Cine Opera and Ipek
Mavi Boncuk | Beyoğlu İpek Sineması. Source: Gökhan Akçura Archive.Opera Sineması (1924) | İpek Sineması | Şehir Tiyatroları Komedi SahnesiSourceCinema Ipek 1940ies.and Suat Nirven 1950 mapMavi Boncuk...
View ArticleGallipoli 2019 | Dominion of New Zealand. Military Service Act, 1916
Dominion of New Zealand. Military Service Act, 1916 :Enrolment of Expeditionary Force Reserve...Call at nearest post-office.. 1916.Text announcing requirement to enrol, and the consequences of failure...
View ArticleLolo | Temaşa-i Dünya ve Cefakâr u Cefakeş
19th century marks the time when ‘novel’ enters from west into Turkish and Greek literature. At that time, Ottoman and Greek societies were at the brink of very diverse historical and social changes....
View ArticleIIFS 2019 | The Lifetime Achievement Award Jak Şalom
The Cinema Awards of the 38th Istanbul Film Festival will be presented to four revered figures of Turkish cinema during the opening ceremony of the festival at UNIQ Istanbul on April 4.The Lifetime...
View ArticleIstanbul 1915 and Turkey in Asia 1921
Mavi Boncuk | Istanbul sur une carte française de l’Empire ottoman (1915)”Turkey in Asia. Syria, Palestine, Hejaz and Arabia“ : le Proche-Orient après la Première Guerre mondiale dans un atlas de 1921,...
View ArticleIIFF Istanbul 2019 | CINEMA OF TURKEY 2018-2019
Mavi Boncuk |CINEMA OF TURKEY 2018-2019This section showcases recent film productions fromTurkey in the National Competition, Out of Competition,National Documentary Competition, National Short...
View ArticleIIFF | Istanbul International Film Festival E-Catalogues 2005-2017
Mavi Boncuk | 2005-2017 Festival Catalogs in Hi and Low resolution PDFs.
View ArticleWord Origin | Çöp, Çamur, Çukur
'CHP dönemi, çöp, çamur, çukur olarak tarihe geçti'Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanı Murat Kurum. 'Republican Peoples Party (CHP) period was trash, mud, and potholes' Minister of Environment and Urbanism...
View ArticleWord origins | Alkış, Ölüm
ABOUT 170 years ago it became known in Europe that there are, on the Upper Yenisei, inscriptions on stone monuments which are written in some unknown language, and are relics of an unknown population....
View ArticleWho is on First | Indo-Europeans or Steppe Peoples
Mavi Boncuk |This book argues that the Indo-Europeanizing of Europe essentially began shortly before 1600 BC, when lands rich in natural resources were taken over by military forces from the Eurasian...
View ArticleArticle | A Turkish origin for Indo-European languages
Indo-European languages appear to have originated around 7,800 to 9,800 years ago in Turkey.A family tree of Indo-European languages suggests they began to spread and split about 9,000 years ago. The...
View ArticleLecture | Lord Colin Renfrew | Marija Redivia: DNA and Indo-European Origins
Presented by Lord Colin Renfrew, Senior Fellow of the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, former Disney Professor of Archaeology and Director of the McDonald Institute, University of...
View ArticleBook | Women in the Cinemas of Iran and Turkey by Gönül Dönmez-Colin
Gönül Dönmez-Colin is film scholar and author of several books on cinema. including Women, Islam and Cinema, Turkish Cinema: Identity, Distance and Belonging and The Routledge Dictionary of Turkish...
View ArticleTurkey LEEDs in 6th Place
Mavi Boncuk | Turkey is a leading country in building LEED-certified projects.Earlier this year, USGBC released the Top 10 Countries for LEED, featuring Turkey, for the third year in a row, with 245...
View ArticleEU Watch | MAM Loves Birds in the Bush
Mavi Boncuk | Despite repeated denials from both sides regarding the formation of any official alliance for the upcoming local elections, the CHP and pro-PKK HDP are supporting each other's candidates...
View Article2019 Local Elections Winners according to provincial capitals
Mavi Boncuk |2019 Local Elections Winners according to provincial capitals: AKP CHP MHP HDP TKP Independent* Parties are ordered according to popular vote. Due to the...
View ArticleWord Origin | çetrefil, madrabaz
Kvachi is... an international con-man, through whose eyes we see Europe and Russia as nothing but a rogue's hunting ground.... The abrupt, sardonic prose brims over with inventiveness.--Donald Rayfield...
View ArticleWord Origin | Trafik
Mavi Boncuk |Trafik: Traffic EN [1] fromFR trafic gidiş-geliş, alışveriş, ticaret, araç seyrüseferi fromIT traffico. Oldest Source: [ c (1932) : rıhtım metre tulüne isabet eden vasatî trafik miktarı...
View ArticleEU Watch | MAM Moves Away
Mavi Boncuk | President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s party will apply for a full recount of all votes in Istanbul, a senior official said on Sunday as the opposition challenger pleaded with his rivals to...
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