Earthquake Risk Assessment In Turkey
Mavi Boncuk | Seismic hazard maps show the distribution of earthquake shaking levels that have a certain probability of exceedance. These maps were prepared in order to provide for the basic seismic...
View ArticleIstanbul | Earthquake Risks
Istanbul earthquakes occur due to tectonic movements in the northern branch of the North Anatolian Fault, which is called the Main Marmara Fault and extends under the Marmara Sea. Istanbul has...
View ArticleThe Zoning Amnesty
Mavi Boncuk |The zoning amnesty is the law that regulates the ownership and implementation problems of the shanty houses and the buildings that are not made and built according to the zoning...
View ArticleMarmara Earthquake | Xavier Le Pichon
Mavi Boncuk |"DIFFERENT REGIONS OF ISTANBUL WILL BE AFFECTED DIFFERENTLY FROM THE EARTHQUAKE"French earthquake awareness, explaining that he expects an earthquake of 7.6 magnitude to occur in Marmara,...
View Article1948’den Bugüne İmar Afları (Turkish Posting)
Not all are Zoning Amnesty (İmar Affı).Justice and Development Party | AK Party (founded 14 August 2001) Mavi Boncuk |1948’den Bugüne İmar AflarıBinali Tercan, Dr. Öğr. Üyesi, Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal...
View ArticleArticle | Tending the garden: Secretary Blinken’s visit to Turkey and Greece
Mavi Boncuk |Tending the garden: Secretary Blinken’s visit to Turkey and GreeceW. Robert Pearson[1]Non-Resident ScholarIn an attempt to open doors and reconfirm trust with Washington’s regional allies,...
View ArticleProfile | Turgut Cansever (1921- 2009)
"Historicity and cerabrality did not save Beyazit Square. It was a half done, unfinished disaster that failed Turgut Cansever." M.A.M.Mavi Boncuk |Turgut Cansever (12 September 1921 – 22 February...
View ArticleWord Origins | Fay
Mavi Boncuk |Fay: i. (from FR faille) jeo. Fault[1] , Fail[2], EN Bir kaya kütlesinin yerin hareketi sonunda bir düzlem boyunca kırılması ve ayrılan parçalardan birinin aşağıda, birinin daha yukarıda...
View ArticleThe Ottoman Red Crescent 1914-1918
Mavi Boncuk | The Red Crescent is one of two symbols of the Red Cross[1] and Red Crescent Movement and the name of Red Crescent societies in countries with a majority Muslim population. During World...
View ArticleKarl Eduard Hammerschmidt | Abdullah Bey (1800-1874)
A founder of the Turkish Red Crescent. After Abdullah Bey's death in 1874, the Ottoman Empire attached a pension to his wife, who lived in Vienna. This salary continued until Madame's death in 1928....
View ArticleÖmer Lütfi Paşa ( 1823–1869)
One of the founders of the Mecrûhîn ve Marzâ-yi Askeriyyeye İmdad ve Muâvenet Cemiyeti, which was established on 11 June 1868. This organization later became the Ottoman Red Crescent Society (April 14,...
View ArticleRatip Aşir Acudoğu (1898 – 1957)
Ratip Aşir Acudoğu’s monumental works indicate, how important has been the place of art and sculpture in the cultural agenda of the country since the early years of the Republican Period. The life...
View ArticleActive Fault Map of Turkiye by MTA
Mavi Boncuk | Active Fault Map shared by MTA, the General Directorate of Mineral Research Search, was marked at 2023 and 485 points. 11 provinces and districts that affect the provinces after the...
View ArticleAtaturk Monuments and Sculptures (1926-1938)
Mavi Boncuk | Ataturk Monuments and Sculptures (1926-1938)The construction of monumental statues made during the lifetime of Atatürk, five foreign artists have 14 works . Other monuments and...
View ArticleBest of Turkish Cinema Nominations | SİYAD 55
Turkish Film Critics Association (Turkish: Sinema Yazarları Derneği or SİYAD) is a non-governmental organization based in Istanbul, founded in 1977 by film critic Atilla Dorsay. It distributes the...
View ArticleWord Origins | Ulan-Ülen
Mavi Boncuk | Ulan-Ülen: ünl. (< oğlan) bub, bud, buster, twerp, buddy!, holy [1]EN1. Kaba bir hitap sözü: Ülen Gülten, artık sen şeker filân getirmiyon (Ömer Seyfeddin). Sana mı küfrediyorum ulan!...
View ArticleWord Origins | Yara, Bere
Türkiye, son yıllarda yaşanan her afette olduğu gibi Kahramanmaraş merkezli depremlerin ardından tüm gücüyle sahaya indi ve yaraları sarmaya başladı.As in every disaster experienced in recent years,...
View ArticleProfile | Salih Gourdji (1883-1927)
The relationship between ‘Turkish’ Jews and the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic is marked by immigration and emigration. Between 1890 and 1935, more than 50,000[*] Jews the Ottoman Empire/the...
View ArticleIstanbul | The Cosulich Line
Mavi Boncuk | The Cosulich Line, formally the Cosulich Societa Triestina di Navigazione, is a steamship line that was based in Trieste, Italy. The company had been founded in 1889 by Antonio F....
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