Études sur les Tchinghianés ou Bohémiens de l'empire Ottoman.
Alexandre G. Paspati
Constantinople, Antoine Koroméla, 1870.
Large 8vo. Pp. xii, 652. An important work on the Gypsies.
Contains an introduction about recent published works on gypsies, about their customs and manners but it is mainly devoted to the Romany language. It includes a vocabulary with discussions, a grammar, other wordlists, and six tales.
Download French-Gypsy Dictionary as PDF
and Folk Tales as PDF
See also; Alexandros Paspates. The Great Palace of Constantinople.
Elibron Classics, 2001, 392 pages.
ISBN 140217666X paperback
ISBN 1402127286 hardcover
Replica of 1893 edition by Alexander Gardner, London.