Mavi Boncuk |
Rödovans: TR Redevance FR: A royalty [1] is a payment to be held on a regular basis in exchange for an exploitation right (patent, copyright, trademark law, mining, agricultural land, etc..) Or a right to use service.
The term is a translation fee recommended in France for royalty anglicism (plural: royalties) sometimes used. In Quebec, the Quebec Office of the French Language, "royalties" would be recognized as equivalent to the English royalty in two contexts:
1. Law (patents):
Royalties: The amount that the user of a patent shall pay the inventor and which is proportional to the number of artifacts.
2. Royalties: Royalties paid by a company in the State of which the natural resources; hydroelectric force, forests, mineral deposits or oil, etc.1.
Taşeron: 1938 Cumhuriyet Daily article
from FR tâcheron: Personne qui exécute des tâches ingrates. travailleur. Du latin taxare (Taxing: FR toucher avec insistance EN touch with insistence), from medieval Latin tasca ( FR redevance EN fee, royalty, levy, rental charge, license fee ). from Old Latin taxa , tax or. Lattaxare establish value for tax purpose. Old GR tassō.
TR 1. başkasına ait yükümlülüğü ücret karşılığında üstlenen kimse, iş yüklenen kimse
2. görev, yapılması gereken iş, angarya EN duty, work assignment.
from the same root source
Taksi: 1924 Mehmet Bahaettin (Toven), Yeni Türkçe Lugat [1924], ed. A. Hayber, TDK 2004.
Taksimetre FR taxi EN commercial vehicle FR (voiture à )taximètre
Based on the attached mechanical device to horse drawn carriages to calculate a tax on this profession.
Angarya: Franciscus Meninski, Thesaurus Linguarum Orientalium [1680], tıpkıbasım Simurg 2000.
from GR angaría αγγαρεία Old GR aggareía αγγαρεία forced public duty, mostly for transportin mail Old GR ággaros άγγαρος postal official of Persian ruler Old Persian ha(n)gāracost ) from Akkadian agaru/aggaru | doing forced labor instead of paying a tax. AR acr أجر, fee, payment for services rendered.
[1] Royalty (n.) c.1400, "office or position of a sovereign," also "magnificence," from or modeled on Old French roialte (12c., Modern French royauté), from Vulgar Latin *regalitatem (nominative *regalitas), from Latin regalis (see royal). Sense of "prerogatives or rights granted by a sovereign to an individual or corporation" is from late 15c. From that evolved more general senses, such as "payment to a landowner for use of a mine" (1839), and ultimately "payment to an author, composer, etc." for sale or use of his or her work (1857)
Rödovans: TR Redevance FR: A royalty [1] is a payment to be held on a regular basis in exchange for an exploitation right (patent, copyright, trademark law, mining, agricultural land, etc..) Or a right to use service.
The term is a translation fee recommended in France for royalty anglicism (plural: royalties) sometimes used. In Quebec, the Quebec Office of the French Language, "royalties" would be recognized as equivalent to the English royalty in two contexts:
1. Law (patents):
Royalties: The amount that the user of a patent shall pay the inventor and which is proportional to the number of artifacts.
2. Royalties: Royalties paid by a company in the State of which the natural resources; hydroelectric force, forests, mineral deposits or oil, etc.1.
Taşeron: 1938 Cumhuriyet Daily article
from FR tâcheron: Personne qui exécute des tâches ingrates. travailleur. Du latin taxare (Taxing: FR toucher avec insistance EN touch with insistence), from medieval Latin tasca ( FR redevance EN fee, royalty, levy, rental charge, license fee ). from Old Latin taxa , tax or. Lattaxare establish value for tax purpose. Old GR tassō.
TR 1. başkasına ait yükümlülüğü ücret karşılığında üstlenen kimse, iş yüklenen kimse
2. görev, yapılması gereken iş, angarya EN duty, work assignment.
from the same root source
Taksi: 1924 Mehmet Bahaettin (Toven), Yeni Türkçe Lugat [1924], ed. A. Hayber, TDK 2004.
Taksimetre FR taxi EN commercial vehicle FR (voiture à )taximètre
Based on the attached mechanical device to horse drawn carriages to calculate a tax on this profession.
Angarya: Franciscus Meninski, Thesaurus Linguarum Orientalium [1680], tıpkıbasım Simurg 2000.
from GR angaría αγγαρεία Old GR aggareía αγγαρεία forced public duty, mostly for transportin mail Old GR ággaros άγγαρος postal official of Persian ruler Old Persian ha(n)gāracost ) from Akkadian agaru/aggaru | doing forced labor instead of paying a tax. AR acr أجر, fee, payment for services rendered.
[1] Royalty (n.) c.1400, "office or position of a sovereign," also "magnificence," from or modeled on Old French roialte (12c., Modern French royauté), from Vulgar Latin *regalitatem (nominative *regalitas), from Latin regalis (see royal). Sense of "prerogatives or rights granted by a sovereign to an individual or corporation" is from late 15c. From that evolved more general senses, such as "payment to a landowner for use of a mine" (1839), and ultimately "payment to an author, composer, etc." for sale or use of his or her work (1857)