks to Engin Ardic for seeking Turkish publishers for 3 books by Vasilis J. Çanakaris (Tznakaris) τζανακάρης βασίλης ι. "Ağlayan Anadolu" Tearful Asia Minor | dakrysmeni mikrasia / δακρυσμένη...
View ArticleRank of Turkish Female and Male Names
75,837,020 The population of Turkey is estimated at 75,837,020 as of July 1 2014. Turkey's population is equivalent to 1.05% of the total world population. Turkey ranks number 18 in the list of...
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