In Memoriam | Ahmet Mesut Yılmaz (1947 – 2020)
Mesut Yılmaz died from complications of lung cancer in 30 October 2020. Mavi Boncuk |Ahmet Mesut Yılmaz (6 November 1947 – 30 October 2020) was a Turkish politician. He was the leader of the...
View Article2020 Presidential Culture and Arts Grand Awards
Mavi Boncuk |Turkey announced on Oct. 29 this year's Presidential Culture and Arts Grand Awards, honoring the achievements of artists of the country. The literature prize was awarded to İbrahim...
View ArticleWord Origin | Âfet, Zelzele, Deprem
A three-year-old girl was rescued from a collapsed building in the western Turkish city of İzmir on Monday, nearly three days after a powerful earthquake in the Aegean Sea that has killed at least 85...
View ArticleIn Memoriam | Prof. Burhan Kuzu (1955-2020)
Burhan Kuzu died at age 65 of COVID-19 on 1 November 2020 in the Medipol Mega University Hospital, where he was treated nearly two weeks. He was interred at Edirnekapı Martyr's Cemetery following the...
View ArticleIn Memoriam | Timur Selçuk (1946- 2020)
Renowned singer, pianist and composer Timur Selçuk, who was a veteran name of polyphonic music in Turkey, was found dead on Friday morning from unknown causes. He was 74 years old. According to his...
View ArticleWord Origin | Karmanyola
Mavi Boncuk |KARMANYOLAKarmanyola: carmagnole, robbery EN[1][2]i. (IT carmagnola) Ölümle tehdit edilerek yapılan şehir içi soygunu."düzenbazlık, kargaşa çıkararak soygun (argo)" [CŞ 1921]pusuya...
View ArticleMetric Decimal Units and the Ottomans
See: Introduction to Ottoman Metrology Inalcik, Halil. (1985) - In: Inalcik, Studies in Ottoman social and economic history Pt. X p. 311-348Mavi Boncuk |The Ottoman state was closely following Meter...
View ArticleDedicated to the life and memory of Mehmet Ali Munir Sr. | 8167 Postings as...
Mavi Boncuk | Dedicated to the life and memory of Mehmet Ali Munir Sr. | Dedicated to the life and memory of Mehmet Ali Munir Sr. When he reached the Ottoman Istanbul he was already an orphan. His...
View ArticleWord Origins | Fikir, Vicdan, İrfan, Hür
Mavi Boncuk | "Türkiye’nin birkaç seneye sığdırdığı askerî, siyasî, idarî inkılâplar çok büyük, çok mühimdir. Bu inkılâplar, sayın öğretmenler, sizin; toplumsal ve fikrî inkılâptaki...
View ArticleEngland's First Coffee House
Outside of the habituated few, tea generally remained little known until the brewed leaf was first served to the public in a London coffee house that advertised tea as beverage in the late summer of...
View ArticleWord origin | Kalpazan, Tezyif, Tağşiş, Iğtişaş, Mağşuş, Şike
Mavi Boncuk |Kalpazan: forger [1] counterfeiter[2] fromPE ḳalbzan قلبزن "bozuk (tağşiş edilmiş) para basan" sözcüğünden alıntıdır. AR ḳalb قلب "bozuk" + PA zan زن "vuran, darp eden" sözcüklerinin...
View ArticleDeutsche Piraterie auf hoher See
Turkey on Monday said the German navy had conducted an "unauthorized" search on a Turkish-flagged vessel in a bid to enforce an arms embargo on Libya but only found humanitarian aid.The European...
View ArticleWord origin| Hamsi
Tırabuzon yolumuz Para tutmaz elimizHamsi balık olmasaNe olurdu hâlimizMavi Boncuk |HAMSİ: hampsi fromGR khapsi; Karadeniz, Akdeniz ve Batı Avrupa kıyılarında yaşayan, ülkemizde daha çok Karadeniz...
View ArticleWord origin | Gammaz, Jurnal
Mavi Boncuk |GAMMAZ: informer, tattletale EN [1] (ﻏﻤ]ﺎﺯ) sıf. ve i. (Ar. ġamz “kaşla, gözle işâret etmek; fitlemek”ten ġammāz) Söz taşıyan, lâf yetiştiren, fitleyen (kimse), kovucu: Dilberin işi itâb...
View ArticleArticle | Turkish Ballet
Mavi Boncuk |Ballet: Dancing into historyby Sibel DORSANThe world of dancer Fahrettin Güven is interwoven with the history of classical ballet in Turkey. The former chief choreographer of the Ankara...
View ArticleMektebi Sultani Students 1871-1891
Mavi Boncuk | Click image to see full size. Lycée Impérial Ottoman de Galata-Sérai [1]5 Moslem students admitted during the first five years. During the first ten years 78% students were non-muslims of...
View ArticleWord Origins | Erkete
Mavi Boncuk | Turkcenin Buyuk Argo Sozlugu [1] (Turkish) Paperback – January 1, 2014 by Hulki Aktunc [1] The new edition of "Big Slang Dictionary", which is the first and only "witnessed and...
View ArticleBook | The Secret of the Hittites: The Discovery of an Ancient Empire
Mavi Boncuk | The Secret of the Hittites: The Discovery of an Ancient EmpireISBN-10 : 1842122959 | ISBN-13 : 978-1842122952C. W. Ceram[1] the author of the acclaimed Gods, Graves, and Scholars tells...
View ArticleA Kadikoy Tram Story | How I scraped my Knees
Mavi Boncuk |I was instructed by my father on how to jump safely from a moving streetcar. My first try was while riding the Kadikoy-Hasanpasa line and I ended up with scraped knees and palms. From then...
View ArticleWord Origin | Tramvay, Troleybüs
Mavi Boncuk |Tramvay: FromEN tramway[1] raylı şehiriçi ulaşım aracı fromEN tram ray, yola döşenen kalas + EN way yol GER wegaz IE wegh- yol almak, götürmekOldest source: [ Ahmet Rasim, Şehir...
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