1914 | Hammals of Istanbul
Mavi Boncuk |Constantinople hammals as described in The National Geographic, December 1914Chickens en route to market: Constantinople"Often as many as 150,000 persons, of every race and of every...
View ArticleMaona of Chios
The coat of arms of the Genoan Alberghi, Giustiniani.Mavi Boncuk |A maona (Arabic: معونة ma‘ūnah 'help', Arabic: معاونة mu‘āwanah 'mutual help') or Societas comperarum was a medieval Italian...
View ArticleMLKP Marxist-Leninist Communist Party
Pictured London Demonstrations of MLKP.Mavi Boncuk | MLKP Marxist-Leninist Communist Party (Marksist-Leninist Komünist Partisi in Turkish, abbreviated as MLKP) is an underground Anti-Revisionist...
View ArticleBook | Ottoman Era Porters of Istanbul
Mavi Boncuk |Osmanli Doneminde Istanbul HamallariErtug, Nejdet[1]Published by Timas Yayinlari, 2008ISBN 10: 9752637671 / ISBN 13: 9789752637672See also:Osmanlı Döneminde İstanbul Deniz Ulaşımı ve...
View ArticleAyia Euphemie
Kemal Atatürk Lisesi a high school in Istanbul, formerly Lycée Sainte-Euphémie where my mother was educated. (Search Mavi Boncuk for Lycée Sainte-Euphémie) The Great Martyr Euphemia (Greek: Ευφημία),...
View ArticleA Tashnak Rebel Gang of Yozgat
Several senior Ottoman officials were put on trial in Turkey in 1919-20 in connection with the atrocities. A local governor, Mehmed Kemal, was found guilty and hanged for the mass killing of Armenians...
View ArticleAltyazi Publications on Turkish Cinema | PDF Downloads
Mavi Boncuk |Mental Minefields: The Dark Tales of Zeki Demirkubuz, Lincoln Center (New York)Edited by Zeynep Dadak and Enis Köstepen (2007)Mental_Minefields_the_Dark_Tales_of_Zeki_Demirkubuz_PDFAltyazı...
View ArticleVahan Cardashian Redux
See this PDF for "Land Grabbing War, says Turk's Friend". May 30, 1912 article on the occupation of Tripoli.Forget about the reality television star Kim K(C)ardashian. Let's see the former Consul of...
View Article16:9 from Bosporus Bridge
Telephoto lens photography adds insult to common sense. This is not a historic silhouette. If you know where Suleymanieh Mosque you can see from the following map that it is not a credible assumption,...
View ArticleThe Turkish Cultural Foundation Videos
Mavi Boncuk |The Turkish Cultural Foundation (TCF) is pleased to share the uploading of the 100th lecture video on the TCF Video Gallery this week.Available for online viewing, the lecture videos...
View ArticleDocuments sur les Tou-kiue (Turcs) occidentaux. 1900
Mavi Boncuk | Édouard Chavannes (1865–1918) was a French sinologist. He is the writer of a seminal detailed study of Tang historical texts on the Turks, (Documents sur les Tou-kiue (Turcs) occidentaux....
View ArticleMake Mine Mint
Mavi Boncuk | The former Goldman Sachs economist Jim O’Neill will forever be associated with the term BRIC, which he coined as an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India and China (now commonly bracketed...
View ArticleWorld Design Rankings : Years 2010 - 2014
A' Design Award and Competition aims to highlight the excellent qualifications of best designs, design concepts and design oriented products worldwide.Submit Your DesignsThe primary aim of the award is...
View Article1923 | Exile of Samsoun Greeks
Mavi Boncuk |Samsun (Samsoun) Greeks exchanged to Greece 1923. Picture showing a raft full of Greeks towed to the ships that will take them to Greece.After the Asia Minor disaster in 1922, the Greek...
View Article1932 | Beer by the Window in Ankara
Beer by the Window in Ankara by Kurt and Margot Lubinski[1] Mavi Boncuk |[1] Kurt Lubinski was a German Jewish journalist and photographer and traveled the world in the 1920s and 30s. Lubinski worked...
View Article1922 | Greek Bombardment of Samsun
See video: Turkish Nationalists on a ship docked at Samsun, Anatolia (Turkey). Large Turkish flags are displayed on the ship, and on the dock. Officials pose on the gangplank. Turkish irregulars...
View Article1922 | Samsun Bombardment in British Parliament Hansard
Mavi Boncuk |SAMSUN (BOMBARDMENT).HC Deb 14 June 1922 vol 155 cc337-8 337Mr. AUBREY HERBERT asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if his attention has been called 338 to a bombardment...
View ArticleTurkish Actions of USS Sands
USS Sands pictured in Danzig/Gdansk, circa August-September 1921Mavi Boncuk |Following commissioning, Sands[1] remained at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to fit out for European duty. On 22 November,...
View ArticleRHN Averoff Fighing Turks
Mavi Boncuk |Averof, built at Cantieri Orlando, Livorno, Italy in 1910-11, was a de facto third member of the Italian Pisa class, with improved protection and British-style tripod masts. She joined the...
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