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Book | Ottoman Brothers by Michelle U. Campos

Mavi Boncuk |

Ottoman Brothers
Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Early Twentieth-Century Palestine
360 PAGES.

Cloth ISBN: 9780804770675|Paper ISBN: 9780804770682|Digital ISBN: 9780804776783

Winner of the 2011 Yonatan Shapiro Book Prize, sponsored by the Association of Israel Studies.

Winner of the 2011 National Jewish Book Award in Sephardic Culture, sponsored by the Jewish Book Council.

In its last decade, the Ottoman Empire underwent a period of dynamic reform, and the 1908 revolution transformed the empire's 20 million subjects into citizens overnight. Questions quickly emerged about what it meant to be Ottoman, what bound the empire together, what role religion and ethnicity would play in politics, and what liberty, reform, and enfranchisement would look like.

Ottoman Brothers explores the development of Ottoman collective identity, tracing how Muslims, Christians, and Jews became imperial citizens together. In Palestine, even against the backdrop of the emergence of the Zionist movement and Arab nationalism, Jews and Arabs cooperated in local development and local institutions as they embraced imperial citizenship. As Michelle Campos reveals, the Arab-Jewish conflict in Palestine was not immanent, but rather it erupted in tension with the promises and shortcomings of "civic Ottomanism."

Osmanlı Kardeşler: Yirminci Yüzyıl Başlarında Filistin’de Muslumanlar, Hiristiyanlar ve Yahudiler (Turkish translation under contract with KU/Koç University Press, 2013). 

[1] About the author: Michelle U. Campos is Assistant Professor of the History of the Modern Middle East at the University of Florida.

Stanford University Stanford, CA
Ph.D., History, August 2003
M.A., History, 1997
B.A., History (with honors), 1993
Department of History, University of Florida Gainesville, FL
Associate Professor, History of the Modern Middle East 8/2012-present
Assistant Professor, History of the Modern Middle East 8/2006-7/2012
Department of Near Eastern Studies, Cornell University Ithaca, NY
Assistant Professor, History of the Modern Middle East 7/2003-7/2006
Center for Arabic Study Abroad, American University in Cairo (Fall 2006)
 Faculty Fellow: Advanced Arabic paleography and language training
Harvard-Koç Universities Intensive Ottoman Summer Program (Cunda, Turkey, 2002)
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
 Visiting Research Fellow, 2000-01; Visiting Graduate Student, 1993-94

Middlebury College Intensive Arabic Summer Program (1997)

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