"The Turkish writer Yaşar Kemal, who has died aged 91, found fame after the publication of his first novel, Ince Memed (1955), translated into English as Memed, My Hawk (1961). It became known around the world in other translations, the first Turkish novel to make a big impact internationally. Kemal was then working as a journalist in Istanbul, but the story dealt with the harsh life of farmers and ordinary people in the Çukurova plain and Taurus mountains around Adana in southern Turkey." Guardian Obituary
Mavi Boncuk |
Yaşar Kemal Bibliography
Sarı Sıcak, ("Yellow Heat") (1952)
İnce Memed (Memed, My Hawk) (1955)
Teneke (The Drumming-Out) (1955)
Orta Direk (The Wind from the Plain) (1960)
Yer Demir Gök Bakır (Iron Earth, Copper Sky) (1963)
Ölmez Otu (The Undying Grass) (1968)
Ince Memed II (They Burn the Thistles) (1969)
Akçasazın Ağaları/Demirciler Çarşısı Cinayeti (The Agas of Akchasaz Trilogy/Murder in the Ironsmiths Market) (1974)
Akçasazın Ağaları/Yusufcuk Yusuf (The Agas of Akchasaz Trilogy/Yusuf, Little Yusuf) (1975)
Yılanı Öldürseler (To Crush the Serpent) (1976)
Al Gözüm Seyreyle Salih (The Saga of a Seagull) (1976)
Allahın Askerleri (God’s Soldiers) (1978)
Kuşlar da Gitti (The Birds Have Also Gone: Long Stories) (1978)
Deniz Küstü (The Sea-Crossed Fisherman) (1978)
Hüyükteki Nar Ağacı (The Pomegranate on the Knoll) (1982)
Yağmurcuk Kuşu/Kimsecik I (Kimsecik I - Little Nobody I) (1980)
Kale Kapısı/Kimsecik II (Kimsecik II - Little Nobody II)(1985)
Kanın Sesi/Kimsecik III (Kimsecik III - Little Nobody III) (1991)
Fırat Suyu Kan Akıyor Baksana (Look, the Euphrates is Flowing with Blood) (1997)
Karıncanın Su İçtiği (Ant Drinking Water) (2002)
Tanyeri Horozları (The Cocks of Dawn) (2002)
Epic Novels
Üç Anadolu Efsanesi (Three Anatolian Legends) (1967)
Ağrıdağı Efsanesi (The Legend of Mount Ararat) (1970) - the base of the opera Ağrı Dağı Efsanesi 1971
Binboğalar Efsanesi (The Legend of the Thousand Bulls) (1971)
Çakırcalı Efe* (The Life Stories of the Famous Bandit Çakircali) (1972)
Yanan Ormanlarda 50 Gün (Fifty Days in the Burning Forests) (1955)
Çukurova Yana Yana (While Çukurova Burns) (1955)
Peribacaları (The Fairy Chimneys) (1957)
Bu Diyar Baştan Başa (Collected reportages) (1971)
Bir Bulut Kaynıyor (Collected reportages) (1974)
Experimental Works
Ağıtlar (Ballads) (1943)
Taş Çatlasa (At Most) (1961)
Baldaki Tuz (The Salt in the Honey) (1959-74 newspaper articles)
Gökyüzü Mavi Kaldı (The Sky remained Blue) (collection of folk literature in collaboration with S. Eyüboğlu)
Ağacın Çürüğü (The Rotting Tree) (Articles and Speeches) (1980)
Yayımlanmamış 10 Ağıt (10 Unpublished Ballads) (1985)
Sarı Defterdekiler (Contents of the Yellow Notebook) (Collected Folkloric works) (1997)
Ustadır Arı (The Expert Bee) (1995)
Zulmün Artsın (Increase Your Oppression) (1995)
Children's Books
Filler Sultanı ile Kırmızı Sakallı Topal Karınca (The Sultan of the Elephants and the Red-Bearded Lame Ant) (1977)