The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM)[1] founded many colleges and schools in the Ottoman Empire and the Balkans.
Mavi Boncuk |
[1] The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) was among the first American Christian missionary organizations. It was created in 1810 by recent graduates of Williams College. In the 19th century it was the largest and most important of American missionary organizations. In 1961 the ABCFM or the American Board, as it was often called, merged with other societies to form the United Church Board for World Ministries, an agency of the United Church of Christ. Other organizations that draw inspiration from the ABCFM include InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference, and the Missionary Society of the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches.
American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, The Annual Report,
1917 full text pp. 62-95.
ABCFM-sponsored missionaries:
Mary Louise Graffam (1871 - 1921), Sivas, Ottoman Empire
Thomas Davidson Christie (1843–1931) Missionary-Educator to Central Turkey (1877–1920)
George E. White (October 14, 1861 – April 27, 1946), Marsovan, Ottoman Empire
Clarence Ussher (1870 - 1955), Van, Ottoman Empire
William Goodell (1792–1867) | One of his chief labors was the translation of the Bible into Armeno-Turkish (Turkish written in Armenian letters), in making and revising which he spent 20 years.
Rev. Benjamin Schneider, D.D. Near East Mission (Turkey), Broosa (1834–1849) and Aintab
Mary Louisa Matthews, Monastir, Macedonia Girls' School, Turkey in Europe, 1888–1920
Mavi Boncuk |
[1] The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) was among the first American Christian missionary organizations. It was created in 1810 by recent graduates of Williams College. In the 19th century it was the largest and most important of American missionary organizations. In 1961 the ABCFM or the American Board, as it was often called, merged with other societies to form the United Church Board for World Ministries, an agency of the United Church of Christ. Other organizations that draw inspiration from the ABCFM include InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference, and the Missionary Society of the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches.
American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, The Annual Report,
1917 full text pp. 62-95.
ABCFM-sponsored missionaries:
Mary Louise Graffam (1871 - 1921), Sivas, Ottoman Empire
Thomas Davidson Christie (1843–1931) Missionary-Educator to Central Turkey (1877–1920)
George E. White (October 14, 1861 – April 27, 1946), Marsovan, Ottoman Empire
Clarence Ussher (1870 - 1955), Van, Ottoman Empire
William Goodell (1792–1867) | One of his chief labors was the translation of the Bible into Armeno-Turkish (Turkish written in Armenian letters), in making and revising which he spent 20 years.
Rev. Benjamin Schneider, D.D. Near East Mission (Turkey), Broosa (1834–1849) and Aintab
Mary Louisa Matthews, Monastir, Macedonia Girls' School, Turkey in Europe, 1888–1920