Helal: halal, permissible EN[1]fromAR ḥalāl حلال izinli olan, dinen yasak olmayan fromAR ḥalla حلّ çözdü, izin verdi ḥalla حلّ "çözdü, izin verdi" fiilinin masdarıdır.
Oldest source: [ Atebet-ül Hakayık (1300 yılından önce) ]
Hal: fromAR ḥall حلّ 1. çözme, bağlı olan bir şeyi açma, 2. çözüm fromAR ḥalla حلّ çözdü. Oldest source: ḥall [ Aşık Paşa, Garib-name (1330) ]
fromAR ḥwl kökünden gelen ḥāl حال "1. durum, 2. görünüm, varoluş evresi, 3. şimdiki zaman" sözcüğünden alıntıdır.
Hal 2: Arapça sözcük Arapça ḥāla حال "döndü, dönüştü, evrildi, yöneldi, bir hale geldi, bir hal aldı, bir hale büründü, bir görüntü edindi" fiilinin masdarıdır.
Hal 3: fromAR χlˁ kökünden gelen χalˁ خلع "1. giysisini çıkarma, soyma, 2. birini makamdan alma, hükümdarı tahttan indirme" sözcüğünden alıntıdır. Arapça sözcük Arapça χalaˁa خلع "giysisini çıkardı, soydu" fiilinin masdarıdır.
Halel: fromAR χalal خلل 1. bozma, yırtma, delme, 2. bozukluk, hasar, yırtık. Oldest source: [ Saraylı Seyf, Gülistan Tercümesi (1391) ]
[1] halal (adj.) 1858, Arabic, literally "lawful." Halal food has been prepared in a manner prescribed by Islamic law. Also spelled hallal or halaal. It is frequently applied to permissible food and drinks. In the Quran, the word halal is contrasted with haram (forbidden).
"the Qur'anic justification for halal slaughter states that "forbidden to you is carrion, and blood, and the flesh of swine, and that over which any name other than God's has been invoked, and the animal that has been strangled, or beaten to death, or killed by a fall, or gored to death, or savaged by a beast of prey, save that which you [yourselves] may have slaughtered while it was still alive." (5:3). It's not about harmful blood, although this may be the rational interpretation of the opening lines. The deeper emphasis of this verse is on the "good" and "pure", as opposed to violent and careless. Pain is supposed to be minimised, the responsibility of the Muslim increased. Eating is an act of worship (ibadah)."The true meaning of halal| Catherine Fildes