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Word Origin | Kurultay

Mavi Boncuk | 
Kurultay: [1] conress[2] EN
From Mongolian kuralta toplantı, meclis ;  kura- toplanmak
Cengiz Han yasasında büyük aile meclisi 
kurıltay "büyük meclis" [ Tanin (gazete) (1910) ]
kurultay [ Osmanıcadan Türkçeye Cep Kılavuzu (1935) ]
Kuman TR: [ Codex Cumanicus, 1303]
kurulta kurar - Alm: hê wil eyn hof halden [meclis toplar]
TartarTR [ Ahmed Vefik Paşa, Lehce-ı Osmani, 1876]
Etrāk beyninde [Türklerde] divan, divan kurulan encümen, ayak divanı.
TartarTR [ Cumhuriyet - gazete, 1930]

İstanbul Türk ocağı tarafından umumi kurultay içtimaına gönderilecek olan (...)
Not: Moğol egemenliği döneminden beri ender duyulmuş olan sözcük Türk Ocakları bünyesinde 1908-1910'da canlandırılmış ve İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti kongresinde benimsenmiş ilk "Yeni Türkçe" kelimelerdendir.

Kurul: kurultay; büyük meclis "kongre, meclis" [ Osmanıcadan Türkçeye Cep Kılavuzu (1935) ] 

Kural: newTR: "kaide" [ Cumhuriyet - gazete, 1934]
çocuklara musıkî kuralları (kaideleri) vererek kendilerine boğazları yırtıla yırtıla bazı parçalar söyletmek
TartarTR kur- +Al

[1] Kurultay, was a political and military council of ancient Mongol and some Turkic chiefs and khans. The root of the word is "Khur" (assemble/discuss) and that helps form "Khural" meaning political "meeting" or "assembly" in Turkic and Mongolian languages. Khuraldai (written Khuruldai) or Khuraldaan means "a gathering", or more literally, "intergatheration". This root is the same in the Mongolian word khurim, which means "feast" and "wedding" and originally referred to large festive gatherings on the steppe, but is used mainly in the sense of wedding in modern times.

All Great Khans of the Mongol Empire, for example Genghis Khan and Ogedei Khan, were formally elected in a Kurultai; khans of subordinate Mongol states, such as the Golden Horde, were elected by a similar regional Kurultai.
During the Kurultai, Mongol Chiefs would all convene in order to choose the next Great Khan. The Kurultai, oftentimes but not always held in the capital of the Mongolian empire, were also a time to assign all critical positions of leadership as well as an opportunity to decide the militaristic direction to be implemented under new Khan and the aforementioned new leadership. 
After the new khan has been elected, an elaborate enthronement procedure followed. Johann Schiltberger, a 15th-century German traveler, described the installation of a new Golden Horde khan as follows:

“ When they choose a king, they take him and seat him on white felt, and raise him in it three times. Then they lift him up and carry him round the tent, and seat him on a throne, and put a golden sword in his hand. Then he must be sworn as is the custom.”

Russian princes and boyars, who often had to wait in Sarai for the Kurultai to elect a new khan, who would then re-issue their yarlyks (patents), would no doubt often witness this khan kutermiak rituals, which became increasingly more frequent and futile during the mid-14th century time of troubles in the Horde, giving rise to the Russian word "кутерьма" (kuter'ma), meaning "running around pointlessly".

The kurultai, however, required the presence of the senior members of the tribes participating, who were also in charge militarily. Thus, the deaths of Ögedei and Möngke in 1241 and 1259, respectively, necessitated the withdrawal of Mongol leaders (and troops) from the outskirts of Vienna and Venice (in 1241) and from Syria (in 1259), hamstringing military operations against the Austrians and Mamluks that might otherwise have continued.

[2] congress (n.) c. 1400, "a body of attendants; also "meeting of armed forces" (mid-15c.); sense of "a coming together of people, a meeting of individuals" is from 1520s; from Latin congressus "a friendly meeting; a hostile encounter," past participle of congredi "to meet with; to fight with," from assimilated form of com "with, together" (see con-) + gradi "to walk," from gradus "a step" (from PIE root *ghredh- "to walk, go").[*]

Meaning "sexual union" is from 1580s. Specific sense of "a meeting of delegates, formal meeting of persons having a representational character" is first recorded 1670s. Used in reference to the national legislative body of the American states (with a capital C-) since 1775 (from 1765 in America as a name for proposed bodies).

The three sittings of the Continental Congress, representing the 13 rebellious American colonies, met 1774, 1775-6, and 1776-81. The Congress of the Confederation met from 1781-89, and the Congress of the United States net from March 4, 1789. The Congress of Vienna met Nov. 1, 1814, to June 8, 1815, and redrew the map of Europe with an eye to creating a balance of powers after the disruptions of Napoleon.

[*] ghredh- Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to walk, go." 

It forms all or part of: aggress; aggression; aggressive; centigrade; congress; degrade; degree; degression; digress; digression; egress; gradation; grade; gradual; graduate; grallatorial; gravigrade; ingredient; ingress; plantigrade; progress; progression; regress; regression; retrograde; retrogress; tardigrade; transgress; transgression. 

It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Latin gradus "a step, a pace, gait," figuratively "a step toward something, a degree of something rising by stages;" gradi "to walk, step, go;" Lithuanian gridiju, gridyti "to go, wander;" Old Church Slavonic gredo "to come;" Old Irish in-greinn "he pursues."

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