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1922 | Greek Censorship Covers

Mavi Boncuk |

Cover from Κιουταχιά (Kioutahia) to Προύσα (Brusa / Brousse). Ottoman stamp with blue surcharge overprint "ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ // ΚΑΤΟΧΗ // ΛΕΠΤΑ·50 " 50 L |20 Pa Original stamp of the Ottoman Empire Michel Türkei 355 Obv.: Bilingual cancellation "ΚΙΟΥΤΑΧΙΑ // 14.11.1 (handwritten)(turkish inscription) " blue Rev.: arrival stamp " (turkish inscription) 17.11.21*(arabic date) 3 BROUSSE " Censorship cachet "ΕΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΘΗ  (negative turkish inscription) ", violett ink signature

Kütahya: ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΗ ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑ ΚΙΟΥΤΑΧΕΙΑΣ ΣΔΚ 1922 (Military Censorship of Kütahya, Military Administration of Kütahya) blue, sealing the flap of a cover from ΚΙΟΥΤΑΧΙΑ, ٣٨-٥-١٠ (bilingual, Greek and old-Turkish), without stamps but with marking ΕΛΗΦΘΗ ΤΕΛΟΣ (+ handwritten marking in old-Turkish that the fees were paid), SOURCE: Alexandre A. GALINOS 

Eskişehir: ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΗ ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑ ΔΟΡΥΛΑΙΟΥ (Military Censorship of Dorylaeon /=Eski-Chéhir), on cover from ESKİŞEHİR [21-1-338] (Ağaoğulları AP11-10) (Eskichehir) black, with handwritten indication in old-Turkish “postage paid in cash” because of lack of stamps (Greek Occupation), sent to BROUSSE 27.1.22. Commercially used, SOURCE: Alexandre A. GALINOS

Eskişehir: ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΗ ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑ ΔΟΡΥΛΑΙΟΥ (Military Censorship of Dorylaeon /=Eski-Chéhir) black, sealing the flap of a cover from ESKI-CHEHIR 1, ٣٣٨-١-٢٣, without stamps (handwritten marking that the fees were paid), SOURCE: Alexandre A. GALINOS

Bandırma: ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΣΤΡΑΤ. ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑ ΤΜΗΜΑ 1ον (Hellenic Military Censorship, 1st Section) violet, tying the Ottoman stamps and the special censor tape with frame "ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΣΤΑΤ. ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑ ΠΑΝΟΡΜΟΣ" on cover with address in old-Turkish. Handwritten "ελογοκρίθη" (censored) with signature in red pen. SOURCE: Alexandre A. GALINOS

Bandırma: ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΗ ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑ ΤΜΗΜΑ 1ον (Hellenic Military Censorship, 1st Section) black circular handstamp (Binos 16), tying 4x20pa +3pi (in total 5pi) Ottoman stamps and the Greek boxed censor label ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΣΤΡΑΤ. ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑ ΠΑΝΟΡΜΟΣ (Hellenic Military Censorship of Panormos, Binos 15) on cover sent to a Greek in Constantinople. Handwritten "Ελογοκρίθη" (censored) +signature in red pen. SOURCE: Alexandre A. GALINOS

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