It Started Here
Mavi Boncuk | St. Stefano | Yesilkoy Airport from a German airship photo.In 1911, a small apron with two hangars was built in Yeşilköy, Istanbul, for the Ottoman Armed Forces.[7] Mustafa Kemal Atatürk...
View ArticleIn Memoriam | Mario Levi (1957-2024)
Mavi Boncuk |Mario Levi, a distinguished author and communication instructor, breathed his last at 66 in Istanbul, the city he was in love with, on Wednesday.The news of Levi's demise was announced...
View ArticlePAŞABAHÇE | Stem Zero Wine Glass
Stem Zero Şarap Bardağı10026705Mavi Boncuk | Made from the world's strongest and thinnest lead-free crystal glass thanks to "Ion Shielding" technology, Stem Zero puts an end to the fragility of...
View ArticleWord Origins | Çimento, Beton, Harç
Mavi Boncuk |Çimento: fromIT cimento duvarcı harcı << Lat caementum 1. kırık taş, mıcır, 2. taş duvarın iç bölümüne doldurulan kırık taş ve kireç karışımı < Lat caedere, caes- kesmek, kırmak,...
View ArticleWord Origins | Yalpa
Mavi Boncuk |Yalpa: roll, shimmy, wabble EN i. (Fars. yāl pā “kol bacak”tan) Geminin rüzgâr ve dalgaların etkisiyle bir iskeleye, bir sancağa yatıp kalkması: Rüzgâr dahi şiddetini arttırdıkça...
View ArticleIn Memoriam | Sevda Ferdağ (1942-2024)
Sevda Ferdağ died at her home in Cihangir, Istanbul, on February 17, 2024, at the age of 81. Ferdağ, who made significant contributions to Turkish cinema throughout her 81-year life adventure, had been...
View ArticleBook | Dervishes and Islam in Bosnia by Ines Aščerić-Todd
Mavi Boncuk | Dervishes and Islam in Bosnia Sufi Dimensions to the Formation of Bosnian Muslim Society Series: The Ottoman Empire and its Heritage, Volume: 58 Author: [1]In Dervishes aInes...
View ArticleKhilafat Movement
Mavi Boncuk |The Khilafat and the end of World War I↑The Khilafat movement (1919-1924) was an agitation by Indian Muslims allied with Indian nationalism in the years following World War I. Its purpose...
View ArticleCalendars Used by Turks
Mavi Boncuk |Calendars Used by Turks1-12 Animal Calendar: 1 year is divided into 365 days and 12 months, and the days are divided into 12 parts. [1]2-Hijri Calendar: It was adopted after accepting...
View ArticleWord Origins | From Italian to Turkish
Mavi Boncuk | Word Origins | From Italian to Turkishabluka acente alabora antika avanta Avrupa badana balo banka barbunya berber bilet bomba borsa cıvata ciro conta çaçaron çıma çikolata çimento...
View ArticleWord Origins | From Greek to Turkish
Mavi Boncuk |Word Origins | From Greek to Turkishaforoz afyon alfabe anahtar anormal aristokrasi azot barbar barut bezelye biyopsi bodrum brom cımbız çerez çinakop defne delta demokrat efe embriyo...
View ArticleGülsün Karamustafa at the 60th Venice Biennale
Mavi Boncuk |The theme of the 60th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, which will be held between April 20 and November 24, 2024 (preview on April 17, 18 and 19), curated by Adriano...
View ArticleAcademia | Dr. Danuta Chmielowska,Turkologist
Mavi Boncuk |Chmielowska DanutaBiographyDr. Danuta Chmielowska - turkologist, political scientist, research and teaching employee at the University of Warsaw and the Academy of Humanities. Aleksander...
View ArticleCoffehouse Besmele and More...
There is a plaque with the name of Sheikh Şâzelî written on the coffee houses of almost all the lodges affiliated with various sects in Istanbul.Our shop opens every morning with Bismillah Hazrat...
View ArticleWord Origins | Mangal, Izgara. Maşa
Mavi Boncuk |Copper bowl with riveted brass rim with two flat handles in a pan-shaped, ribbed ring with four feet and with a high truncated conical lid with ajour ornaments and knobbed handle. Pan...
View ArticleIn Memoriam | Murat Soydan (1940-2024)
Murat Soydan, one of the important names of Turkish cinema and Yeşilçam, passed away at the age of 83. One of the handsome leading men of Turkish cinema, Murat Soydan, announced his death through his...
View ArticleWord Origins | Film, Sinema from Infographics of Turkish Cinema
Mavi Boncuk | FİLİM – FİLM i. (İng. film)1. Fotoğrafçılık, sinemacılık ve radyografide resim çekmek için kullanılan şeffaf selüloz şerit veya levha.2. Sinemacılıkta bir konunun bütününü taşıyan şerit...
View ArticleAN ETYMOLOGY OF FILM RELATED WORDS from Infographics of Turkish Cinema
Mavi Boncuk |AN ETYMOLOGY OF FILM RELATED WORDScinema (n.) 1899, "movie hall," from French cinéma, shortened from cinématographe "device for projecting a series of photographs in rapid succession so as...
View ArticleIn Memoriam | Mesut Kara (1961 - 2024)
Mesut Kara died of heart disease at the age of 63 in Kuşadası, where he lived on April 14, 2024.Mesut Kara had suffered partial paralysis due to a blood clot in 2008 and had been struggling with...
View ArticleIn Memoriam | Genco Erkal (1938- 2024)
Genco Erkal died of leukaemia on 31 July 2024, at the age of 86.His final social media post, made just hours before his death, has captured the hearts of many.In a poignant message posted on his X...
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