Book | Turkish Prisoners in Egypt / Red Cross Report
During the Great War, at least 217,746 Ottomans were taken captive by the Entente on one of the various fronts where Ottomans fought. About 150,000 of them were captured by the British. The Ottomans...
View ArticleBook | Becoming Turkish: Nationalist Reforms and Cultural Negotiations in...
Becoming Turkish: Nationalist Reforms and Cultural Negotiations in Early Republican Turkey, 1923-1945 by Hale Yilmaz[1]Becoming Turkish deepens our understanding of the modernist nation-building...
View ArticleProfile | Giovanni Paolo Marana (1642 - 1693) A Turkish Spy
Mavi Boncuk |Giovanni Paolo Marana or sometimes Jean-Paul Marana (1642 - 1693) was a noble Genoese, who participated in 1672 in an unsuccessful conspiracy for passing the town of Savona under the rule...
View ArticleBook | Production of Multicultural Space by Turkish Immigrants A Paperback...
Mavi Boncuk |Production of Multicultural Space by Turkish Immigrants A Paperback edition by Figen Uzar[1]Author Figen UzarISBN-139783836482417Format Paperback,Publisher VDM VerlagDr. Mueller...
View ArticleGraphic Novel | Le Père Turc À La Recherche de Mustafa Kemal
Mavi Boncuk |Graphic Novel | Le Père Turc À La Recherche de Mustafa KemalWritten by: Loulou Dedola [1]Illustrated by: Letterio Bonaccorso Published by Glenat[2]ISBN 9782344018491A sensitive evocation...
View ArticleIn Memoriam | Mümtaz Soysal (1929 - 2019)
Mümtaz Soysal died on 11 November 2019 at his home in Beşiktaş, Istanbul, Turkey.Mavi Boncuk |Osman Mümtaz Soysal (15 September 1929 - 11 November 2019) was a Turkish professor of constitutional law,...
View ArticleArticle | Syria tops the agenda as Erdogan heads to Washington
Mavi Boncuk | Syria tops the agenda as Erdogan heads to WashingtonBirol Baskan[1], Non-resident ScholarThat should be President Erdogan's ultimate aim during his visit to Washington: to chart a...
View Article2014 ENTRETIEN AVEC AHMET INSEL La fin de l’illusion turque
Mavi Boncuk |ENTRETIEN AVEC AHMET INSELLa fin de l’illusion turquemardi 29 avril 2014, par Ahmet Insel, Allan KavalÉconomiste et politologue, Ahmet Insel enseigne à l’Université Paris 1 Panthéon...
View ArticleEU Watch | A letter which will live in infamy
Mavi Boncuk |Trump received widespread criticism at home and abroad for his Oct. 6 decision to order U.S. troops in northern Syria to stand aside from a Turkish military offensive targeting the Kurds....
View ArticleBook | Oklava by Selin Kazim
Mavi Boncuk |Oklava: Recipes from a Turkish-Cypriot Kitchen by Selin Kazim[1]Hardcover: 240 pagesPublisher: Interlink Pub Group Inc (October 15, 2017)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 1566560284ISBN-13:...
View ArticleArticle | Why Erdogan Wants to Get Along with Trump by Soner Cagaptay
Mavi Boncuk |Why Erdogan Wants to Get Along with Trumpby Soner CagaptayDuvar EnglishNovember 14, 2019Soner Cagaptay is the Beyer Family Fellow at The Washington Institute and author of the book...
View ArticleA Turkish Wine Producers Contact List and Grape varieties of Turkey
Mavi Boncuk | The size and geography of Turkey accounts for the wide climatic variation of Turkey's wine regions. The wine regions of Thrace along the Sea of Marmara have slight Mediterranean climates...
View ArticleIllustrations | Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and Ethem Çalışkan Signature
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk signature created by by Ethem Çalışkan Hagop Vahram Çerçiyan of Robert College design (the 5th one was selected)“Saat sabah 8:30 sularıydı. Kapı çalındı annem açtı. Endişeli bir...
View ArticleIn Memoriam | Yıldız Kenter (1928-2019)
(Pictured) A 1948 letter by the legendary Theater and film director Muhsin Ertugrul to Yıldız Kenter praising her abilities and giving his full confidence in her future success."Yıldız, the apple of...
View ArticleBook | The Politics of Armenian Migration to North America, 1885-1915 by...
Mavi Boncuk |The Politics of Armenian Migration to North America, 1885-1915 by David Gutman[1]ISBN-13 9781474445245Series Edinburgh Studies on the Ottoman EmpirePublisher Edinburgh University...
View Article2019 | International Istanbul Silent Cinema Days
International Istanbul Silent Cinema Days, Turkey’s first and only festival dedicated exclusively to silent cinema, is presenting its sixth edition from 4 to 8 Dec. 2019. Festival locations are Akbank...
View ArticleBook | Open Wounds Armenians, Turks and a Century of Genocide by Vicken...
Mavi Boncuk |Open Wounds |Armenians, Turks and a Century of GenocideVicken Cheterian[1]HardcoverPublished: 16 October 2015416 Pages6-1/8 x 9-1/4 inchesISBN: 9780190263508The assassination of the author...
View ArticleTurkish German Cinema in the New Millennium by Sabine Hake
Mavi Boncuk |Turkish German Cinema in the New Millennium by Sabine Hake[1]Edited by Sabine Hake Edited by Barbara MennelISBN-139781782386650SeriesFilm EuropaFormat Paperback, Publisher Berghahn Books...
View ArticleWord Origin | Yular, Dizgin
Kılıçdaroğlu, to President Erdoğan “Gazeteye yazı yazmış, ‘Trump haklıdır’ diyor. Haksızdır diyemezsin ki zaten, burnundan getirir çünkü. Yuları kaptırmışsın oraya… Her türlü talimata açıksın.” |...
View ArticleThe first European coffee-shops and Armenians.
Mavi Boncuk |The first European coffee-shops were established by Armenians.It’s true – coffee doesn’t grow in Armenia. Never has, probably never will. The origins of that drink, today one of the most...
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